Segments in Linear ProgressBar

3 Sep 20201 minute to read

Divides the progressbar into multiple segements using the API.


To visualize the progress of multiple sequential tasks, split the progressbar into multiple segments by setting the SegmentCount.

<Syncfusion:SfLinearProgressBar Progress="70"  SegmentCount="4" />
SfLinearProgressBar linear = new SfLinearProgressBar();
 linear.Progress = 70;
linear.SegmentCount = 5;
linear.Width = 500;
linear.Height = 20;

Segment image

Segment with corner radius

Corner radius helps to generate rounded edges for the progressbar. This can be achieved through the IndicatorCornerRadius property.

<Syncfusion:SfLinearProgressBar Progress="70"  SegmentCount="4"  IndicatorCornerRadius="10"/>
SfLinearProgressBar linear = new SfLinearProgressBar();
linear.Progress = 70;5
linear.SegmentCount = 5;
linear.IndicatorCornerRadius =10;
linear.Width = 500;
linear.Height = 20;

Segment image