Region in WPF Sunburst Chart (SfSunburstChart)

17 Aug 20211 minute to read

Sunburst region represents the entire chart and all its elements. It includes all the chart elements like Legend, DataLabel, Levels etc. It has some major properties as

ItemsSource – Gets or sets the IEnumerable values used to generate the chart.

ValueMemberPath – Gets or Sets the property path of the value.

Legend – Gets or Sets the legend for the chart.

Levels – Gets or Sets the collection of hierarchical level for the chart.

DataLabels – Gets or Sets the collection of DataLabels for the chart.

Behaviors – Gets or Sets the collection of behavior for the chart.

Start and End angle

You can change the start and end angle of Sunburst chart using StartAngle and EndAngle property as shown in below code

<sunburst:SfSunburstChart StartAngle="180"

sunburstChart.StartAngle = 180;
sunburstChart.EndAngle = 360;


Sunburst radius

Sunburst chart allows you to customize the sunburst radius by using Radius property. Default value of this property is 0.9 and the value range between 0 to 1.

<sunburst:SfSunburstChart Radius="0.6">

chart.Radius = 0.6;


Sunburst inner radius

Sunburst chart allows you to customize the inner radius using InnerRadius property. The default value of this property is 0.2 and value range between 0 to 1.

<sunburst:SfSunburstChart InnerRadius="0.5">

chart.InnerRadius = 0.5;
