Localization in AngularJS Diagram

8 Jul 20222 minutes to read

  • Localization is the process of providing controls in different cultures to help you set your own culture easily. Diagram provides localization support for Context Menu items.
  • The Diagram model’s locale property is used to define the culture code.

The following code illustrates how to provide localization support for Context Menu items.

  • HTML
  • <div ng-controller="diagramCtrl">
            <ej-diagram id="DiagramContent" e-width="100%" e-height="700px" e-nodes="nodes" e-locale="locale">
  • // Defines the context menu items with spanish language
    ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Locale["es-ES"] = {
        cut: "Corte",
        copy: "Copia",
        paste: "Pasta",
        undo: "Deshacer",
        redo: "Rehacer",
        selectAll: "Seleccionar todo",
        grouping: "Agrupación",
        group: "Grupo",
        ungroup: "Desagrupar",
        order: "Fin",
        bringToFront: "Traer a delante",
        moveForward: "Movimiento adelante",
        sendToBack: "Enviar a espalda",
        sendBackward: "Enviar hacia atrás"
    var nodes = [{
        name: "rectangle1",
        offsetY: 100,
        labels: [{
            "text": "Rectangle1"
    //Initializes the Diagram.
    syncApp.controller('diagramCtrl', function($scope) {
        $scope.nodes = nodes;
        $scope.locale = "es-ES";
        $scope.localeText = ["es-ES"];

    AngularJS Diagram localization


    You have to define the textual descriptions of the context menu items for your custom cultures.