Visual Customization in Xamarin Radio Button (SfRadioButton)

8 Aug 20234 minutes to read

Customizing a state color

The default state colors can be customized using the CheckedColor and UncheckedColor properties. The checked state color is updated to the CheckedColor property value when the state is changed to the checked. The unchecked state color is updated to the UncheckedColor property value when the state is changed to unchecked.

<syncfusion:SfRadioGroup x:Name="radioGroup">
<syncfusion:SfRadioButton x:Name="check" Text="RadioButton" IsChecked="True" CheckedColor="Green"/>
<syncfusion:SfRadioButton x:Name="uncheck" Text="RadioButton" UncheckedColor="Violet"/>
SfRadioGroup radioGroup = new SfRadioGroup();
SfRadioButton check = new SfRadioButton();
check.Text = "RadioButton";
check.IsChecked = true;
check.CheckedColor = Color.Green;
SfRadioButton uncheck = new SfRadioButton();
uncheck.Text = "RadioButton";
uncheck.UncheckedColor = Color.Violet;

CheckedColor and UncheckedColor in RadioButton


The border thickness of the circle in the RadioButton control can be customized using the BorderWidth property.

<syncfusion:SfRadioGroup >
<syncfusion:SfRadioButton Text="Checked State" IsChecked="True" BorderWidth="3"/>
<syncfusion:SfRadioButton Text="UnChecked State" BorderWidth="3"/>
SfRadioGroup radioGroup = new SfRadioGroup();
SfRadioButton check = new SfRadioButton();
check.Text = "Checked State";
check.IsChecked = true;
check.BorderWidth = 3;
SfRadioButton uncheck = new SfRadioButton();
uncheck.Text = "UnChecked State";
uncheck.BorderWidth = 3;

RadioButton BorderWidth


BorderWidth support has not been provided for Android Platform.

Setting a caption text appearance

You can customize the display text appearance of the SfRadioButton control using the following properties:

<syncfusion:SfRadioButton x:Name="radioButton" Text="RadioButton" IsChecked="True" TextColor="Violet" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" FontFamily="Arial" FontAttributes="Bold" FontSize="20"/>
SfRadioButton radioButton = new SfRadioButton();
radioButton.Text = "RadioButton";
radioButton.IsChecked = true;
radioButton.TextColor = Color.Violet;
radioButton.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
radioButton.FontFamily = "Arial";
radioButton.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
radioButton.FontSize = 20;

RadioButton TextAppereance


The LineBreakMode allows you to wrap or truncate the text. The default value of this property is NoWrap. The following other options are available in LineBreakMode:

This demo can be downloaded from this link.

Size customization

The ControlSize property is used to customize the RadioButton control size.

    <syncfusion:SfRadioButton Text="RadioButton" ControlSize="60"/>
StackLayout stackLayout = new StackLayout();
SfRadioButton radioButton = new SfRadioButton();
radioButton.Text = "Radio Button";
radioButton.ControlSize = 60;


ControlSize is not applicable for Android Platform.

See also

How to wrap text in Xamarin.Forms radio button (SfRadioButton)