Screen Tips

14 Dec 201724 minutes to read

ScreenTip/Tooltip is used to reduce the controls related Help that are needed to the end user to do control related actions.

HTML Tooltip

Standard html tooltip can be set using tooltip property of each group item.

  • HTML
  • <ej-ribbon id="resize" width="20%" applicationTab.type="menu" applicationTab.menuItemID="menu" allowResizing="true">
                <e-tab id="home" text="HOME" [groups]="groups1">
    <ul id="menu">
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { NorthwindService } from '../../services/northwind.service';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'app/components/ribbon/resize.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['app/components/ribbon/ribbon.component.css'],
        providers: [NorthwindService]
    export class ResizeComponent {
       constructor(public northwindService: NorthwindService) { }
       groups1 = [{
            text: "Clipboard",
            content: [{
                groups: [{
                    id: "cut",
                    text: "Cut",
                    toolTip: "Remove the selection and put it on clipboard"
                        id: "copy",
                        text: "Copy",
                        toolTip: "Put a copy of selection on clipboard",
                        buttonSettings: {
                            contentType: ej.ContentType.TextAndImage,
                            prefixIcon: "e-ribbon e-icon e-ribboncopy"
                defaults: {
                    height: 70,
                    width: 60

    Custom tooltip for each gallery and custom gallery items button control can be specified.


    Custom gallery item menu is not supported to Custom tooltip.

  • HTML
  • <ej-ribbon id="resize" width="500" applicationTab.type="menu" applicationTab.menuItemID="menu">
                <e-tab id="home" text="HOME" [groups]="groups1">
    <ul id="menu">
        <li><a>FILE</a> </li>
    <ul id="custom">
            <a>New Quick Step</a>
                <li><a>Flag and Move</a></li>
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { NorthwindService } from '../../services/northwind.service';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'app/components/ribbon/resize.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['app/components/ribbon/ribbon.component.css'],
        providers: [NorthwindService]
    export class ResizeComponent {
        constructor(public northwindService: NorthwindService) { }
        groups1 = [{
            type: "gallery",
            text: "Gallery",
            content: [{
                groups: [{
                    id: "Gallery",
                    columns: 2,
                    itemHeight: 54,
                    itemWidth: 73,
                    expandedColumns: 3,
                    galleryItems: [{
                        text: "Style 1",
                        customToolTip: {
                            title: "Style 1",
                            content: "<I>Style 1 to customize the table</I>"
                        buttonSettings: {
                            contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                            prefixIcon: "e-gallerycontent1 e-gbtnimg",
                            cssClass: "e-gbtnposition"
                    }, {
                            text: "Style 2",
                            customToolTip: {
                                title: "Style 2",
                                content: "<I>Style 2 to customize the table</I>"
                            buttonSettings: {
                                contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                                prefixIcon: "e-gallerycontent2 e-gbtnimg",
                                cssClass: "e-gbtnposition"
                        }, {
                            text: "Style 3",
                            customToolTip: {
                                title: "Style 3",
                                content: "<I>Style 3 to customize the table</I>"
                            buttonSettings: {
                                contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                                prefixIcon: "e-gallerycontent3 e-gbtnimg",
                                cssClass: "e-gbtnposition"
                        }, {
                            text: "Style 4",
                            customToolTip: {
                                title: "Style 4",
                                content: "<I>Style 4 to customize the table</I>"
                            buttonSettings: {
                                contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                                prefixIcon: "e-gallerycontent4 e-gbtnimg",
                                cssClass: "e-gbtnposition"
                    customGalleryItems: [{
                        text: "Clear Formatting",
                        toolTip: "Clear Formatting",
                        customItemType: ej.Ribbon.customItemType.button,
                        customToolTip: {
                            title: "Clear Format",
                            content: "<I>To clear formatting</I>"
                        buttonSettings: {
                            cssClass: "e-extrabtnstyle"
                    }, {
                            menuId: "custom",
                            menuSettings: {
                                openOnClick: false

    For Expand Pin

    Specifies the custom tooltip for expand pin in the Ribbon.

  • HTML
  • <ej-ribbon id="resize" width="300" applicationTab.type="menu" applicationTab.menuItemID="menu" 
       [expandPinSettings.customToolTip]="tooltip" applicationTab.menuSettings.openOnClick="false">
                <e-tab id="home" text="HOME" [groups]="groups1">
    <ul id="menu">
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { NorthwindService } from '../../services/northwind.service';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'app/components/ribbon/resize.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['app/components/ribbon/ribbon.component.css'],
        providers: [NorthwindService]
    export class ResizeComponent {
        constructor(public northwindService: NorthwindService) { }
        groups1 = [{
            text: "New",
            alignType: ej.Ribbon.alignType.rows,
            content: [{
                groups: [{
                    id: "new",
                    text: "New",
                    toolTip: "New",
                    buttonSettings: {
                        contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                        imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
                        prefixIcon: "e-ribbon e-icon e-new",
                        click: "executeAction"
                defaults: {
                    type: ej.Ribbon.type.button,
                    width: 60,
                    height: 70
        tooltip = {
            title: "Collapse the Ribbon",
            content: "<h6>Click the icon to collapse the Ribbon.</h6>"

    For Collapse Pin

    Specifies the custom tooltip for collapse pin in the Ribbon.

  • HTML
  • <ej-ribbon id="resize" width="300" applicationTab.type="menu" 
           applicationTab.menuItemID="menu" [collapsePinSettings.customToolTip]="tooltip" 
                <e-tab id="home" text="HOME" [groups]="groups1">
    <ul id="menu">
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { NorthwindService } from '../../services/northwind.service';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'app/components/ribbon/resize.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['app/components/ribbon/ribbon.component.css'],
        providers: [NorthwindService]
    export class ResizeComponent {
        constructor(public northwindService: NorthwindService) { }
        groups1 = [{
            text: "New",
            alignType: ej.Ribbon.alignType.rows,
            content: [{
                groups: [{
                    id: "new",
                    text: "New",
                    toolTip: "New",
                    buttonSettings: {
                        contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                        imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
                        prefixIcon: "e-ribbon e-icon e-new",
                        click: "executeAction"
                defaults: {
                    type: ej.Ribbon.type.button,
                    width: 60,
                    height: 70
        tooltip = {
            title: "Pin the Ribbon",
            content: "<h6>Keep it open while you work</h6>"

    For GroupExpander

    Custom tooltip for each group expander can be specified.

  • HTML
  • <ej-ribbon id="resize" width="300" applicationTab.type="menu" 
           applicationTab.menuItemID="menu" [collapsePinSettings.customToolTip]="tooltip" 
                <e-tab id="home" text="HOME" [groups]="groups1">
    <ul id="menu">
  • HTML
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { NorthwindService } from '../../services/northwind.service';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'app/components/ribbon/resize.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['app/components/ribbon/ribbon.component.css'],
        providers: [NorthwindService]
    export class ResizeComponent {
        constructor(public northwindService: NorthwindService) { }
        groups1 =  [{
            text: "New",
            alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Columns,
            enableGroupExpander: true,
            groupExpanderSettings: {
                customToolTip: {
                    title: "Clipboard",
                    content: "<h6>Show a popup for the Clipboard group.</h6>"
            alignType: ej.Ribbon.alignType.rows,
            content: [{
                groups: [{
                    id: "new",
                    text: "New",
                    toolTip: "New",
                    buttonSettings: {
                        contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly,
                        imagePosition: ej.ImagePosition.ImageTop,
                        prefixIcon: "e-ribbon e-icon e-new",
                        click: "executeAction"
                defaults: {
                    type: ej.Ribbon.type.button,
                    width: 60,
                    height: 70