
24 May 20191 minute to read

Title text

By using the Title.text property, you can add the title text for the pivot chart control.

  • HTML
  • <ej:PivotChart ID="MyPivotChart1" runat="server" Url="/RelationalChartService.svc" ClientIDMode="Static">
        <%--Adding Chart title--%>
        <Title text="PivotChart"></Title>
        <Size Width="950px" Height="460px"></Size>

    Title text in ASP NET pivot chart control

    Title alignment

    By using the Title.TextAlignment property, you can align the title text to center, far, or near of the pivot chart control.

  • HTML
  • <ej:PivotChart ID="MyPivotChart1" runat="server" Url="/RelationalChartService.svc"  ClientIDMode="Static">
        <%--Change title text alignment--%>
        <Title text="PivotChart" TextAlignment="near"></Title>
        <Size Width="950px" Height="460px"></Size>

    Title alignment in ASP NET pivot chart control

    Title customization

    By using the Title property, you can add the title text for X-axis and Y-axis. The title text can be customized by using the Text and Font properties. By setting the EnableTrim to true, the title text can be trimmed based on its length.

  • HTML
  • <ej:PivotChart ID="MyPivotChart1" runat="server" Url="/RelationalChartService.svc" ClientIDMode="Static">
        <%--Customizing axis title--%>
        <PrimaryXAxis Title-Text="Fiscal Year" Title-Font-Color="Grey" Title-Font-FontSize="16px" Title-Font-FontFamily="Segoe UI" Title-Font-FontWeight="Bold" >
        <Size Width="950px" Height="460px"></Size>

    Title customization in ASP NET pivot chart control