
24 Jul 20181 minute to read

Sunburst chart provides zooming (drill down) experience with animation for both mouse and touch enabled devices. It allows you to virtualizing large sets of data into minimum data view.The zooming is achieved by using the property of zoomSettings

The following code shows how to initialize the zooming.

  • JS
  • <ej-sunburstchart  id="sunburst"   [zoomSettings.enable]="true" >

    Zooming toolbar

    By default, zooming toolbar will be enabled while zooming the segment.It contains both back and reset option.
    You can align the zooming toolbar position by using zoomSettings.toolbarHorizontalAlignment and zoomSettings.toolbarVerticalAlignment property.

  • JS
  • <ej-sunburstchart  id="sunburst"  [zoomSettings.enable]="true" zoomSettings.toolbarHorizontalAlignment="left">

    Click here to view the Zooming sample of the Sunburst Chart.