Paging in WPF Olap Grid

6 May 202110 minutes to read

Paging in the OLAP grid supports loading and rendering large amounts of data without any performance constraints.

The OLAP pager (user control) is included and bound with the OlapDataManager object of the respective OLAP grid. To enable paging, set the EnablePaging property to true.

When you process a large cell set, it is split into several segments and each segment is assigned and rendered in a separate page. You can navigate back and forth in all possible ways by using the UI options in the OLAP pager. You can also change the page size and other pager settings at runtime by using the PageSetting window.

Include the following Syncfusion assembly from the installed location to add the OLAP pager with OLAP grid:

  • Syncfusion.OlapShared.Wpf


You can also get the assemblies by browsing to the default assembly location: {System Drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\{version number}\precompiledassemblies\{version number}\{framework version}\

Enable paging through XAML

  • XAML
  • <Window xmlns=""
            Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
                    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                <GroupBox  Header="OlapGrid" Grid.Row="0">
                    <syncfusion:OlapGrid  Name="olapGrid" Background="Transparent" SeriesStrokeThickness="0"></syncfusion:OlapGrid>
                <GroupBox Grid.Row="1" Header="OlapPager" Margin="5" >
                    <pager:OlapPager x:Name="olapPager" ></pager:OlapPager>

    Enable paging through report:

    using Syncfusion.Olap.Manager;
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Reports;
    namespace SampleApplication
        public partial class MainWindow : SampleWindow
            private string _connectionString;
            private OlapDataManager _olapDataManager;
            public MainWindow()
                _connectionString = "Enter a valid connection string";
                //Created connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as argument
                _olapDataManager = new OlapDataManager(_connectionString);
                //Created OlapReport is set as a current report to OlapDataManager
                //Finally OlapGrid control gets the data from the created OlapDataManager
                this.olapGrid.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager;
                this.olapPager.OlapDataManager= _olapDataManager;
            private OlapReport SimpleDimensions()
                OlapReport olapReport = new OlapReport();
                olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works";
                olapReport.EnablePaging = true;
                olapReport.PagerOptions.CategorialPageSize = 10;
                olapReport.PagerOptions.SeriesPageSize = 10;
                DimensionElement dimensionElement = new DimensionElement() { Name = "Customer", HierarchyName = "Customer" };
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country");
                MeasureElements measureElements = new MeasureElements();
                measureElements.Add(new MeasureElement { Name = "Internet Sales Amount" });
                dimensionElement = new DimensionElement() { Name = "Geography", HierarchyName = "Geography" };
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Geography", "Country");
                dimensionElement = new DimensionElement() { Name = "Date" };
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year");
                return olapReport;
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Manager
    Imports Syncfusion.Olap.Reports
    Namespace SampleApplication
        Partial Public Class MainWindow
            Inherits SampleWindow
            Private _connectionString As String
            Private _olapDataManager As OlapDataManager
            Public Sub New()
                _connectionString = "Enter a valid connection string"
                'Created connection string is passed to OlapDataManager as argument
                _olapDataManager = New OlapDataManager(_connectionString)
                'Created OlapReport is set as a current report to OlapDataManager
                'Finally OlapGrid control gets the data from the created OlapDataManager
                Me.olapGrid.OlapDataManager = _olapDataManager
                Me.olapPager.OlapDataManager= _olapDataManager
            End Sub
            Private Function SimpleDimensions() As OlapReport
                Dim olapReport As New OlapReport()
                olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works"
                olapReport.EnablePaging = True
                olapReport.PagerOptions.CategorialPageSize = 10
                olapReport.PagerOptions.SeriesPageSize = 10
                Dim dimensionElement As New DimensionElement() With {.Name = "Customer", .HierarchyName = "Customer"}
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country")
                Dim measureElements As New MeasureElements()
                measureElements.Add(New MeasureElement With {.Name = "Internet Sales Amount"})
                dimensionElement = New DimensionElement() With {.Name = "Geography", .HierarchyName = "Geography"}
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Geography", "Country")
                dimensionElement = New DimensionElement() With {.Name = "Date"}
                dimensionElement.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year")
                Return olapReport
            End Function
        End Class
    End Namespace

    OlapPager in OlapGrid control

    Page Setting Window

    A sample demo is available in the following location.

    {system drive}:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<Version Number>\WPF\OlapGrid.WPF\Paging