CheckBox and RadioButton in UWP Menu (SfMenu)

10 May 20212 minutes to read

SfMenu provides a support for selecting several items. SfMenuItem can be changed as checkable by setting the IsCheckable property of the SfMenuItem to “true”. You can change the icon type (Check Box or Radio Button) by using the CheckIconType property, also it can be checked by using the IsChecked property.

Add Check Box and Radio Button in SfMenuItem

SfMenuItem’s will be grouped based on the value of the GroupName property and it allows to select only one item from the group by setting the CheckIconType property of SfMenuItem to RadioButton. Similarly SfMenuItem can be checked and unchecked by set the CheckIconType property of SfMenuItem to CheckBox. The Check Box and Radio Button support can be used as shown in the following code snippet.

<menu:SfMenu  x:Name="Sfmenu"  ExpandMode="ExpandOnClick" Width="176">

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="File"   >

<menu:SfMenuItem  Header="New" IsCheckable="true"
                  CheckIconType="CheckBox" IsChecked="true"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem  Header="Open" IsCheckable="true"
                  CheckIconType="RadioButton" IsChecked="true"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Close"  IsCheckable="true"
                 CheckIconType="CheckBox" IsChecked="true"/>


<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Edit">

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Undo" IsCheckable="true"
                 CheckIconType="CheckBox" IsChecked="true"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Redo"  IsCheckable="true"
                 CheckIconType="RadioButton" IsChecked="true"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Cut"  IsCheckable="true"
                 CheckIconType="RadioButton" IsChecked="true"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Copy" IsCheckable="true"
                 CheckIconType="CheckBox" IsChecked="true"/>


<menu:SfMenuItem Header="View">

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Find Results" />

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Other Windows" />


