Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

July 16, 2024


Bug fixes

  • #I599482 - The System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterException will no longer be thrown due to unresolved reference in ChromelessWindow control.


Bug fixes

  • #FB58336 - System.ArgumentException will no longer be thrown when changing the selection mode from SingleSelection to MultiSelection in ComboBoxAdv control.


Bug Fixes

  • #I602597 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX to HTML format document.
  • #I606445 - Table will be preserved properly while converting RTF format document to DOCX.
  • #I605797 - Table description now preserved properly while converting DOCX format document to HTML.
  • #I606091 - Page number is now updated properly while updating table of contents with empty section.
  • #I606822 - Default font is now applied properly for the Chinese text while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I606400 - Vertical position of image in header is now updated properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I601786 - Hanging issue will no longer occurs while converting a Word document to PDF, when table is intersected with image in header.


Bug Fixes

  • #I602252 – Fixed the issue where the TextData does not return the proper value after extracting text using ExtractText.
  • #F189049 – Fixed the issue where the signature is invalid after locking the signature in the document.
  • #I606801 – Improved performance when retrieving pages from PDF documents.
  • #I595370 – Fixed wrong encoding when converting PDF to PDF/A.
  • #I608061 – Fixed the issue where a null exception is thrown while merging the pages in the PDF document.

Pivot Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I606282 - Now, the ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown when dropping the PivotItems from the group panel to a data header area in the PivotGridControl.


Bug Fixes

  • #I600746 - Picture is now applied properly in the picture strips SmartArt.
  • #I604726 – Corruption will no longer occur while cloning and merging a PowerPoint slide with two Prism graphs.
  • #I604609 - Corruption will no longer occur after removing the unused master slides and layout slides in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #I601620 – The AccessViolationException will no longer be thrown while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF in multiple threads.
  • The KeyNotFoundException will no longer be thrown while saving the document with cloned PowerPoint slide.


Bug fixes

  • #I591057 - System.InvalidCastException will no longer be thrown during the item generation for the filter popup when an abstract type model is bound to a DataGrid with view filtering applied.

  • #I601616 - System.NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when setting the SelectionBorderVisibility
    property of a GridCell style in application resources.

  • #I610238 - Now, FilterRow is accessible when GridColumn.IsReadOnly or DataGrid.IsReadOnly is set to True.


Bug fixes

  • #F167064 - New pointers can now be added dynamically to the bounded Pointers property.


Bug fixes

  • #F188891 - Now the ArgumentException will no longer be thrown when we place the current cell in the first row and first column, then press CTRL + LEFT or CTRL + UP in SfSpreadsheet.


Bug Fixes

  • #I608991 - Cell data with @ symbol is preserved properly while saving the Excel document.
  • #I605363 - Exception will no longer be thrown when parsing VML shapes if the sheet contains threaded comments.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.