Customization in Xamarin Shimmer (SfShimmer)

8 Jan 20259 minutes to read

The Shimmer control supports options to customize the wave color, shimmer color, wave direction, wave animation duration, and more. This section explains how to customize the shimmer control.


The WaveDirection property of SfShimmer is used to change the direction of shimmer wave. The following different wave directions are available in SfShimmer:

  • Default
  • LeftToRight
  • TopToBottom
  • RightToLeft
  • BottomToTop
<shimmer:SfShimmer x:Name="shimmer" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" WaveDirection="LeftToRight">
                        <Label Text="Content is loaded!"/>
shimmer = new SfShimmer()
                WaveDirection = WaveDirection.LeftToRight,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Content = new Label
                    Text = "Content is loaded!"
            this.Content = shimmer;


The Color property of SfShimmer is used to customize the color of shimmer.

<shimmer:SfShimmer x:Name="shimmer" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" Color="#F4E2EE">
                        <Label Text="Content is loaded!"/>
shimmer = new SfShimmer()
                Color = Color.FromHex("#F4E2EE"),
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Content = new Label
                    Text = "Content is loaded!"
            this.Content = shimmer;

Shimmer color customization


The WaveColor property of SfShimmer is used to customize the color of wave.

<shimmer:SfShimmer x:Name="shimmer" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" WaveColor="#B8D4F2">
                        <Label Text="Content is loaded!"/>
shimmer = new SfShimmer()
                WaveColor = Color.FromHex("#B8D4F2"),
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Content = new Label
                    Text = "Content is loaded!"
            this.Content = shimmer;

Wave color customization


The WaveWidth property of SfShimmer is used to customize the width of wave.

<shimmer:SfShimmer x:Name="shimmer" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" WaveColor="#B8D4F2" WaveWidth ="100">
                        <Label Text="Content is loaded!"/>
shimmer = new SfShimmer()
                WaveWidth = 100,
                WaveColor = Color.FromHex("#B8D4F2"),
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Content = new Label
                    Text = "Content is loaded!"
            this.Content = shimmer;

Wave Width customization


You can control the duration of wave animation using the AnimationDuration property of SfShimmer. The default value of AnimationDuration is 1000 ms.

<shimmer:SfShimmer x:Name="shimmer" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" AnimationDuration ="2000">
                        <Label Text="Content is loaded!"/>
shimmer = new SfShimmer()
                AnimationDuration = 2000,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Content = new Label
                    Text = "Content is loaded!"
            this.Content = shimmer;

See also

How to set the custom view in SfShimmer using style