Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

June 11, 2024



New Material 3 light and dark themes support provided for WPF Syncfusion and framework controls.


Bug fixes

  • #I578812 - The SelectedBrush now updates properly in the ColorPickerPalette.




Bug fixes

  • #I583042 - The IsPinned property now works properly in the DockingManager.


Bug fixes

  • #I573112 - Resolved an issue where IntelliSense was not working properly when typing letters similar to DLL entities.
  • #I589798 - Fixed an issue where a NullReferenceException was thrown in EditControl when finding text and then switching tabs in the tab control.



  • #I226929, #F134945, #I244449 - Provided support for users to easily reorder rows within the Gantt control by dragging and dropping them.
  • #I297685, #I224469, #F380253, #F448636 - Enabled users to filter nodes using an intuitive, built-in, Excel-inspired filtering UI with various filter options, and to sort columns in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header.
  • #F43883 - Provides users with the ability to change the appearance of their Gantt grid, schedule, and chart using various built-in themes.
  • #F49375 - Added dynamic support for split tasks.
  • #F50558 - Added dynamic support for the strip lines collection.
  • #F34674 - Improved GanttGrid design by integrating SfTreeGrid into the Gantt control.

Breaking Changes

Due to the integration of SfTreeGrid in the Gantt control, there are some breaking changes in the API. For more details, please refer to the following user guide link.

SfTreeGrid migration details

  • #I573240 - The CanExecute functionality now works properly when using the MVVM pattern in the MenuAdv control.



  • #I527700 - Provided support for measuring titling space while measuring text in a PDF document.
  • #I542030 - Provided support to measure and render text using TrueType font with floating-point data type.
  • #I533478 - Provided support for duplicating pages from the existing PDF document.
  • #I539652 - Provide support to get the text color in a PDF document when extracting text.
  • #I477716 - Provide support for merging PDF documents without losing accessibility tags.

Bug Fixes

  • #I586084 - Fixed the issue where text wasn’t preserved correctly when filling in a rotated textbox field.
  • #I588596 - Fixed the preservation issue after redacting certain PDF documents.
  • #I581284 - Fixed the issue of missing spaces between words when extracting text from a PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I584234 – Exceptions will no longer be thrown in Hosted applications.
  • #I588596 – Redacted PDF will now be saved properly in WPF PdfViewer.


  • Provided support for adding, editing, and deleting comments on annotations within PDF documents. Users can reply to comments and set their status through the comment panel, facilitating dynamic and interactive document review.



  • #I497945 - Provided an API to access end paragraph font properties in the PowerPoint.
  • Added support to preserve highlight colors while converting PowerPoint to PDF and image.


Bug fixes

  • #I583133 - The Minimize and Maximize buttons are now properly enabled in RibbonWindow when using the Office2013 style.
  • #I582856 - The ApplicationMenu will no longer overlap the Ribbon menu.
  • #I584995 - The RibbonStatusBar content will no longer be cropped in Windows 11 themes.


Bug fixes

  • #I578860 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when we try to set HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset for the collapsed Diagram.
  • #I577443 - The currently selected brush is now applied properly to the Diagram elements while selecting it again using the LineColorPickerPalette in our SfDiagramRibbon control.
  • #I570371 - Now, the ConnectionIndicator style of DockPort is updated properly in all System Cultures.
  • #I563084 - Now, the SymbolGroups will be displayed properly in the stencil when setting the ExpandMode as All.
  • #I584389 - Now, the Container boundaries are properly updated when adding diagram elements at the edges of the Container through Command.
  • #584319 - Now, the Container can be drag and drop easily in Diagram using the DragDropManager from any UI Control.
  • #I438061 - Nodes and Connectors won’t get disconnected in Preview mode.


  • #I559914 - Supported serializing the PageSettings properties while saving and loading the Diagram.
  • #I476392 - Provided ContextMenu support for the SymbolGroup Headers.
  • Provided view model support for SymbolGroup in Stencil.
  • Provided PositionIndicator support in Rulers to show the precise position of the Mouse pointer on the Diagram page.
  • Provided Keyboard Command support for Stencil.

Breaking Changes

  • The SymbolGroupProvider class is obsolete; you can use the GroupMappingName property instead.
  • The Categories property is obsolete; you can use the CategorySource property in SymbolGroupViewModel.


Bug fixes

  • #F187693 - The first column width is updated based on its content size in our SfHeatMap control.



  • #F46139 - Provides the ability to add spacing between a cell’s appointment and its border, with options for right-side spacing in day and month views, and bottom-side spacing in timeline views.
  • #F27694 - Enabled interactive tooltips to show appointment details on hover.


Bug Fixes

  • #I574083, #I578478, #I584294 - Duplicate path creation will no longer occur when exporting the MaterialDarkBlue or MaterialLightBlue themes.


Bug fixes

  • #I596674, #I597809 -Adding node at runtime was not working due to the #I578567 changes, but now that issue has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I578252 - Tabs are now selected properly when clicking on them in ThemeStudio themes.
  • #I583983 - The TabItemExt now appears properly when moving from one tab group to another that contains a pinned tab.
  • #I581936 - The IsDisableUnloadTabItemExtContent property now works properly in TabControlExt when using old themes.


Bug fixes

  • #I534827 - The TileView layout now updates properly when hiding and unhiding TileViewItems.
  • #I573812 - Binding errors will no longer occur in TileViewControl.
  • #I560948 - The TileViewItem is now properly removed from the TileViewControl.
  • #I592142 - The TileViewItem HeaderTemplate now applies properly when changing the TileViewItem state.
  • #I587584 - The TileViewControl layout updates properly when it contains only one item in a row and column.



  • #F40969 - Provided support for the “Show values row” option in pivot table creation and Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I557286 - Provided support for gradient fill style in conditional formatting when creating a Excel document and Excel to PDF conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #I588280 - Exception is no longer thrown when applying a formula that contains the ‘@’ character.