Localization in ASP.NET Webforms Diagram
1 Mar 20222 minutes to read
- Localization is the process of providing controls in different cultures to help you set your own culture easily. Diagram provides localization support for Context Menu items.
- The Diagram model’s
property is used to define the culture code.
The following code illustrates how to provide localization support for Context Menu items.
// Defines the context menu items with Spanish language
ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Locale["es-ES"] = {
cut: "Corte",
copy: "Copia",
paste: "Pasta",
undo: "Deshacer",
redo: "Rehacer",
selectAll: "Seleccionar todo",
grouping: "Agrupación",
group: "Grupo",
ungroup: "Desagrupar",
order: "Fin",
bringToFront: "Traer a delante",
moveForward: "Movimiento adelante",
sendToBack: "Enviar a espalda",
sendBackward: "Enviar hacia atrás"
<ej:Diagram runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" ID="DiagramWebControl" Width="100%" Height="600px" Locale="es-Es">
<ej:BasicShape Name="rectangle1" OffsetX="100" OffsetY="100" Width="100" Height="100"
FillColor="darkcyan" BorderColor="#1BA0E2">
<ej:DiagramLabel Text="Rectangle1" FontColor="white"></ej:DiagramLabel>
<ej:BasicShape Name="rectangle2" OffsetX="300" OffsetY="100" Width="100" Height="100"
FillColor="darkcyan" BorderColor="#1BA0E2">
<ej:DiagramLabel Text="Rectangle2" FontColor="white"></ej:DiagramLabel>
<ej:DiagramConnector SourceNode="rectangle1" TargetNode="rectangle2"></ej:DiagramConnector>
You have to define the textual descriptions of the context menu items for your custom cultures.