Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

July 24, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #I606132 - Section breaks are now handled properly when accepting tracked changes in a Word document.


Bug fixes

  • #I600398 - Setting the ActiveDocument of DocumentContainer to ActiveWindow now properly triggers the ActiveWindowChanged event during project startup.
  • #I600606 - InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when placing a floating window docked in another floating window across screens.
  • #I601333 - The state of the Document item does not change to Float when rearranging the item that contains a Windows Forms (WF) host.


Bug Fixes

  • #I604285 – Comments and string literals are now correctly highlighted within conditional statements in EditControl for the C# language.



  • #FB20829 - The XML import and export support for custom view model has been implemented in Gantt control.


Bug Fixes

  • #I608099 – Fixed an issue where annotations were not displayed correctly after flattening the PDF document.
  • #FB51090 – Fixed an exception that occurred when retrieving the page value from the radio button field in a PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I601526 – Annotation toolbar will not be closed while closing the comments pane during unloading PdfViewer.
  • #I602319 – Page navigation will now work properly in WPF PdfViewer.
  • #I602494 – Page navigation using thumbnail pane will now work properly in PdfViewer.
  • #I607053 – ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while expanding Organize Pane /Thumbnail Pane.
  • #I609291 – ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while printing the PDF with custom page range.
  • #I609317 – NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while rotating the PDF page.
  • #I610540 – NullReferenceException will no longer occur while retrieving stamp annotation icon in existing PDF using PdfViewer.


No Changes for this product in this version.


Bug fixes

  • #I593300 - The RibbonCheckBox content now aligns properly when changing the VerticalContentAlignment.
  • #I601044 - The Ribbon control will not disappear when changing themes dynamically, even when it contains an EditControl.


Bug Fixes

  • #I607075 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when changing the SpacingAt and IndentationBy values in the paragraph dialog.
  • #I607917 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown when setting out-of-limit values for lineSpacingAt in the paragraph dialog.


Bug fixes

  • #I577778 - The NullReference exception will no longer occur when using TabControlExt in the Rev it 2025 application.


Bug fixes

  • #I592142 - The TileViewItem HeaderTemplate now applies properly when changing the TileViewItem state.
  • #I587359 - The Layout of the TileView is now updated properly when changing the ColumnCount dynamically.
  • #I595914 - Tile Items will be arranged properly when changing RowCount and ColumnCount on SizeChanging event.
  • #F892346 - Binding errors will no longer occur in TileViewControl when applying theme studio themes.
  • #I599269 - The TileView control renders properly when the grid row height is set to auto.



  • Added support for notifying toolbar state changes with the ToolBarStateChanged event.

Bug Fixes

  • #I587674 - Resolved issues in the ToolBarAdv control where icons were clipped, and the drop-down button was not visible.

Visual Studio Extensions

Bug Fixes

  • #I606089 - The issue where an ‘Invalid License Key’ notification would appear if there was a space or newline after the period (.) in Syncfusion.Licensing.SyncfusionLicenseProvider.RegisterLicense has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • The pie chart color is now preserved properly when cloning and resaving the Excel document.