Expand Modes in UWP Menu (SfMenu)

10 May 20211 minute to read

Expand Modes in SfMenu is used to open the submenu of each SfMenuItem, which is added in SfMenu by doing click to open the submenu or by doing mouse hover to open the submenu. SfMenu supports two kinds of Expand Modes, namely ExpandOnClick and ExpandOnMouseOver Expand Modes which can be obtained by using the ExpandMode property. By default submenu items opened by mouse over on SfMenuItem.

Open SubMenu on Click

Submenu of each SfMenuItem can be opened by clicking it when ExpandMode property is set to ExpandOnClick. This type of expand mode is used to open menus in the Windows operating system. Similarly, when the ExpandMode property is set to ExpandOnMouseOver, submenu of each SfMenuItem opened on moving the mouse pointer over it. ExpandMode can be changed as shown in the following code snippet.

<menu:SfMenu  x:Name="Sfmenu"  ExpandMode="ExpandOnClick" Width="176">

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="File" StaysOpenOnClick="true" >

<menu:SfMenuItem  Header="New" />

<menu:SfMenuItem  Header="Open"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Close"/>


<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Edit">

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Undo"/>

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Redo" />

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Cut" />

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Copy" />


<menu:SfMenuItem Header="View">

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Find Results" />

<menu:SfMenuItem Header="Other Windows" />

