Annotations in Xamarin Circular Gauge (SfCircularGauge)

8 Jan 202524 minutes to read

SfCircularGauge supports Annotations, which allows you to mark the specific area of interest in circular gauge. You can place custom views as annotations. The text and images also can be added by using Annotations property.

Setting view annotation

When the annotation allows you to place custom elements, a gauge can be initialized to the element, and this can be used to place the annotation in another gauge. The Following properties are used to customize the Annotations:

  • Angle: Used to place the View at the given Angle.
  • Offset: Used to move the View from the center to edge of the circular gauge. The value should be range from 0 to 1.

The following code is used to create the Annotations.

<gauge:SfCircularGauge HeightRequest="80" WidthRequest="80">
                <gauge:GaugeAnnotation Angle="90" Offset="0.5">
                        <gauge:SfCircularGauge HeightRequest="80" WidthRequest="80">
                                <gauge:GaugeAnnotation Angle="270" Offset="0.5">
                                        <Label Text="10s" FontSize="12" HeightRequest="20" WidthRequest="35" TextColor="Black"
                                                          HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center"/>
                                <gauge:Scale StartAngle="270" SweepAngle="360" ShowLabels="False" StartValue="0" EndValue="60" Interval="5"
                                        <gauge:TickSettings Color="Black" StartOffset="1" EndOffset="0.85" Thickness="2"/>
                                        <gauge:TickSettings Color="Black" StartOffset="1" EndOffset="0.90" Thickness="0.5"/>
                                        <gauge:Range StartValue="0" EndValue="30" Color="Gray" InnerStartOffset="0.925"
                                                     OuterStartOffset="1" InnerEndOffset="0.925" OuterEndOffset="1"/>
                                        <gauge:NeedlePointer Type="Triangle" KnobRadius="4" Thickness="3" EnableAnimation="False"
                                                             Color="Black" KnobColor="Black"/>

                    <gauge:GaugeAnnotation Angle="0" Offset="0.5">
                            <Label x:Name="LabelAnnotation1" Text="4:55PM" FontSize="14" HeightRequest="25" WidthRequest="75" TextColor="Black"
                                            HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center"/>
                    <gauge:GaugeAnnotation Angle="180" Offset="0.5">
                            <gauge:SfCircularGauge HeightRequest="80" WidthRequest="80">
                                <gauge:GaugeAnnotation Angle="270" Offset="0.5">
                                        <Label x:Name="LabelAnnotation3" Text="55M" FontSize="12" HeightRequest="20" WidthRequest="35" TextColor="Black"
                                               HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center"/>

                                    <gauge:Scale StartAngle="270" SweepAngle="360" ShowLabels="False" StartValue="0" EndValue="60" Interval="5"
                                            <gauge:TickSettings Color="Black" StartOffset="1" EndOffset="0.85" Thickness="2"/>
                                            <gauge:TickSettings Color="Black" StartOffset="1" EndOffset="0.90" Thickness="0.5"/>
                                            <gauge:Range StartValue="0" EndValue="30" Color="Gray" InnerStartOffset="0.925"
                                                     OuterStartOffset="1" InnerEndOffset="0.925" OuterEndOffset="1"/>
                                            <gauge:NeedlePointer Type="Triangle" KnobRadius="4" Thickness="3" EnableAnimation="False"
                                                             Color="Black" KnobColor="Black"/>

                <gauge:Scale StartAngle="270" SweepAngle="360" ShowLabels="False" StartValue="0" EndValue="12" Interval="1"
                             RimColor="#EDEEEF" MinorTicksPerInterval="4" LabelColor="Gray" LabelOffset="0.8"
                             ScaleEndOffset="0.925" LabelFontSize="14" ShowFirstLabel="False">
                        <gauge:TickSettings Color="Black" StartOffset="1" EndOffset="0.9" Thickness="3"/>
                        <gauge:TickSettings Color="Black" StartOffset="1" EndOffset="0.95" Thickness="1"/>
                        <gauge:Range StartValue="0" EndValue="3" Color="Gray" InnerStartOffset="0.925"
                                                     OuterStartOffset="1" InnerEndOffset="0.925" OuterEndOffset="1"/>
                        <gauge:NeedlePointer KnobRadius="6" Thickness="3.5" EnableAnimation="False"
                                                       KnobStrokeWidth="5" TailLengthFactor="0.20" TailColor="Black" KnobStrokeColor="Black"  Color="Black" KnobColor="White" LengthFactor="0.75"/>
                        <gauge:NeedlePointer KnobRadius="6" Type="Triangle" Thickness="5" EnableAnimation="False"
                                                          Color="Black" KnobColor="White" LengthFactor="0.4"/>
                        <gauge:NeedlePointer KnobRadius="6" Type="Triangle" Thickness="5" EnableAnimation="False"
                                                          Color="Black" KnobColor="White" LengthFactor="0.65"/>


Label LabelAnnotation1 = new Label();
    LabelAnnotation1.Text = "4:55PM";
    LabelAnnotation1.FontSize = 14;
    LabelAnnotation1.HeightRequest = 25;
    LabelAnnotation1.WidthRequest = 75;
    LabelAnnotation1.TextColor = Color.Black;
    LabelAnnotation1.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
    LabelAnnotation1.VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
	Label LabelAnnotation2 = new Label();
    LabelAnnotation2.Text = "10s";
    LabelAnnotation2.FontSize = 12;
    LabelAnnotation2.HeightRequest = 20;
    LabelAnnotation2.WidthRequest = 35;
    LabelAnnotation2.TextColor = Color.Black;
    LabelAnnotation2.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
    LabelAnnotation2.VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
	Label LabelAnnotation3 = new Label();
    LabelAnnotation3.Text = "55M";
    LabelAnnotation3.FontSize = 12;
    LabelAnnotation3.HeightRequest = 20;
    LabelAnnotation3.WidthRequest = 35;
    LabelAnnotation3.TextColor = Color.Black;
    LabelAnnotation3.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
    LabelAnnotation3.VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
	SfCircularGauge Annotation1 = new SfCircularGauge();
	Annotation1.HeightRequest = Device.OnPlatform(70, 80, 100);
    Annotation1.WidthRequest = Device.OnPlatform(70, 80, 100);

    CircularGaugeAnnotationCollection annotations = new CircularGaugeAnnotationCollection();
	GaugeAnnotation gaugeAnnotation = new GaugeAnnotation();
    gaugeAnnotation.View = LabelAnnotation2;
    gaugeAnnotation.Angle = 270;
    gaugeAnnotation.Offset = .5;
    Annotation1.Annotations = annotations;
	ObservableCollection<Scale> scales = new ObservableCollection<Scale>();
    Scale scale = new Scale();
    scale.StartAngle = 270;
    scale.SweepAngle = 360;
    scale.ShowLabels = false;
    scale.StartValue = 0;
    scale.EndValue = 60;
    scale.Interval = 5;
    scale.RimColor = Color.FromRgb(237, 238, 239);
    scale.MajorTickSettings.Color = Color.Black;
    scale.MajorTickSettings.StartOffset = 1;
    scale.MajorTickSettings.EndOffset = .85;
    scale.MajorTickSettings.Thickness = 2;
    scale.MinorTickSettings.Color = Color.Black;
    scale.MinorTickSettings.StartOffset = 1;
    scale.MinorTickSettings.EndOffset = .90;
    scale.MinorTickSettings.Thickness = 0.5;

    ObservableCollection<Range> ranges = new ObservableCollection<Range>();
    Range range = new Range();
    range.StartValue = 0;
    range.EndValue = 30;
    range.Color = Color.Gray;
    range.InnerStartOffset = 0.925;
    range.OuterStartOffset = 1;
    range.InnerEndOffset = 0.925;
    range.OuterEndOffset = 1;
    scale.Ranges = ranges;

    ObservableCollection<Pointer> pointers = new ObservableCollection<Pointer>();
    NeedlePointer needlePointer = new NeedlePointer();
    needlePointer.Type = PointerType.Triangle;
    needlePointer.KnobRadius = 4;
    needlePointer.Thickness = 3;
    needlePointer.EnableAnimation = false;
    needlePointer.KnobColor = Color.Black;
    needlePointer.Color = Color.Black;
    scale.Pointers = pointers;

    Annotation1.Scales = scales;
	Annotation1.Parent = this;
	SfCircularGauge Annotation2 = new SfCircularGauge();

    Annotation2.HeightRequest = Device.OnPlatform(70, 80, 100);
    Annotation2.WidthRequest = Device.OnPlatform(70, 80, 100);

    CircularGaugeAnnotationCollection annotations1 = new CircularGaugeAnnotationCollection();
    GaugeAnnotation gaugeAnnotation1 = new GaugeAnnotation();
    gaugeAnnotation1.View = LabelAnnotation3;
    gaugeAnnotation1.Angle = 270;
    gaugeAnnotation1.Offset = .5;
    Annotation2.Annotations = annotations1;

    ObservableCollection<Scale> scales1 = new ObservableCollection<Scale>();
    Scale scale1 = new Scale();
    scale1.StartAngle = 270;
    scale1.SweepAngle = 360;
    scale1.StartValue = 0;
    scale1.EndValue = 60;
    scale1.Interval = 5;
    scale1.ShowLabels = false;
    scale1.RimColor = Color.FromRgb(237, 238, 239);
    scale1.MajorTickSettings.Color = Color.Black;
    scale1.MajorTickSettings.StartOffset = 1;
    scale1.MajorTickSettings.EndOffset = 0.85;
    scale1.MajorTickSettings.Thickness = 2;
    scale1.MinorTickSettings.Color = Color.Black;
    scale1.MinorTickSettings.StartOffset = 1;
    scale1.MinorTickSettings.EndOffset = 0.90;
    scale1.MinorTickSettings.Thickness = 0.5;

    ObservableCollection<Range> ranges1 = new ObservableCollection<Range>();
    Range range1 = new Range();
    range1.StartValue = 0;
    range1.EndValue = 30;
    range1.Color = Color.Gray;
    range1.InnerStartOffset = 0.925;
    range1.OuterStartOffset = 1;
    range1.InnerEndOffset = 0.925;
    range1.OuterEndOffset = 1;
    scale1.Ranges = ranges1;

    ObservableCollection<Pointer> pointers1 = new ObservableCollection<Pointer>();
    NeedlePointer needlePointer1 = new NeedlePointer();
    needlePointer1.Type = PointerType.Triangle;
    needlePointer1.KnobRadius = 4;
    needlePointer1.Thickness = 3;
    needlePointer1.EnableAnimation = false;
    needlePointer1.KnobColor = Color.Black;
    needlePointer1.Color = Color.Black;
    scale1.Pointers = pointers1;

    Annotation2.Scales = scales1;

    Annotation2.Parent = this;

    SfCircularGauge gauge = new SfCircularGauge();          
    CircularGaugeAnnotationCollection annotations3 = new CircularGaugeAnnotationCollection();

    GaugeAnnotation gaugeAnnotation2 = new GaugeAnnotation();
    gaugeAnnotation2.View = Annotation1;
    gaugeAnnotation2.Angle = 90;
    gaugeAnnotation2.Offset = Device.OnPlatform(.5, .5, .6);

    GaugeAnnotation gaugeAnnotation3 = new GaugeAnnotation();
    gaugeAnnotation3.View = LabelAnnotation1;
    gaugeAnnotation3.Angle = 00;
    gaugeAnnotation3.Offset = .5;

    GaugeAnnotation gaugeAnnotation4 = new GaugeAnnotation();
    gaugeAnnotation4.View = Annotation2;
    gaugeAnnotation4.Angle = 180;
    gaugeAnnotation4.Offset = Device.OnPlatform(.5, .5, .6);
    gauge.Annotations = annotations3;

    ObservableCollection<Scale> scales2 = new ObservableCollection<Scale>();
    Scale scale2 = new Scale();
    scale2.StartValue = 0;
    scale2.EndValue = 12;
    scale2.Interval = 1;
    scale2.MinorTicksPerInterval = 4;
    scale2.RimColor = Color.FromRgb(237, 238, 239);
    scale2.LabelColor = Color.Gray;
    scale2.LabelOffset = Device.OnPlatform(.8, .8, .875);
    scale2.ScaleEndOffset = .925;
    scale2.StartAngle = 270;
    scale2.SweepAngle = 360;
    scale2.LabelFontSize = 14;
    scale2.ShowFirstLabel = false;
    scale2.MinorTickSettings.Color = Color.Black;
    scale2.MinorTickSettings.StartOffset = 1;
    scale2.MinorTickSettings.EndOffset = 0.95;
    scale2.MinorTickSettings.Thickness = 1;
    scale2.MajorTickSettings.Color = Color.Black;
    scale2.MajorTickSettings.StartOffset = 1;
    scale2.MajorTickSettings.EndOffset = 0.9;
    scale2.MajorTickSettings.Thickness = 3;

    ObservableCollection<Range> ranges2 = new ObservableCollection<Range>();
    Range range2 = new Range();
    range2.StartValue = 0;
    range2.EndValue = 3;
    range2.Color = Color.Gray;
    range2.InnerStartOffset = 0.925;
    range2.OuterStartOffset = 1;
    range2.InnerEndOffset = 0.925;
    range2.OuterEndOffset = 1;
    scale2.Ranges = ranges2;

    ObservableCollection<Pointer> pointers2 = new ObservableCollection<Pointer>();
    NeedlePointer needlePointer2 = new NeedlePointer();
    needlePointer2.EnableAnimation = false;
    needlePointer2.KnobRadius = 6;
    needlePointer2.LengthFactor = .75;
    needlePointer2.KnobColor = Color.White;
    needlePointer2.Color = Color.Black;
    needlePointer2.Thickness = 3.5;
    needlePointer2.KnobStrokeColor = Color.Black;
    needlePointer2.KnobStrokeWidth = 5;
    needlePointer2.TailLengthFactor = 0.20;
    needlePointer2.TailColor = Color.Black;

    NeedlePointer needlePointer3 = new NeedlePointer();
    needlePointer3.EnableAnimation = false;
    needlePointer3.KnobRadius = 6;
    needlePointer3.LengthFactor = .4;
    needlePointer3.KnobColor = Color.White;
    needlePointer3.Color = Color.Black;
    needlePointer3.Thickness = 5;
    needlePointer3.Type = PointerType.Triangle;

    NeedlePointer needlePointer4 = new NeedlePointer();
    needlePointer4.EnableAnimation = false;
    needlePointer4.KnobRadius = 6;
    needlePointer4.LengthFactor = .65;
    needlePointer4.KnobColor = Color.White;
    needlePointer4.Color = Color.Black;
    needlePointer4.Thickness = 5;
    needlePointer4.Type = PointerType.Triangle;

    scale2.Pointers = pointers2;

    gauge.Scales = scales2;

Annotation support in Xamarin.Forms Circular Gauge

Setting image annotation

Annotations provide options to add any image over the gauge control with respect to its offset position. You can add multiple images in single control.

<gauge:SfCircularGauge HeightRequest="500" WidthRequest="500" BackgroundColor="White" Margin="20">
            <gauge:GaugeAnnotation Angle="270" Offset="0.2">
                    <Image Source="weather.jpg" HeightRequest="100" WidthRequest="100"/>

            <gauge:Header Text="73.2" Position="0.48, 0.6" ForegroundColor="#424242" FontAttributes="Bold" TextSize="20"/>
            <gauge:Header Text="o" Position="0.55,0.58" ForegroundColor="#424242" FontAttributes="Bold" TextSize="12"/>
            <gauge:Header Text="F" Position="0.58,0.6" ForegroundColor="#424242" FontAttributes="Bold" TextSize="20"/>

            <gauge:Scale  ShowLabels="False" ShowTicks="False" RimThickness="20" RadiusFactor="1" RimColor="#e0e0e0"
                          StartAngle="90" SweepAngle="360" StartValue="0" EndValue="100" Interval="10">

                    <gauge:RangePointer Value="73.2" Offset="1" Thickness="20" RangeCap="Both" Color="#FCFB48"/>


SfCircularGauge gauge = new SfCircularGauge();
            gauge.HeightRequest = 500;
            gauge.WidthRequest = 500;
            gauge.Margin = new Thickness(20);
            gauge.BackgroundColor = Color.White;

            ObservableCollection<Scale> scales = new ObservableCollection<Syncfusion.SfGauge.XForms.Scale>();
            Scale scale = new Syncfusion.SfGauge.XForms.Scale();
            scale.ShowLabels = false;
            scale.ShowTicks = false;
            scale.RimThickness = 20;
            scale.RadiusFactor = 1;
            scale.RimColor = Color.FromHex("#e0e0e0");
            scale.StartAngle = 90;
            scale.SweepAngle = 360;
            scale.StartValue = 0;
            scale.EndValue = 100;
            scale.Interval = 10;

            RangePointer pointer = new RangePointer();
            pointer.Value = 73.2;
            pointer.Offset = 1;
            pointer.Thickness = 20;
            pointer.RangeCap = RangeCap.Both;
            pointer.Color = Color.FromRgb(252, 251, 72);

            Header header = new Header();
            header.Text = "73.2";
            header.Position = new Point(0.48, 0.6);
            header.ForegroundColor = Color.FromHex("#424242");
            header.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
            header.TextSize = 20;

            Header header1 = new Header();
            header1.Text = "o";
            header1.Position = new Point(0.55, 0.58);
            header1.ForegroundColor = Color.FromHex("#424242");
            header1.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
            header1.TextSize = 12;

            Header header2 = new Header();
            header2.Text = "F";
            header2.Position = new Point(0.58, 0.6);
            header2.ForegroundColor = Color.FromHex("#424242");
            header2.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
            header2.TextSize = 20;

            GaugeAnnotation annotation = new GaugeAnnotation();
            Image image = new Image();
            image.Source = "weather.jpg";
            image.HeightRequest = 100;
            image.WidthRequest = 100;
            annotation.View = image;
            annotation.Angle = 270;
            annotation.Offset = 0.2;
            gauge.Scales = scales;

Annotation image support in Xamarin.Forms Circular Gauge

Setting text annotation

You can add any text over the gauge control to enhance the readability. You can add multiple text instances in single control.

<gauge:SfCircularGauge HeightRequest="500" WidthRequest="500">
            <gauge:Header Text="13M" Position="0.5, 0.5" ForegroundColor="#0682F6" FontAttributes="Bold" TextSize="20"/>

            <gauge:Scale  ShowLabels="False" ShowTicks="False" ShowRim="False"
                          StartAngle="160" SweepAngle="270" StartValue="0" EndValue="15" >

                    <gauge:RangePointer Value="13" Offset="0.8" Thickness="30" RangeCap="Start" Color="#0682F6"/>
                    <gauge:MarkerPointer MarkerShape="Image" ImageSource="shot.jpg" MarkerWidth="60" MarkerHeight="60"
                                          Value="0" Offset="0.8"/>
                    <gauge:MarkerPointer MarkerShape="Circle" MarkerWidth="40" MarkerHeight="40" Color="#9e9e9e"
                                         Value="13" Offset="0.8"/>


            <gauge:Scale  ShowLabels="False" ShowTicks="False" ShowRim="False"
                          StartAngle="0" SweepAngle="360"  >


SfCircularGauge gauge = new SfCircularGauge();
            gauge.HeightRequest = 500;
            gauge.WidthRequest = 500;

            ObservableCollection<Scale> scales = new ObservableCollection<Syncfusion.SfGauge.XForms.Scale>();

            Scale scale = new Syncfusion.SfGauge.XForms.Scale();
            scale.StartAngle = 160;
            scale.SweepAngle = 270;
            scale.StartValue = 0;
            scale.EndValue = 15;
            scale.ShowLabels = false;
            scale.ShowRim = false;
            scale.ShowTicks = false;
            RangePointer range = new RangePointer();
            range.Color = Color.FromHex("#0682F6");
            range.Offset = 0.8;
            range.Value = 13;
            range.RangeCap = RangeCap.Start;
            range.Thickness = 30;

            Scale scale1 = new Syncfusion.SfGauge.XForms.Scale();
            scale1.StartAngle = 0;
            scale1.SweepAngle = 360;
            scale1.RimColor = Color.FromHex("#e0e0e0");
            scale1.RadiusFactor = 0.8;
            scale1.RimThickness = 30;
            scale1.ShowTicks = false;
            scale1.ShowRim = false;
            scale1.ShowLabels = false;

            Header header = new Header();
            header.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
            header.TextSize = 20;
            header.Text = "13M";
            header.Position = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
            header.ForegroundColor = Color.FromHex("#0682F6");

            MarkerPointer pointer1 = new MarkerPointer();
            pointer1.MarkerShape = MarkerShape.Image;
            pointer1.ImageSource = "shot.jpg";
            pointer1.MarkerWidth = 60;
            pointer1.MarkerHeight = 60;
            pointer1.Value = 0;
            pointer1.Offset = 0.8;

            MarkerPointer pointer2 = new MarkerPointer();
            pointer2.MarkerShape = MarkerShape.Circle;
            pointer2.MarkerWidth = 40;
            pointer2.MarkerHeight = 40;
            pointer2.Color = Color.FromHex("#9e9e9e");
            pointer2.Value = 13;
            pointer2.Offset = 0.8;
            gauge.Scales = scales;

Text annotation support in Xamarin.Forms Circular Gauge

Set margin to annotation

You can adjust annotation by specifying the ViewMargin property in pixel, which adjusts annotation elements from their current position.

            <gauge:GaugeAnnotation  ViewMargin="10,50">
                    <Label Text="800 GB" TextColor="Black" FontSize="25"/>
            <gauge:Scale  ShowLabels="False" ShowTicks="False" RimThickness="25" RadiusFactor="1" RimColor="#e0e0e0"
                          StartAngle="90" SweepAngle="360" StartValue="0" EndValue="100" Interval="10">
                    <gauge:RangePointer Value="80" Offset="1" Thickness="25" RangeCap="Both" Color="#01bdae"/>
SfCircularGauge gauge = new SfCircularGauge();
ObservableCollection<Scale> scales = new ObservableCollection<Scale>();
Scale scale = new Scale();
scale.ShowLabels = false;
scale.ShowTicks = false;
scale.RimThickness = 25;
scale.RadiusFactor = 1;
scale.RimColor = Color.FromHex("#e0e0e0");
scale.StartAngle = 90;
scale.SweepAngle = 360;
scale.StartValue = 0;
scale.EndValue = 100;
scale.Interval = 10;

RangePointer pointer = new RangePointer();
pointer.Value = 80;
pointer.Offset = 1;
pointer.Thickness = 25;
pointer.RangeCap = RangeCap.Both;
pointer.Color = Color.FromHex("#01bdae");

GaugeAnnotation annotation = new GaugeAnnotation();
annotation.ViewMargin = new Point(10, 50);
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = "800 GB";
label.FontSize = 25;
label.TextColor = Color.Black;
annotation.View = label;
gauge.Scales = scales;
Content = gauge;

Adjust annotation in Xamarin.Forms Circular Gauge

Alignment of annotation

You can align annotations to the Start, Center and End using the HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties.

Setting horizontal alignment

            <gauge:GaugeAnnotation  HorizontalAlignment="Start">
                    <Label Text="800 GB" TextColor="Black" FontSize="25"/>
            <gauge:Scale  ShowLabels="False" ShowTicks="False" RimThickness="25" RadiusFactor="1"                       RimColor="#e0e0e0"StartAngle="90" SweepAngle="360" StartValue="0"                             EndValue="100" Interval="10">
                    <gauge:RangePointer Value="80" Offset="1" Thickness="25" RangeCap="Both" Color="#01bdae"/>
SfCircularGauge gauge = new SfCircularGauge();
ObservableCollection<Scale> scales = new ObservableCollection<Scale>();
Scale scale = new Scale();
scale.ShowLabels = false;
scale.ShowTicks = false;
scale.RimThickness = 25;
scale.RadiusFactor = 1;
scale.RimColor = Color.FromHex("#e0e0e0");
scale.StartAngle = 90;
scale.SweepAngle = 360;
scale.StartValue = 0;
scale.EndValue = 100;
scale.Interval = 10;

RangePointer pointer = new RangePointer();
pointer.Value = 80;
pointer.Offset = 1;
pointer.Thickness = 25;
pointer.RangeCap = RangeCap.Both;
pointer.Color = Color.FromHex("#01bdae");

GaugeAnnotation annotation = new GaugeAnnotation();
annotation.HorizontalAlignment = ViewAlignment.Start;
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = "800 GB";
label.FontSize = 25;
label.TextColor = Color.Black;
annotation.View = label;
gauge.Scales = scales;
Content = gauge;

Horizontal alignment for Annotation in Xamarin.Forms Circular Gauge

Setting vertical alignment

<gauge:SfCircularGauge  BackgroundColor="White" Margin="20">
            <gauge:GaugeAnnotation  VerticalAlignment="Start">
                    <Label Text="800 GB" TextColor="Black" FontSize="25"/>
            <gauge:Scale  ShowLabels="False" ShowTicks="False" RimThickness="25" RadiusFactor="1" RimColor="#e0e0e0"
                          StartAngle="90" SweepAngle="360" StartValue="0" EndValue="100" Interval="10">
                    <gauge:RangePointer Value="80" Offset="1" Thickness="25" RangeCap="Both" Color="#01bdae"/>
SfCircularGauge gauge = new SfCircularGauge();
ObservableCollection<Scale> scales = new ObservableCollection<Scale>();
Scale scale = new Scale();
scale.ShowLabels = false;
scale.ShowTicks = false;
scale.RimThickness = 25;
scale.RadiusFactor = 1;
scale.RimColor = Color.FromHex("#e0e0e0");
scale.StartAngle = 90;
scale.SweepAngle = 360;
scale.StartValue = 0;
scale.EndValue = 100;
scale.Interval = 10;

RangePointer pointer = new RangePointer();
pointer.Value = 80;
pointer.Offset = 1;
pointer.Thickness = 25;
pointer.RangeCap = RangeCap.Both;
pointer.Color = Color.FromHex("#01bdae");

GaugeAnnotation annotation = new GaugeAnnotation();
annotation.VerticalAlignment = ViewAlignment.Start;
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = "800 GB";
label.FontSize = 25;
label.TextColor = Color.Black;
annotation.View = label;
gauge.Scales = scales;
Content = gauge;

Vertical alignment for Annotation in Xamarin.Forms Circular Gauge