Populating Items in WPF Tree Navigator (SfTreeNavigator)

21 Jul 20225 minutes to read

Items source

Tree Navigator items can be populated with the business object collection. Let us create a Tree Navigator which will show the list of Syncfusion Enterprise Toolkit products.

Create a Model class with the necessary properties.

public class TreeModel : NotificationObject
    public TreeModel()
        Models = new ObservableCollection<TreeModel>();
    private string header;
    public string Header
        get { return header; }
            header = value;
    private ObservableCollection<TreeModel> models;
    public ObservableCollection<TreeModel> Models
        get { return models; }
        set { models = value; }


NotificationObject is a class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

Create a View Model class with the hierarchical items as follows.

public class TreeViewModel 
    private List<TreeModel> models;
    public List<TreeModel> Models
        get { return models; }
        set { models = value; }
    public TreeViewModel()
        Models = new List<TreeModel>();
        TreeModel winrt = new TreeModel() {Header = "WinRT (XAML)"};
        TreeModel metroStudio = new TreeModel() {Header = "Metro Studio"};
        TreeModel winrt_chart = new TreeModel() {Header = "Chart"};
        TreeModel winrt_tools = new TreeModel() {Header = "Tools"};



Bind the Models collection to the ItemsSource property of the Tree Navigator control as follows.

<navigation:SfTreeNavigator ItemsSource="{Binding Models}"  
                            Header="Enterprise Toolkit"
                            Width="300" Height="400"
                            VerticalAlignment="Center" />

This will populate the Tree Navigator as shown below.

WPF Tree Navigator Items source

Item template

ItemTemplate property of the Tree Navigator can be used to customize the display of business objects.

<navigation:SfTreeNavigator ItemsSource="{Binding Models}"  
                                    Header="Enterprise Toolkit"
                                    Width="300" Height="400"
<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Models}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Header}" 
        Foreground="Green" FontWeight="Bold" 
        VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="18 0 0 0"/>

This will populate the Tree Navigator as follows.

WPF Tree Navigator Item template

See Also

How to enable/disable menu items in WPF SfTreeNavigator using MVVM?