Handling multiple segments in Xamarin.Android SfSegmentedControl

3 Sep 20201 minute to read

The segmented control handles the segmented items with the space distributed for the items on two ways.

Visible segment counts

The segmented control displays the item for the view based on the count which is given for VisibleSegmentCount.

  • C#
  • [C#]
    segmentedControl.VisibleSegmentsCount = 4;
    segmentedControl.ItemsSource = = new ObservableCollection<SfSegmentItem>
      new SfSegmentItem(){Text = "Item1"},          
      new SfSegmentItem(){Text = "Item2"},     
      new SfSegmentItem(){Text = "Item3"},  
      new SfSegmentItem(){Text = "Item4"},          
      new SfSegmentItem(){Text = "Item5"},     
      new SfSegmentItem(){Text = "Item6"},  
      new SfSegmentItem(){Text = "Item7"},          

    Xamarin.Android SfSegmentedControl with four visible segment


    When the available space in the segmented control is not equally distributed, the items beyond the edges of the control can be viewed by scrolling the panel.