Alignment and positioning in WinUI Badge

31 May 202211 minutes to read

This section explains the alignment and positioning functionalities available in the WinUI Badge control.

Alignment of Badge

You can align the Badge either horizontally or vertically by using the HorizontalAlignment or VerticalAlignment properties. The default value of HorizontalAlignment property is Right and VerticalAlignment property is Top.

VerticalAlignment Left Center Right Stretch
Top Left-Top alignment of Badge Center-Top alignment of Badge Right-Top alignment of Badge Stretch-Top alignment of Badge
Center Left-center alignment of Badge Center-Center alignment of Badge Right-Center alignment of Badge Stretch-Center alignment of Badge
Bottom Left-Bottom alignment of Badge Center-Bottom alignment of Badge Right-Bottom alignment of Badge Stretch-Bottom alignment of Badge
Stretch Left-Stretch alignment of Badge Center-Stretch alignment of Badge Right-Stretch alignment of Badge Stretch-Stretch alignment of Badge
<notification:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <notification:SfBadge HorizontalAlignment="Left"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
badge.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
badge.Content = "99+";

Alignment of the Badge control is changed


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Positioning of Badge

You can change the horizontal or vertical position of the Badge either inside, outside or in the middle by using the HorizontalAnchor and VerticalAnchor properties. It will be placed based on the value of HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties. The default value of HorizontalAnchor and VerticalAnchor properties is Center.

For example, you will see how the HorizontalAnchor and VerticalAnchor values work based on the HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment values. Here, the value of HorizontalAlignment properties is Right and VerticalAlignment property is Top.

VerticalAnchor Inside Center OutSide
Inside Inside-Inside positioning of Badge Center-Inside positioning of Badge Outside-Inside positioning of Badge
Center Inside-Center positioning of Badge Center-Center positioning of Badge Outside-Center positioning of Badge
Outside Inside-Outside positioning of Badge Center-Outside positioning of Badge Outside-Outside positioning of Badge
<notification:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <notification:SfBadge HorizontalAnchor="Outside"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.HorizontalAnchor = BadgeAnchor.Outside;
badge.VerticalAnchor = BadgeAnchor.Center;
badge.Content = "99+";

Position of the Badge control is changed


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Place the Badge any where on the container

If you want to place the Badge anywhere on the container, use the HorizontalPosition or VerticalPosition properties. The value range for HorizontalPosition and VerticalPosition properties is 0 to 1. The default value of HorizontalPosition property is 1 and VerticalPosition property is 0.

        <PersonPicture Width="100"
        <notification:SfBadge x:Name="badge3"
            <Ellipse Width="20" Height="20" Fill="LimeGreen"/>
badge.HorizontalPosition = 0.9;
badge.VerticalPosition = 0.8;

Displaying the customized alignment of the Badge control

Custom alignment and positioning of Badge

By using the HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAnchor, and VerticalAnchor properties, you can place Badge only at particular position. If you want to place the Badge at a custom position, use the HorizontalPosition and VerticalPosition properties, as well as the HorizontalAnchorPosition and VerticalAnchorPosition properties. This will be effective only on by setting the HorizontalAnchor and VerticalAnchor properties value as Custom. The value range for the HorizontalAnchorPosition and VerticalAnchorPosition properties is 0 to1. The default value of HorizontalAnchorPositionand VerticalAnchorPosition properties is 0.

For example, you will see how the HorizontalPosition and HorizontalAnchorPosition values work based on the VerticalAnchorPosition and VerticalPosition values. Here, VerticalPosition and VerticalAnchorPosition properties value is 0.

HorizontalPosition 0 0.5 1
0 Left-Top custom alignment of Badge Left-center custom alignment of Badge Left-Bottom custom alignment of Badge
0.5 Center-Top custom alignment of Badge Center-Center custom alignment of Badge Center-Bottom custom alignment of Badge
1 Right-Top custom alignment of Badge Right-Center custom alignment of Badge Right-Bottom custom alignment of Badge
<notification:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <notification:Badge HorizontalAnchorPosition="0.2"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.HorizontalAnchor = BadgeAnchor.Custom;
badge.VerticalAnchor = BadgeAnchor.Custom;
badge.HorizontalAnchorPosition = 0.2;
badge.VerticalAnchorPosition = 0;
badge.HorizontalPosition = 0;
badge.VerticalPosition  0;
badge.Content = "99+";

Custom position of the Badge control is changed

Badge content alignment

you can place the Badge content either horizontally or vertically by using the HorizontalContentAlignment or VerticalContentAlignment properties. The default value of HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties is Center.

<notification:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <notification:SfBadge HorizontalContentAlignment="Right"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
badge.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
badge.Content = "99+";

Alignment of the Badge content is changed


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Padding for Badge content

By default, Badge control size automatically assigned based on its content. You can change the left, right, top, and bottom content spacing of a Badge control by using the Padding property. The default value of Padding property is 0,0,0,0.

<notification:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer">
        <notification:SfBadge Padding="10"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Padding = new Thickness() { Bottom = 10, Left = 10, Right = 10, Top = 10 };
badge.Content = "10";

Content spacing of Badge


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Auto re-positioning support

If you change the container size, Badge will be repositioned automatically to the existing position on the container.

<notification:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer">
        <notification:SfBadge Content="99+"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Content = "10";

Auto re-positioning support