
8 Jan 202511 minutes to read

Markers provide some messages on the map.

Markers are set to map by using the following two ways:

  1. Adding marker objects to map.
  2. Defining custom marker.

Adding marker

Any number of markers can be added to the shape file layers using the Markers property. Each marker object contains the following list of properties:

Label: Text that is used to display information.

Latitude: Latitude point that specifies the y-axis position of the marker.

Longitude: Longitude point that specifies the x-axis position of the marker.

SFShapeFileLayer layer = new SFShapeFileLayer();

    layer.Uri = (NSString)NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("usa_state", "shp");

    SFMapMarker mapMarker = new SFMapMarker();

    mapMarker.Label = (NSString)"California";

    mapMarker.Latitude = 37;

    mapMarker.Longitude = -120;



Marker Image

Marker customization

A map marker can be customized using the MarkerSettings property in shape file layer.

Customizing marker icons

The size and color of a marker icon can be customized using the IconSize, and IconColor properties.

Icon types

The shape of a marker icon can be customized using the MarkerIcon property. Maps supports the following types of marker icons:

  • Circle
  • Diamond
  • Image
  • Rectangle
  • Square
SFMap map = new SFMap();

SFShapeFileLayer layer = new SFShapeFileLayer();

layer.Uri = (NSString)NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("usa_state", "shp");

SFMapMarker mapMarker = new SFMapMarker();

mapMarker.Label = (NSString)"California";

mapMarker.Latitude = 37;

mapMarker.Longitude = -120;


SFMapMarkerSetting markerSetting = new SFMapMarkerSetting();

markerSetting.MarkerIcon = SFMapMarkerIcon.SFMapMarkerIconSquare;

layer.MarkerSettings = markerSetting;



Marker icon type suqare

Setting contrast color

Based on the background color of the shapes, contrast color will be applied to marker icon.

SFMap map = new SFMap();
            SFShapeFileLayer layer = new SFShapeFileLayer();
            layer.Uri =      (NSString)NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("usa_state", "shp");
            layer.DataSource = GetDataSource();
            layer.ShapeIDTableField = (NSString)"STATE_NAME";
            layer.ShapeIDPath = (NSString)"State";
            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping = new SFEqualColorMapping();
            colorMapping.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(216, 68, 68);
            colorMapping.Value = (NSString)"Romney";
            SFEqualColorMapping colorMapping1 = new SFEqualColorMapping();
            colorMapping1.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(49, 109, 181);
            colorMapping1.Value = (NSString)"Obama";
legendSetting.ShowLegend = true;
            legendSetting.Position = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(30, 70);
            legendSetting.IconSize = new CoreGraphics.CGSize(20, 20);
            layer.LegendSettings = legendSetting;
            SFMapMarker marker = new SFMapMarker();
            marker.Latitude = 37;
            marker.Longitude = -120;
            SFMapMarker marker1 = new SFMapMarker();
            marker1.Latitude = 31;
            marker1.Longitude = -97;
            SFMapMarker marker2 = new SFMapMarker();
            marker2.Latitude = 41;
            marker2.Longitude = -92;
            SFMapMarker marker3 = new SFMapMarker();
            marker3.Latitude = 38;
            marker3.Longitude = -98;
            SFMapMarker marker4 = new SFMapMarker();
            marker4.Latitude = 41;
            marker4.Longitude = -99;
            SFShapeSetting shapeSetting = new SFShapeSetting();
            shapeSetting.ValuePath = (NSString)"Candidate";
            shapeSetting.ColorValuePath = (NSString)"Candidate";
            layer.ShapeSettings = shapeSetting;

Marker icon color based on the background color

Setting image marker icon

You can pin the image as marker icon by setting the icon type as Image and ImageSource to get the image from local path.

SFMap map = new SFMap();

SFShapeFileLayer layer = new SFShapeFileLayer();

layer.Uri = (NSString)NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("usa_state", "shp");

SFMapMarker marker = new SFMapMarker();

marker.Label = (NSString)"Texas";

marker.Latitude = 31.267153;

marker.Longitude = -97.7430608;


SFMapMarker mapMarker = new SFMapMarker();

mapMarker.Label = (NSString)"California";

mapMarker.Latitude = 37;

mapMarker.Longitude = -120;


SFMapMarkerSetting markerSetting = new SFMapMarkerSetting();

markerSetting.MarkerIcon = SFMapMarkerIcon.Image;

markerSetting.ImageSource = (NSString)"pin.png";

layer.MarkerSettings = markerSetting;



marker icon type image

Label customization

A marker label’s color and size can be customized using the LabelColor and LabelSize properties.

The following code explains the marker customization.

SFMap map = new SFMap();

SFShapeFileLayer layer = new SFShapeFileLayer();

layer.Uri = (NSString)NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("usa_state", "shp");

SFMapMarker mapMarker = new SFMapMarker();

mapMarker.Label = (NSString)"California";

mapMarker.Latitude = 37;

mapMarker.Longitude = -120;


SFMapMarkerSetting markerSetting = new SFMapMarkerSetting();

markerSetting.IconColor = UIColor.Red;

markerSetting.IconSize = 15;

markerSetting.MarkerIcon = SFMapMarkerIcon.SFMapMarkerIconDiamond;

markerSetting.LabelColor = UIColor.White;

layer.MarkerSettings = markerSetting;



marker label customization

Custom marker

Maps provide support for defining the custom marker by inheriting the MapMarker class.

SFMap map = new SFMap();

SFShapeFileLayer layer = new SFShapeFileLayer();

layer.Uri = (NSString)NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("usa_state", "shp");

CustomMarker mapMarker = new CustomMarker();

mapMarker.Label = (NSString)"California";

mapMarker.Latitude = 37;

mapMarker.Longitude = -120;




Below snippet explains on how to define custom marker with image support.

public class CustomMarker : SFMapMarker
public CustomMarker()

public string Population;

public string Name;

public override UIView GetView(CGPoint bounds)

UIImageView image = new UIImageView(new CGRect(bounds.X - 8, bounds.Y - 25, 15, 23));
image.Image = new UIImage("pin.png");
return image;

public override CGPoint GetPoint()
return new CGPoint(-8, -25);


custom marker


Delegate is triggered from SFMapDelegate
Argument contains the MapMarker which gives the information about the marker.

map.Delegate = new MapsDelegate(this);
 UIView markerView = new UIView();
markerView.Frame = new CGRect(50, 350, 200, 300);
 public void DisplayToastWithMessage(NSString toastMessage)
 UIWindow keyWindow = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;
 if (toastView != null)
 UIView toastView = new UIView();
 UILabel label1 = new UILabel();
 label1.TextColor  = UIColor.White;
 label1.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(16);
 label1.Text = toastMessage;
 label1.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; ;
 toastView.Alpha = 1;
 toastView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green.ColorWithAlpha(0.7f);
 toastView.Layer.CornerRadius = 10;
 CGSize expectedLabelSize1 = toastMessage.GetSizeUsingAttributes(new UIStringAttributes() { Font = label1.Font });
 toastView.Frame = new CGRect(0.0f, 50, Math.Max(expectedLabelSize1.Width, expectedLabelSize1.Width) + 20, 45.0f);
 label1.Frame = new CGRect(0.0f, 20, Math.Max(expectedLabelSize1.Width, expectedLabelSize1.Width) + 15, 15.0f);
 toastView.Center = markerView.Center;
 public class MapsDelegate : SFMapsDelegate
 public MapsDelegate(DataMarker markers)
 marker = markers;
 DataMarker marker;
 public override void DidLoad(SFMap map)
 public override void OnMarkerSelected(SFMap map, MarkerSelectedEventArgs markerSelectedEventArgs)
 SFMapMarker mapMarker = (SFMapMarker)markerSelectedEventArgs.SelectedMarker;

marker selected event