Visual Types in Xamarin Switch (SfSwitch)

22 Aug 20221 minute to read

SfSwitch supports customization using built-in visual types. The visual types based on device platform are listed as follows.


This is the default value set for visual type.

switch conrol is having default visual type


If you set default, the visual type will be internally changed based on the device platform.


Material visual type brings the appearance based on material guidelines. The following code example demonstrates how to define material visual type.

<syncfusion:SfSwitch VisualType="Material" />
SfSwitch sfSwitch=new SfSwitch();

sfSwitch.VisualType = VisualType.Material;

switch conrol is having material visual type


Cupertino visual type brings the appearance based on Cupertino guidelines. The following code example demonstrates how to define Cupertino visual type.

<syncfusion:SfSwitch VisualType="Cupertino" />
SfSwitch sfSwitch=new SfSwitch();

sfSwitch.VisualType = VisualType.Cupertino;

switch conrol is having cupertino visual type


Fluent visual type brings the appearance based onFluent guidelines. The following code example demonstrates how to define Fluent visual type.

<syncfusion:SfSwitch VisualType="Fluent" />
SfSwitch sfSwitch=new SfSwitch();

sfSwitch.VisualType = VisualType.Fluent;

switch conrol is having fluent visual type


Custom type will allow you to customize the control, where you can handle the size, colors, images etc. of the control. Refer to this documentation.