Populating Items in UWP Menu (SfMenu)

10 May 20213 minutes to read

SfMenuItem can be added as items of SfMenu. Items can be added using Items or ItemsSource property.

Populating Items through adding SfMenuItem

SfMenu accepts SfMenuItem as its children when added directly.

Adding Items to the Control

Here five SfMenuItems are added as the children of the SfMenu.

<menu:SfMenu >

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="File"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Home"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header = "Insert"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header = "Design" />

<menu:SfMenuItem Header = "Layout" />

SfMenu sfMenu = new SfMenu();

sfMenu.Items.Add(new SfMenuItem { Header = "File" });

sfMenu.Items.Add(new SfMenuItem { Header = "Home" });

sfMenu.Items.Add(new SfMenuItem { Header = "Insert" });

sfMenu.Items.Add(new SfMenuItem { Header = "Design" });

sfMenu.Items.Add(new SfMenuItem { Header = "Layout" });

Populating Items through Binding

SfMenu accepts any business object collection to be bound to its ItemsSource property.

Adding items to the control

Follow the below steps to add the Items through ItemsSource property.

1.Create a model

public class Model


private string _header;

public string Header




return _header;




_header = value;




2.Create a collection of model

public class ViewModel


private Observable

Collection<Model> _collection;

public ObservableCollection<Model> MenuCollection




return _collection;




_collection = value;



public ViewModel()


MenuCollection = new ObservableCollection<Model>();

MenuCollection.Add(new Model() { Header = "File" });

MenuCollection.Add(new Model() { Header = "Home" });

MenuCollection.Add(new Model() { Header = "Insert" });

MenuCollection.Add(new Model() { Header = "Design" });

MenuCollection.Add(new Model() { Header = "Layout" });



3.Bind the MenuCollection to ItemsSource property of SfMenu Control.

<menu:SfMenu ItemsSource="{Binding MenuCollection}" />

SfMenu control is populated as follows:


Displaying the Item

Content can be displayed using the DisplayMemberPath and ItemTemplate property.

<menu:SfMenu ItemsSource="{Binding MenuCollection}"  DisplayMemberPath="Header" />
  • XAML
  • <menu:SfMenu ItemsSource="{Binding MenuCollection}" >
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Header}"/>
