Sorting in WPF Olap Client
6 May 20211 minute to read
The sorting tab in the Filtering and Sorting dialog box provides an option to sort the results by rows or columns in ascending or descending order.
- Column sorting: Sorts the columns in the result set based on the column total of each column.
- Row sorting: Sorts the rows in the result set based on the row total of each row.
Filtering and Sorting dialog box for rows or columns can be opened by clicking the corresponding icon in the toolbar.
Sorting by row
Sorting by column
The following screenshot displays the sorting tab in the Filtering and Sorting dialog box.
The options in the sorting tab are as follows:
- Sorting on: Displays the list of measure elements to choose one to set as the key field.
- Ascending or descending: Specifies the sorting order.
- Preserve hierarchy: Sorts the records without changing the hierarchy order.
To toggle the visibility of the filter and sort buttons in the OLAP client toolbar, use the ShowFilterSortButtons
this.olapClient1.ShowFilterSortButtons = false;
Me.olapClient1.ShowFilterSortButtons = False