SelectorItem Customization in UWP DatePicker (SfDatePicker)
10 May 20211 minute to read
SelectorItemWidth and SelectorItemHeight
The item size in the SfDateSelector control can be changed by setting the SelectorItemWidth and SelectorItemHeight properties.
The SelectorItemSpacing property provides the space between the items in SfDateSelector.
The SelectorItemCount property is used to specify the number of items to be used in SfDateSelector.
The following code sample shows the usage of the SelectorItemWidth, SelectorItemHeight, SelectorItemSpacing, and SelectorItemCount properties.
<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<syncfusion:SfDatePicker VerticalAlignment="Center"
Width="200" x:Name="datePicker" SelectorItemWidth="100"
datePicker.SelectorItemWidth = 100;
datePicker.SelectorItemHeight = 100;
datePicker.SelectorItemSpacing = 50;
datePicker.SelectorItemCount = 4;
datePicker.SelectorItemWidth = 100
datePicker.SelectorItemHeight = 100
datePicker.SelectorItemSpacing = 50
datePicker.SelectorItemCount = 4
The output is displayed in the following image: