Featured Samples for Syncfusion® WPF Controls
21 Jan 20251 minute to read
Syncfusion® WPF Controls Panel
To explore Syncfusion® WPF controls and components, Open Syncfusion<sup>®</sup> WPF Controls Panel
by searching it from start and open.
In another way, open the Control Panel from the following installed location.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\WPF\28.2.3\Infrastructure\Launcher\Syncfusion WPF Control Panel.exe
In above section, latest Essential Studio® version details has been provided. You can refer installed Essential Studio® version instead of mentioned version.
WPF Sample Browser
To explore the locally installed demos, click Run Local Demos
and select either .NET Core
or .NET FrameWork
, which will open WPF Sample Browser
Offline Samples
The Offline samples are available in the following installed location where you can make changes and further exploration of controls.
The offline samples can also be explored directly from the Syncfusion<sup>®</sup> WPF Sample Browser
and opened in Visual Studio by running the required sample and selecting the Open source code in visual studio
Offline showcase samples
To explore any individual showcase sample from the Syncfusion<sup>®</sup> WPF Sample Browser
, Click Explore Demo Source
and navigate to showcase
To run the individual control demos, please refer the instruction from Running Individual Control Demos.
Online Samples
- Download and install
demos from App Center. - Download and install
.Net Framework
demos from Microsoft Store.
Download demos from online (Clone from github repository)
You can explore Syncfusion® WPF controls using GitHub WPF demos, where all wpf demos are configured using NuGet
to run without installing Syncfusion® WPF Studio.
Download showcase demos from online
You can explore showcase demos from GitHub WPF demos.