Built-in Views in UWP Calendar (SfCalendar)

10 May 20213 minutes to read

SfCalendar control provides four types of views to display dates/years such as month,year,decade,century. It can be assigned to the SfCalendar control by using ViewMode property.

By default SfCalendar control is assigned with month view. Based on the user’s preference, SfCalendar can be viewed in any one of the available two type.

Month view

This displays entire dates of a particular month, by default current month will be displayed on Loading. The current date is provided with unique color different from the rest of the dates color in a month. The events availability will be denoted within the cell based on its duration.

The dates in month view can be selected by three ways such as single, multiple and range which can be modified using SelectionMode

<input:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar" ViewMode="Month"/>
SfCalendar sfCalendar = new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.ViewMode = ViewMode.Month;

Week view

The number of weeks in the month view can be changed by setting the NumberOfWeeksInView property in SfCalendar. By default, NumberOfWeeksInView starts from current week, and this can be modified using the MoveToDate property of calendar. It also supports all existing features such as FirstDayOfWeek, MinDate, MaxDate, and SelectionMode.


  • Week number ranges from 1 to 6. If lesser or greater than these range is considered, NumberOfWeeksInView will be displayed as 6.
  • Inline view considers NumberOfWeeksInView as only 6. For other count, only agenda view will be displayed in calendar.
  • Dynamically changing NumberOfWeeksInView shows the first row of month view dates. It can be handled using the MoveToDate property of calendar
  • ShowLeadingAndTrailingDays is not applicable if the NumberOfWeeksInView is lesser than 6.
<input:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar" NumberOfWeeksInView="2"/>
SfCalendar sfCalendar = new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.NumberOfWeeksInView = 2;

Year view

This displays entire dates/month of a particular year, by default current year will be displayed on loading. The Years can be changed by swiping back and forth or forward and backward methods can be used. The Months can be navigated quickly by selecting on the particular month in year view.

<input:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar" ViewMode="Year"/>
SfCalendar sfCalendar = new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.ViewMode = ViewMode.Year;

Decade view

This view displays the period of 10 years. By default, current year range of 10 years will be displayed on loading. You can easily navigate between month/year view to decade view by tapping the calendar header. The year can be navigated quickly by selecting a particular year from decade view.

<input:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar" ViewMode="Decade"/>
SfCalendar sfCalendar = new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.ViewMode = ViewMode.Decade;

Century view

This view displays the period of 100 years. By default, current year range of 100 years will be displayed on loading. You can easily navigate between month/year/decade view to century view by tapping the calendar header. You can easily navigate to decade view by selecting decade years in century view.

<input:SfCalendar x:Name="calendar" ViewMode="Century"/>
SfCalendar sfCalendar = new SfCalendar();
sfCalendar.ViewMode = ViewMode.Century;