Handling overflow tabs

21 Feb 20181 minute to read

When having large number of tabs, by default scroller will be enabled to view the overflow of headers, in case needed, it can be selected from pop-up by setting OverflowMode of SfTabView as DropDown.

tabView.OverflowMode = OverflowMode.DropDown;

By selection drop-down option for tab view control, there is a button named “Overflow button” (or “More button”) will be added to the header. When click on this button, it will display a pop-up to navigate the other indices.


Pop-up will display the text value only, it will show the title value of the respective tab item.

How to customize the more button?

Appearance of the text can be customized through the APIs available OverflowButtonSettings of SfTabView. It has APIs to customize both text and font icons available in this button.

var overflowButtonSettings = new OverflowButtonSettings();
overflowButtonSettings.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
overflowButtonSettings.DisplayMode = OverflowButtonDisplayMode.Text;
overflowButtonSettings.Title = "...";
overflowButtonSettings.TitleFontSize = 30;
overflowButtonSettings.TitleFontColor = Color.Yellow;
tabView.OverflowButtonSettings = overflowButtonSettings;