Printing in WPF Syntax Editor

18 Oct 20228 minutes to read

EditControl provides support to print the content displayed in the EditControl using Print method.

' Invoke the print method


EditControl provides option to display print preview to review and customize the document in desired format before printing. Print preview window can be opened by calling ShowPrintPreview method.

' Invoke the print Preview Window


Printing support


Print preview window has Print and Quick Print Buttons which needs to be clicked to print the EditControl.

Print preview window

Step 1: Clicking the Print button opens the System print dialog where user can select the printer and set the number of copies to be printed.

Print page

Step 2: Clicking the Quick Print button, directly print the pages using default printer without opening the print dialog.

EditControl provides various options to customize page settings using EditControl.PrintSettings property of type PrintSettings.


EditControl provides support to switch between Portrait (more rows but fewer columns) and Landscape (more columns but fewer rows) orientation while printing. Orientation can be changed by setting PrintSettings.Orientation Property.

editControl.PrintSettings = new PrintSettings();

editControl.PrintSettings.Orientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Shared.Printing.PrintOrientation.Landscape;

editcontrol.PrintSettings = New PrintSettings

editcontrol.PrintSettings.Orientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Shared.Printing.PrintOrientation.Landscape


Print orientation can be changed in print preview at runtime by selecting from orientation drop-down in print preview.

Print orientation

Page size

EditControl provides support to change the page size. Page size can be changed by setting PrintSettings.PageWidth and PrintSettings.PageHeight properties.

editControl.PrintSettings = new PrintSettings();

editControl.PrintSettings.PageHeight = 800;            

editControl.PrintSettings.PageWidth = 800;

editControl.PrintSettings = New PrintSettings

editControl.PrintSettings.PageHeight = 800

editControl.PrintSettings.PageWidth = 800


Page size can be changed in print preview also by selecting from page-size drop-down which displays pre-defined page sizes. You can also manually enter custom page width and height in the editors below page-size drop-down and press OK to apply the custom width and height for the page.

Page size

Page margin

EditControl provides support to change the page margins to adjust content in printed page. Page margin can be changed by setting PrintSettings.PageMargin property.

editControl.PrintSettings = new PrintSettings();

editControl.PrintSettings.PageMargin = new Thickness(5);

editcontrol.PrintSettings = New PrintSettings

editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageMargin = New Thickness(5)


Page margin can be changed in print preview also by selecting from pre-defined page margin from margin drop-down. You can manually enter custom margins in the editors below margin drop-down and press OK to apply the custom margin.

Page margin

EditControl provides a way to display additional content at the top (Header) or bottom (Footer) of the page while printing. This can be achieved by setting PageHeaderHeight , PageHeaderTemplate , PageFooterHeight , PageFooterTemplate properties in PrintSettings.

Steps to add page header while printing,

  1. Create DataTemplate in Application.Resources.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="pageHeaderTempalte">
            <Grid Background="Gray">
                <TextBlock Text="Syncfusion" 
  2. Set the above defined DataTemplate to PrintSettings.PageHeaderTemplate and assign value for PrintSettings.PageHeaderHeight property also.

    editcontrol.PrintSettings = new PrintSettings();
    editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageHeaderHeight = 30;
    editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageHeaderTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["pageHeaderTempalte"] as DataTemplate;
    editcontrol.PrintSettings = New PrintSettings
    editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageHeaderHeight = 30
    editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageHeaderTemplate = CType(Application.Current.Resources("pageHeaderTemplate"),DataTemplate)
  3. Now run the application and you can see page header in all the pages. In the same way, you can set PrintSettings.PageFooterTemplate also.

Print window

Printing Current Date time and Page number

You can print current Date and Time at each page by setting the PageFooterHeight.

You can get the page number from PrintPageControl.

    <DataTemplate x:Key="pageFooterTempalte">
            <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" 
                       Text="{Binding Source={x:Static system:DateTime.Now}}"/>
            <TextBlock Margin="0,0,10,0"
                       VerticalAlignment="Center" FontSize="20">
                    <Binding Path="PageIndex"
                             RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,
                                                              AncestorType={x:Type syncfusion:PrintPageControl}}"
                             StringFormat="Page : {0}" />
editcontrol.PrintSettings = new PrintSettings();

editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageFooterHeight = 30;

editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageFooterTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["pageFooterTempalte"] as DataTemplate;

editcontrol.PrintSettings = New PrintSettings

editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageHeaderHeight = 30

editcontrol.PrintSettings.PageFooterTemplate = CType(Application.Current.Resources("pageFooterTemplate"),DataTemplate)


Printing document