Line Connectors in WPF Diagram (classic)

5 May 202124 minutes to read

Connectors are objects that are used to create a link between two nodes. Each connector has two ends whose position can be specified as point or directly connected to Node. One end of the connector can be defined either by using the ‘Start Point Position’ or ‘Head Node’, similarly other end can be defined using ‘End Point Position’ or ‘Tail Node’.


Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
EnableConnection Gets or sets a value indicating whether connection is enabled or not. Dependency property Boolean (true/ false) No
IsLabelEditable Gets or sets a value indicating whether line’s label can be edited or not. Default value: True Dependency property Boolean (true/ false) No
IntermediatePoints Gets or sets the intermediate points. Dependency property List<Point>> No
Label Gets or sets the line's label. Default value: Empty String. Dependency property String No
LabelTemplate Gets or sets a template for the label. Default value: null. Dependency property DataTemplate No
LabelVisibility Gets or sets the label visibility. Default value: Visibility.Visible Dependency property Visibility.HiddenVisibility.CollapsedVisibility.Visible No
LabelHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the node’s label horizontal Alignment. Default value: HorizontalAlignment.Center Dependency property HorizontalAlignment.CenterHorizontalAlignment.LeftHorizontalAlignment.RightHorizontalAlignment.Stretch No
ConnectionEndSpace Gets or sets the distance between the connector end position and the node. Default Value: 6 CLR property Double No
ConnectorType Gets or sets the connector type to be used. Three values namely Orthogonal, Straight and Bezier can be specified. Default Value: ConnectorType.Orthogonal Dependency property ConnectorType.OrthogonalConnectorType.BezierConnectorType.Straight No
HeadNode Gets or sets the head node of the connection. Default value: null. Dependency property IShape No
TailNode Gets or sets the tail node of the connection. Default value: null. Dependency property IShape No
HeadDecoratorShape Gets or sets the head decorator shape of the connection.Four values namely None, Arrow , Diamond and Circle can be specified.Default value: HeadDecoratorShape.None CLR property DecoratorShape.NoneDecoratorShape.ArrowDecoratorShape.DiamondDecoratorShape.Circle No
TailDecoratorShape Gets or sets the head decorator shape of the connection.Four values namely None, Arrow , Diamond and Circle can be specified.Default value: TailDecoratorShape.Arrow CLR property DecoratorShape.NoneDecoratorShape.ArrowDecoratorShape.DiamondDecoratorShape.Circle No
HeadDecoratorStyle Provides customization option for the head decorator shape. CLR property DecoratorStyle No
TailDecoratorStyle Provides customization option for the tail decorator shape. CLR property DecoratorStyle No
LineStyle Provides customization option for the line connector. CLR property LineStyle No
LabelTextTrimming Gets or sets the text trimming style. Default value is CharacterEllipsis. Dependency property TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsisTextTrimming.NoneTextTrimming.WordEllipsis No
LabelForeground Gets or sets the label foreground. Default value is Black. Dependency property Brush No
LabelBackground Gets or sets the label background. Default value is White. Dependency property Brush No
LabelFontStyle Gets or sets the label background. Default value is White. Dependency property FontStyle No
LabelFontFamily Gets or sets the label font family. Default value is Arial. Dependency property FontFamily No
LabelTextAlignment Gets or sets the label text alignment. Default value is Center. Dependency property TextAlignment.CenterTextAlignment.JustifyTextAlignment.LeftTextAlignment.Right No
LabelFontSize Gets or sets the label font size. Default value is 11. Dependency property Double No
LabelFontWeight Gets or sets the label font weight. Default value is SemiBold. Dependency property FontWeight No
LabelTextWrapping Gets or sets the label text wrapping. Default value is NoWrap. Dependency property TextWrapping.NoWrapTextWrapping.WrapTextWrapping.WrapWithOverflow No
LabelWidth Gets or sets the label width. Default value is line’s width. Dependency property Double No
LineBridgingEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether line bridging is enabled. Dependency property Boolean (true/ false) No
FirstSegmentLength Gets or sets the FirstSegmentLength of the Orthogonal LineConnector Dependency Property double No
LastSegmentLength Gets or sets FirstSegmentLength of the Orthogonal LineConnector Dependency Property double No
AutoAdjustPoints Gets or sets AutoAdjustPoints of Orthogonal LineConnector. Dependency Property Boolean(True/False) No
LabelPosition Gets or sets the Position of the LineConnector’s Label from the DiagramPage. Dependency property Point Point(0,0)
CustomLabelPosition Gets or sets the Label of LineConnector is Dragging or Not. Dependency property Enum.CustomLabelPositions.AutoCustomLabelPositions.CustomCustomLabelPositions.Drag CustomLabelPositions.Auto
LabelAngle Gets or sets the angle of the Label of LineConnector. Dependency property double 0
Ports Gets or sets connection ports for line connectors. Dependency property ObservableCollection<ConnectionPort>() No
HeadDecoratorAngle Gets or sets the angle at which the head decorator is to be positioned. CLR property Double No
HeadDecoratorPosition Gets or sets the point where the head decorator is to be positioned. CLR property Point No
TailDecoratorAngle Gets or sets the angle at which the tail decorator is to be positioned. CLR property Double No
TailDecoratorPosition Gets or sets the point where the tail decorator is to be positioned. CLR property Point No
IsDecoratorMovable Gets or sets a value indicating whether the decorator can be moved. Dependency property Boolean (true/false) No
IsDecoratorVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the decorator can be moved. Dependency property Boolean (true/false) No
LabelTextDecoration Gets or sets a value for decorations for the label. Dependency property TextDecorationCollection No
EnableCumulativeUpdate Gets or sets a value indicating whether a line can be updated cumulatively. Dependency property Boolean (true/false) No


FirstSegmentLength defines the distance between StartPointPosition and the first IntermediatePoint. This property is applicable only for Orthogonal LineConnector whose end points are connected to ports.


LastSegmentLength defines the distance between the EndPointPosition and the last IntermediatePoint. This property is applicable only for Orthogonal LineConnector whose end points are connected to ports.


AutoAdjustPoints enables the Orthogonal LineConnector to adjust the intermediate points (add, remove, or modify intermediate points) depending upon the ports to which it is connected. This property is applicable only for Orthogonal LineConnector whose end points are connected to ports.


The following is a code snippet that connects two Nodes with a LineConnector with FirstSegmentLength and LastSegmentLength.

  • C#
  • Node headnode = new Node();
    headnode.Shape = Shapes.RoundedRectangle;
    headnode.Label = "Head Node";
    headnode.Height = 100;
    headnode.Width = 100;
    headnode.OffsetX = 200;
    headnode.OffsetY = 200;
    Node tailnode = new Node();
    tailnode.Shape = Shapes.RoundedRectangle;
    tailnode.Label = "Tail Node";
    tailnode.Height = 100;
    tailnode.Width = 100;
    tailnode.OffsetX = 400;
    tailnode.OffsetY = 500;
    ConnectionPort port1 = new ConnectionPort(headnode, new Point(50, 100));
    port1.Width = 10;
    port1.Height = 10;
    port1.PortShape = PortShapes.Circle;
    ConnectionPort port2 = new ConnectionPort(tailnode, new Point(50, 0));
    port2.Width = 10;
    port2.Height = 10;
    port2.PortShape = PortShapes.Diamond;
    LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Orthogonal;
    line.HeadNode = headnode;
    line.TailNode = tailnode;
    line.ConnectionHeadPort = port1;
    line.ConnectionTailPort = port2;
    line.FirstSegmentLength = 50;
    line.LastSegmentLength =100;
    line.AutoAdjustPoints = true;
  • Dim headnode As New Node()
    headnode.Shape = Shapes.RoundedRectangle
    headnode.Label = "Head Node"
    headnode.Height = 100
    headnode.Width = 100
    headnode.OffsetX = 200
    headnode.OffsetY = 200
    Dim tailnode As New Node()
    tailnode.Shape = Shapes.RoundedRectangle
    tailnode.Label = "Tail Node"
    tailnode.Height = 100
    tailnode.Width = 100
    tailnode.OffsetX = 400
    tailnode.OffsetY = 50
    Dim port1 As New ConnectionPort(headnode, New Point(50, 100))
    port1.Width = 10
    port1.Height = 10
    port1.PortShape = PortShapes.Circle
    Dim port2 As New ConnectionPort(tailnode, New Point(50, 0))
    port2.Width = 10
    port2.Height = 10
    port2.PortShape = PortShapes.Diamond
    Dim line As New LineConnector()
    line.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Orthogonal
    line.HeadNode = headnode
    line.TailNode = tailnode
    line.ConnectionHeadPort = port1
    line.ConnectionTailPort = port2
    line.FirstSegmentLength = 50
    line.LastSegmentLength = 100
    line.AutoAdjustPoints = True

    See Also

    • Connector Type
    • Decorator Shapes
    • Create Connection Port on Line Connector
    • Customize Line Connectors
    • Line Connector Label
    • Customize the label of Nodes and LineConnectors
    • Customize the ContextMenu of Nodes and LineConnectors
    • LineBridging

    Create Line Connector

    Like nodes, connectors can also be added in two ways.

    • At run time
    • Through model
    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    EnableConnection Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable connection]. Dependency property Boolean (true/ false) No

    Steps for adding a connector to a diagram at run time

    • First set the EnableConnection property of DiagramView to True. This has to be set to true every time the user makes a connection.
    • Press the left mouse button while the pointer is over the node where the connection is to start. This acts as the head node for the connector.
    • While the left button is pressed, drag the pointer to the node to where you want to create a link. The cursor will change to a cross while dragging.


    If a node is not hit while making a connection, then no connector gets added.


    • When you hit any node in the process, you can see an adorner showing what the link will look like if created.


    • Release the left button over the target node where you want to connect. This acts as the tail node for the connector and hence the link is created.


    The connector’s path geometry is dynamically created based on the start and end points and the connector type.

    It is also possible to drag-and-drop line connectors from the SymbolPalette. Three shapes of the line connectors have been added in a group named “Connectors”. The desired line can be dragged onto the page. Initially, the head node and the tail node will be null. The steps to be followed to add a line connector from SymbolPalette are as follows:

    1. Drag the desired line connector onto the page.


    2. Then drag the head thumb of the line connector to the desired node to make a connection.


    3. Similarly drag the tail thumb of the line connector to the desired node. Now, this creates a link between the two nodes.


    Add Connectors through a Model

    You can create connections between nodes through a model. The Line Connector class is used to create the connection. We need to specify the head node and the tail node for the connection.

  • C#
  • Node n1 = new Node();
    n1.Shape = Shapes.FlowChart_Card;
    n1.OffsetX = 50;
    n1.OffsetY = 50;
    Node n2 = new Node();
    n2.Shape = Shapes.FlowChart_Delay;
    n2.OffsetX = 150;
    n2.OffsetY = 250;
    LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.HeadNode = n1;
    l1.TailNode = n2;
  • Dim n1 As New Node()
    n1.Shape = Shapes.FlowChart_Card
    n1.OffsetX = 50
    n1.OffsetY = 50
    Dim n2 As New Node()
    n2.Shape = Shapes.FlowChart_Delay
    n2.OffsetX = 150
    n2.OffsetY = 250
    Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.HeadNode = n1
    l1.TailNode = n2

    This creates a connection between the two specified nodes.



    For orthogonal and Bezier connectors, the connection always happens at the center of the node’s edge.

    For straight line connectors, the connection happens at the intersection point of the edge and the line connector.

    Setting Constraints for EnableConnection Property

    This feature provides the ability to drag nodes and connection ports when the EnableConnection property is set to ‘True’. The ConnectionMode enum is used to define the node or connection port for connecting.


    Setting Constraints for EnableConnection Property

    Property Description Type Data Type
    NodeModePortMode Allows nodes to be dragged when EnableConnection is enabled.Allows connection ports to be dragged when EnableConnection is enabled. DependencyPropertyDependencyProperty EnumEnum

    Enabling Connection Mode Constraints for Nodes and Connection Ports


    This property is used to define whether the node can be movable when the EnableConnection property of the DiagramView is set to true.

    This property can be set to the following:

    • Connect
    • Move

    By default, this property is set to Connect.

    If the NodeMode property of DiagramView is set to Connect, the diagram nodes can be connected to other nodes.

    To set this property to Connect, use the following code.

  • C#
  • DiagramView View1 = new DiagramView();
    View1.NodeMode = ConnectionMode.Connect;
  • Dim view1 As New DiagramView()
    View1.NodeMode = ConnectionMode.Connect

    If the NodeMode property of DiagramView is set to Move, even though the EnableConnection is set to ‘true’ a node can be moved and will not be able to be connected to a line connector.

    To set this property to Move, use the following code.

  • C#
  • DiagramView View1 = new DiagramView();
    View1.NodeMode = ConnectionMode.Move;
  • Dim view As New DiagramView()
    view.NodeMode = ConnectionMode.Move


    This property is used to define whether a connection port can be movable when the EnableConnection property of the DiagramView is set to true.

    This property can be set to the following:

    • Connect
    • Move

    By default, this property is set to Connect.

    If the PortMode property of the DiagramView is set to Connect, we can create port-to-port connections.

    To set the PortMode property to Connect, use the following code.

  • C#
  • DiagramView View1 = new DiagramView();
    View1.PortMode = ConnectionMode.Connect;
  • Dim view As New DiagramView()
    view.PortMode = ConnectionMode.Connect

    If the PortMode property of the DiagramView is set to Move, even though EnableConnection is set to true, a port can be moved yet a port-to-port connection can’t be created.

    To set the PortMode property to Move, use the following code.

  • C#
  • DiagramView View1 = new DiagramView();
    View1.PortMode = ConnectionMode.Move;
  • Dim view1 As New DiagramView()
    View1.PortMode = ConnectionMode.Move

    Connector Type

    The ConnectorType property specifies the type of connector to be used for connection.

    Property Description Type Data Type
    ConnectorType Gets or sets the connector type to be used. There are four values namely Orthogonal, Straight, Bezier and Arc can be specified. Default Value is Orthogonal. Dependency property ConnectorType.OrthogonalConnectorType.BezierConnectorType.StraightConnectorType.Arc

    Following types of connectors are supported:

    • Orthogonal—creates a line in which line segments (if any) are placed at right angles to each other.
    • Bezier—Renders a Bezier curve with two points.
    • Straight—renders a line with two points.
    • Arc—creates a link between two nodes.

    The following code illustrates how to set the connector type:

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.HeadNode = n1;
    l1.TailNode = n2;
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.HeadNode = n1
    l1.TailNode = n2
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier


    Arc Line Connector Type

    Arc Line Connector creates link between two nodes. This can act as other line connectors like Bezier, Straight and Orthogonal. You can blend the Arc Line Connector and change its angel. Arc height and direction can be customized.


    Property Description Type of the property Data Type Reference Links
    ArcHeight Gets or sets a value for the height of the Arc connector.The default value is 50. Dependency property double NA
    ArcDirection Gets or sets a value for the direction of the Arc connector.The default value is Clockwise Dependency property SweepDirection NA

    Customizing Arc Line Connector type

    Use the ArcHeight and the ArcDirection__property__of ConnectorBase to customize the height and direction of the Arc.

    • ArcHeight – Gets or Sets the height of the Arc.
    • ArcDirection – Gets or Sets the direction of the Arc

    Following code illustrates how to customize the height and direction of the Arc:

  • C#
  • LineConnector l = new LineConnector();
              l.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Arc;
              l.ArcHeight = 100;
              //l.ArcDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise; // Default
              l.ArcDirection = SweepDirection.Counterclockwise;
              l.StartPointPosition = new Point(50, 150);
              l.EndPointPosition = new Point(150, 150);
  • Dim l As New LineConnector()
    l.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Arc
    l.ArcHeight = 100
    'l.ArcDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise; // Default
    l.ArcDirection = SweepDirection.Counterclockwise
    l.StartPointPosition = New Point(50, 150)
    l.EndPointPosition = New Point(150, 150)




    Line connector can be used to draw polylines using IntermediatePoints property. Polylines are drawn using intermediate points for straight lines and orthogonal line connectors. For orthogonal lines, intermediate points are updated so that the adjacent line segments are always perpendicular to each other. These intermediate points are visually represented as vertex.

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    IntermediatePoints Gets or sets the intermediate points. Dependency property List<Point> No


    Straight line connectors can be used as poly line by using IntermediatePoints property. This can be achieved at run time by holding Ctrl + Shift and Click on the line, or by simply changing the IntermediatePoints collection. This will reflect in the line connector.


    Poly Orthogonal Lines

    Orthogonal lines can have more than two intermediate points. All these Intermediate points are can be dragged. Unlike straight lines, orthogonal lines maintain their perpendicularity even after the intermediate points are dragged.


    Intermediate Points

    Adding Intermediate Points

    Intermediate points can be added in two ways:

    • Using Ctrl + Shift Key
    • Through Code Behind

    Intermediate points can be added at run time by holding Ctrl + Shift and clicking on the line. Intermediate points can be added programmatically. The following code snippet illustrates addition of intermediate lines.

  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    lc.EndPointPosition = new Point(300, 300);
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200,100));
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200,300));
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    lc.EndPointPosition = New Point(300, 300)
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200,100))
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200,300))



    By default, an orthogonal line connector has two intermediate points. So, newly added intermediate points will need to be added beyond the default intermediate points. If users need to add new intermediate points to the line connector only, they must clear all of the default intermediate points and then add the intermediate points. Otherwise, the newly added intermediate points will be added beyond the default intermediate points.

    Modifying Intermediate Points

    Intermediate Points can be modified in two ways:

    • Dragging the Vertex
    • Through Code Behind

    Intermediate points can be modified at run time by clicking and dragging the vertex of the line connector. Intermediate points can be modified programmatically also. The following code snippet illustrates modification of intermediate lines.

  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    lc.EndPointPosition = new Point(300, 300);
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200,100));
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200,300));
    lc.IntermediatePoints[1] = new Point(200,200));
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    lc.EndPointPosition = New Point(300, 300)
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200,100))
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200,300))
    lc.IntermediatePoints(1) = New Point(200,200))


    Delete Intermediate Points

    Intermediate points can be deleted in two ways:

    • Using Ctrl + Shift Key
    • Through Code Behind

    Intermediate points can be deleted by holding Ctrl + Shift and clicking on the vertex that represents intermediate point to be deleted. Intermediate points can be deleted programmatically also. The following code example illustrates deletion of intermediate lines.

  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    lc.EndPointPosition = new Point(300, 300);
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200,100));
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200,300));
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    lc.EndPointPosition = New Point(300, 300)
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200,100))
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200,300))


    Vertex Template for Intermediate Points

    Vertex template for intermediate points can be set using ConnectorAdornerVertexStyle property of line connector. Custom styles can be set. The following code example illustrates the same.

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    VertexStyle Gets or sets the vertex style. Dependency property Style No
  • HTML
  • <Window.Resources>
    <Style x:Key="vertexStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Thumb}">
                    <Setter Property="Width" Value="7"/>
                    <Setter Property="Height" Value="7"/>
                    <Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true"/>
                    <Setter Property="RenderTransform">
                            <TranslateTransform X="-3" Y="-3"/>
                    <Setter Property="Template">
                            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Thumb}">
                                <Rectangle RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Fill="Beige"  Stroke="Black"  StrokeThickness="1" RadiusX="0" RadiusY="0">
                                        <RotateTransform Angle="45"/>
  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight;
    lc.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    lc.EndPointPosition = new Point(300, 300);
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 100));
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 300));
    lc.VertexStyle = this.Resources["vertexStyle"] as Style;
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight
    lc.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    lc.EndPointPosition = New Point(300, 300)
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 100))
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 300))
    lc.VertexStyle = TryCast(Me.Resources("vertexStyle"), Style)


    Template for End Points

    Vertex template for terminal points can be set using ConnectorAdornerThumbStyle property of line connector. Custom styles can be set. Following code example illustrates the same.

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    DecoratorAdornerStyle Gets or sets the decorator adorner style. Dependency property Style No
  • HTML
  • <Window.Resources>
    <Style x:Key="decrator" TargetType="{x:Type Thumb}">
                    <Setter Property="Width" Value="14"/>
                    <Setter Property="Height" Value="14"/>
                    <Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true"/>
                    <Setter Property="Template">
                            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Thumb}">
                                <Rectangle Fill="#66F5F5DC" Stroke="Black"  StrokeThickness="1" RadiusX="0" RadiusY="0"/>
  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight;
    lc.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    lc.EndPointPosition = new Point(300, 300);
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 100));
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 300));
    lc.DecoratorAdornerStyle = this.Resources["decorator"] as Style;
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight
    lc.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    lc.EndPointPosition = New Point(300, 300)
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 100))
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 300))
    lc.DecoratorAdornerStyle = TryCast(Me.Resources("decorator"), Style)


    Hide Vertex

    The user can hide the vertex of a line connector by setting the IsVertexVisible property to False. The following code snippet illustrates the same.

    Property Table

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    IsVertexVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is vertex visible. Dependency property Style No
  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight;
    lc.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    lc.EndPointPosition = new Point(300, 300);
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 100));
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 300));
    lc.IsVertexVisible = false;
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight
    lc.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    lc.EndPointPosition = New Point(300, 300)
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 100))
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 300))
    lc.IsVertexVisible = False


    Arresting Vertex Drag

    You can disable the drag operation on the vertex of a line connector by setting the IsVertexMovable property to False. The following code example illustrates the same.

    Property Table

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    IsVertexMovable Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is vertex movable. Dependency property Boolean (true/ false) No
  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight;
    lc.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    lc.EndPointPosition = new Point(300, 300);
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 100));
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(new Point(200, 300));
    lc.IsVertexMovable = false;
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight
    lc.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    lc.EndPointPosition = New Point(300, 300)
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 100))
    lc.IntermediatePoints.Add(New Point(200, 300))
    lc.IsVertexMovable = False

    The vertex drag of a line connector is arrested.

    Decorator Shapes

    Head and tail decorator shape properties provide an option to add arrows and to customize these arrows. End point decorators can be provided for all types of connectors. There are a number of shapes available for head and tail decorators.

    Property Table

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    HeadDecoratorShape Gets or sets the head decorator shape of the connection.Four values namely None, Arrow , Diamond and Circle can be specified.Default value: HeadDecoratorShape.None CLR property * DecoratorShape.None* DecoratorShape.Arrow* DecoratorShape.Diamond* DecoratorShape.Circle* DecoratorShape. Custom
    TailDecoratorShape Gets or sets the head decorator shape of the connection.Four values namely None, Arrow , Diamond and Circle can be specified.Default value: TailDecoratorShape.Arrow CLR property * DecoratorShape.None* DecoratorShape.Arrow* DecoratorShape.Diamond* DecoratorShape.Circle* DecoratorShape.Custom
    HeadDecoratorStyle Provides customization option for the head decorator shape. CLR property DecoratorStyle No
    TailDecoratorStyle Provides customization option for the tail decorator shape. CLR property DecoratorStyle No
    CustomHeadDecoratorStyle Provides option for Custom Head Decorator Style for LineConnector Style Dependency Property No
    CustomTailDecoratorStyle Provides option for Custom Tail Decorator Style for LineConnector Style Dependency Property No

    Arrow settings can be changed using HeadDecoratorShape and TailDecoratorShape properties. Both head and tail decorators consist of the same set of properties that allow one to customize the settings as required.

    Types of decorator shapes

    • Arrow
    • Diamond
    • Circle

    The following code shows how to set these properties.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.HeadNode = n1;
    l1.TailNode = n2;
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Diamond;
    l1.TailDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Circle;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.HeadNode = n1
    l1.TailNode = n2
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Diamond
    l1.TailDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Circle



    Decorator shapes can be customized in two ways.

    • Using CustomHeadDecoratorStyle and CustomTailDecoratorStyle
    • Using HeadDecoratorStyle and TailDecoratorStyle

    CustomDecoratorShape using Style and Setters

    HeadDecoratorShape and TailDecoratorShape can be customized by defining a required style for CustomHeadDecoratorStyle, and CustomTailDecoratorStyle respectively.

  • HTML
  • <Window.Resources>
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type Path}" x:Key="Deco1">
                <Setter Property="Data" Value="M 9,2 11,7 17,7 12,10 14,15 9,12 4,15 6,10 1,7 7,7 Z"></Setter>
                <Setter Property="Width" Value="20"/>
                <Setter Property="Fill" Value="MidnightBlue" />
                <Setter Property="Height" Value="20"/>
  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector ConnectorType="Bezier"  Label="Line1" LabelWidth="50" IsSelected="True" StartPointPosition="100,400" EndPointPosition="100,500" HeadDecoratorShape="Custom" CustomHeadDecoratorStyle="{StaticResource Deco1}"/>
  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom;
    l1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100);
    l1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200);
    l1.CustomHeadDecoratorStyle = this.Resources["deco1"] as Style;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom
    l1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    l1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200)
    l1.CustomHeadDecoratorStyle = TryCast(Me.Resources("Deco1"), Style)


  • HTML
  • <Window.Resources>
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type Path}" x:Key="Deco1">
                <Setter Property="Data" Value="M 9,2 11,7 17,7 12,10 14,15 9,12 4,15 6,10 1,7 7,7 Z"></Setter>
                <Setter Property="Width" Value="20"/>
                <Setter Property="Fill" Value="MidnightBlue" />
                <Setter Property="Height" Value="20"/>
  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector ConnectorType="Orthogonal” Name="Line1" LabelWidth="50" IsSelected="True" StartPointPosition="100,400" EndPointPosition="100,500" TailDecoratorShape="Custom" CustomTailDecoratorStyle="{StaticResource Deco1}"/>
  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Orthogonal;
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom;
    l1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100);
    l1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200);
    l1.CustomTailDecoratorStyle = this.Resources["deco1"] as Style;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType. Orthogonal
    l1.TailDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom
    l1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    l1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200)
    l1.TailHeadDecoratorStyle = TryCast(Me.Resources("Deco1"), Style)


    CustomDecoratorShape using DecoratorStyle

    HeadDecoratorShape and TailDecoratorShape can be customized by defining a required style for HeadDecoratorStyle and TailDecoratorStyle respectively.

  • C#
  • LineConnector line1 = new LineConnector();
    line1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight;
    line1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom;
    line1.HeadDecoratorStyle = new DecoratorStyle()
        Fill = Brushes.Red,
        Data = Geometry.Parse("M160.329212944922,-3.01862318403769L-2.5,130.5 -                      5.00506481618589,311.336343115124 163.335290725089,448.012415349887 436.888368720338,448.012420654297 593,309 591.5,133.5 429.5,-1.5z"),
        Stroke = Brushes.Black,
    line1.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    line1.EndPointPosition = new Point(200, 200);
  • Dim line1 As New LineConnector()
    line1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight
    line1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.[Custom]
    line1.HeadDecoratorStyle = New DecoratorStyle() With { _
        .Fill = Brushes.Red, _
        .Data = Geometry.Parse("M160.329212944922,-3.01862318403769L-2.5,130.5 -5.00506481618589,311.336343115124 163.335290725089,448.012415349887 436.888368720338,448.012420654297 593,309 591.5,133.5 429.5,-1.5z"), _
        .Stroke = Brushes.Black, _
        .Height = 20, _
        .Width = 20 _
    line1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    line1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200)


    Customizing TailDecoratorShape with TailDecoratorStyle

  • C#
  • LineConnector line1 = new LineConnector();
    line1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
    line1.TailDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom;
    line1.TailDecoratorStyle = new DecoratorStyle()
       Fill = Brushes.Red,
       Data = Geometry.Parse("M160.329212944922,-3.01862318403769L-2.5,130.5 -5.00506481618589,311.336343115124 163.335290725089,448.012415349887 436.888368720338,448.012420654297 593,309 591.5,133.5 429.5,-1.5z"),
       Stroke = Brushes.Black,
    line1.StartPointPosition = new Point(200, 200);
    line1.EndPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
  • Dim line1 As New LineConnector()
    line1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier
    line1.TailDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.[Custom]
    line1.TailDecoratorStyle = New DecoratorStyle() With
    { _
             .Fill = Brushes.Red, _
             .Data = Geometry.Parse("M160.329212944922,-3.01862318403769L-2.5,130.5 -5.00506481618589,311.336343115124 163.335290725089,448.012415349887 436.888368720338,448.012420654297 593,309 591.5,133.5 429.5,-1.5z"), _
             .Stroke = Brushes.Black, _
             .Height = 20, _
             .Width = 20 _
    line1.StartPointPosition = New Point(200, 200)
    line1.EndPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)



    SegmentDecoratorShape provides the option to place decorator shapes for each segment of Straight and Orthogonal lines.

    SegmentDecorator Shape

    Property Description Type Data Type Reference links
    Unit Gets or sets the Unit for the SegmentDecoratorSettingsDefault Value is RelativeFraction Dependency property EnumLineUnit. AbsoluteFractionLineUnit. RelativeFractionLineUnit .AbsoluteValueLineUnit .RelativeValue No
    DecoratorOffset Gets or sets DecoratorOffset for the SegmentDecorator Property Double No
    DecoratorShape Gets or sets DecoratorShape for the SegmentDecorator Property DecoratorShape No
    CustomDecoratorStyle Gets or sets CustomDecoratorStyle for the SegmentDecorator Property Style No

    To set unit property for Segment decorator setting

    LineUnit property is used to access the following:

    • AbsoluteFraction: the fraction values (double value between 0 to 1) entered are considered from the particular segment’s StartPointPosition
    • RelativeFraction: the fraction values (double value between 0 to 1) entered are considered from the previous DecoratorShape position
    • AbsoluteValue: the pixel values (double) entered are considered from the particular segment’s StartPointPosition
    • RelativeValue: the pixel values (double) entered are considered from the previous DecoratorShape position

    Through XAML

  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector.SegmentDecoratorSettings>
       <syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings Unit="RelativeFraction">
              <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.2" DecoratorShape="Arrow" />
              <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.5" DecoratorShape="Diamond"/>
  • C#
  • Through code behind 
               SegmentDecorator decorator1=new SegmentDecorator ();
                  SegmentDecorator decorator2=new SegmentDecorator ();
                CollectionExt collection=new CollectionExt ();
                SegmentDecoratorSettings decoratorsettings = new SegmentDecoratorSettings();
                decoratorsettings.Unit = LineUnit.RelativeFraction;
                decoratorsettings.SegmentDecorator = collection;
                line.SegmentDecoratorSettings = decoratorsettings;

    DecoratorShape Customization


    The decorator shapes used for the connector can be customized by specifying the property values under the CustomDecoratorStyle property. Same Style and shapes can be given to an entire line segment or different shapes and styles can be given to each part of the line segment, the various properties under the CustomDecoratorStyle property are as follows:

    • Fill - Specifies the color to be used to fill the decorator
    • StrokeThickness - Specifies the thickness value for the decorator’s border
    • Stroke - Specifies the color to be used for the border of the decorator
    • StrokeStartLineCap - Specifies the shape used at the start of a line or segment
    • StrokeEndLineCap - Specifies the shape at the end of a line or segment
    • StrokeLineJoin - Specifies the shape that joins two lines or segments
    • StrokeDashArray - Specifies a collection of double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps used to outline shapes.
    • Width- Specifies the Width of the shape
    • Height- Specifies the Height of the shape

    To set the same Style and Shape for the entire Line segment

  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings.CustomDecoratorStyle>
          <Style TargetType="Path">
              <Setter Property="Stretch" Value="Fill"/>
              <Setter Property="Fill" Value="Red"/>
              <Setter Property="Width" Value="15"/>
              <Setter Property="Height" Value="15"/>
              <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Black"/>
              <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>
           </Style>                 </syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings.CustomDecoratorStyle>
  • C#
  • Style decoratorstyle = new System.Windows.Style();
           decoratorstyle.BasedOn = decoratorsettings.CustomDecoratorStyle;
           decoratorstyle.TargetType = typeof(Path);
            decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.StrokeProperty, new                                                                                                                                                                 SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightSteelBlue)));
          decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.StrokeThicknessProperty, 2d));
          decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.WidthProperty, 15d));
           decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.HeightProperty, 15d));
           decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.FillProperty, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.YellowGreen)));
                  decoratorsettings.CustomDecoratorStyle = decoratorstyle;
                line.SegmentDecoratorSettings = decoratorsettings;

    To set different shapes and styles to the line segment

  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings.SegmentDecorator>
    <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.2" DecoratorShape="Arrow" CustomDecoratorStyle="{StaticResource de}" />
    <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.5" DecoratorShape="Diamond"/>
  • C#
  • Style decoratorstyle = new System.Windows.Style();
           decoratorstyle.BasedOn = decoratorsettings.CustomDecoratorStyle;
           decoratorstyle.TargetType = typeof(Path);
            decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.StrokeProperty, new                                                                                                                                                                 SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightSteelBlue)));
          decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.StrokeThicknessProperty, 2d));
          decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.WidthProperty, 15d));
           decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.HeightProperty, 15d));
           decoratorstyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.FillProperty, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.YellowGreen)));
                  decoratorsettings.CustomDecoratorStyle = decoratorstyle;
                line.SegmentDecoratorSettings = decoratorsettings;



  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector.SegmentDecoratorSettings>
       <syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings Unit="AbsoluteFraction">
          <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.25" DecoratorShape="Arrow" />
         <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.5" DecoratorShape="Diamond"/>


  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector.SegmentDecoratorSettings>
       <syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings Unit="RelativeFraction">
          <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.25" DecoratorShape="Arrow" />
         <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="0.5" DecoratorShape="Diamond"/>


  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector.SegmentDecoratorSettings>
       <syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings Unit="AbsoluteValue">
          <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="25" DecoratorShape="Arrow" />
         <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="50" DecoratorShape="Diamond"/>


  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector.SegmentDecoratorSettings>
       <syncfusion:SegmentDecoratorSettings Unit="RelativeValue">
          <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="25" DecoratorShape="Arrow" />
         <syncfusion:SegmentDecorator DecoratorOffset="50" DecoratorShape="Diamond"/>

    Customize Line Connectors

    This topic describes two properties:

    • LineStyle
    • DecoratorStyle

    Line Style

    A connector can be customized by specifying the values under the LineStyle property. The various properties under LineStyle are,

    • Fill - Specifies the color used to fill the connector.
    • StrokeThickness - Specifies the thickness value for the connector’s border.
    • Stroke - Specifies the color used for the border of the connector.
    • StrokeStartLineCap - Specifies the shape to be used at the start of a line or segment.
    • StrokeEndLineCap - Specifies the shape at the end of a line or segment.
    • StrokeLineJoin - Specifies the shape that joins two lines or segments.
    • StrokeDashArray - Specifies a collection of double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps used to outline shapes.

    As an example, the Stroke property can be applied as follows.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.HeadNode = n1;
    l1.TailNode = n2;
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
    l1.LineStyle.Stroke = Brushes.Red;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.HeadNode = n1
    l1.TailNode = n2
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier
    l1.LineStyle.Stroke = Brushes.Red



    A connector can be customized using CustomPathStyle. The CustomPathStyle property enables you to customize the appearance of LineConnector.


    Property Table

    Property Description Type Data Type Reference links
    CustomPathStyle Get or Set CustomPathStyle for LineConnector Dependency Property Style NA

    Applying Style for CustomPathStyle

    Appearance of the LineConnector can be customized by applying style for the CustomPathStyle property. Style can be applied for CustomPathStyle as illustrated in the following code:

    • Through XAML
  • HTML
  • <Window.Resources>
    <Style TargetType="{x:Type Path}" x:Key="Deco1">
                <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Red" />                        
             <Style TargetType="{x:Type syncfusion:LineConnector}"  >
                <Setter Property="HeadDecoratorShape"  Value="Diamond" />
                <Setter Property="TailDecoratorShape" Value="Diamond"/> 
                <!--set the stroke color-->
                <Setter Property="CustomPathStyle" 
    				Value ="{StaticResource Deco1}>                
    • Through Code-behind
  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom;
    l1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100);
    l1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200);
    l1.CustomPathStyle = this.Resources["Deco1"] as Style;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape = DecoratorShape.Custom
    l1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    l1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200)
    l1.CustomPathStyle = TryCast(Me.Resources("Deco1"), Style)



    The decorator shapes used for the connector can be customized by specifying the property values under the DecoratorStyle property. To change the decorator style, the HeadDecoratorStyle and TailDecoratorStyle properties can be used.

    The various properties under the DecoratorStyle property are as follows.

    • Fill - Specifies the color used to fill the connector.
    • StrokeThickness - Specifies the thickness value for the connector’s border.
    • Stroke - Specifies the color used for the border of the connector.
    • StrokeStartLineCap - Specifies the shape to be used at the start of a line or segment.
    • StrokeEndLineCap - Specifies the shape at the end of a line or segment.
    • StrokeLineJoin - Specifies the shape that joins two lines or segments.
    • StrokeDashArray - Specifies a collection of double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps used to outline shapes.

    An example of the Stroke property can be applied to the head decorator as follows.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.HeadNode = n1;
    l1.TailNode = n2;
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
    l1.HeadDecoratorStyle.Stroke = Brushes.Red;
    l1.TailDecoratorStyle.Stroke = Brushes.Red;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.HeadNode = n1
    l1.TailNode = n2
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier
    l1.HeadDecoratorStyle.Stroke = Brushes.Red
    l1.TailDecoratorStyle.Stroke = Brushes.Red


    First Segment Orientation

    This feature enables you to orient the FirstSegment of the Orthogonal LineConnector as needed.

    This feature provides the following options to orient the first segment:

    • Auto – The first segment of orthogonal LineConnector will always be perpendicular to the sides of the HeadNode, to which it is connected.
    • Horizontal – The FirstSegment of the Orthogonal LineConnector will always be connected horizontally to the HeadNode.
    • Vertical - The FirstSegment of the Orthogonal LineConnector will always be connected vertically to the HeadNode.

    Use Case Scenarios

    By default line connector will be drawn based on the space between the nodes. If you want to customize the default patter, you can achieve this using this feature. This enables you to align the first segment of the connector and rest will be aligned based on this.

    Tables for Properties, Methods, and Events



    Property Description Type Data Type Reference links
    FirstSegmentOrientation Gets or sets a value to orient the FirstSegment.Default Value is Auto Dependency property SegmentOrientation.AutoSegmentOrientation.HorizontalSegmentOrientation.Vertical

    Orienting the First Segment

    You can orient the FirstSegment of the Orthogonal LineConnector using the FirstSegmentOrientation property.

    The following code illustrates how to set the FirstSegmentOrientation to Auto:

  • C#
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.FirstSegmentOrientation = SegmentOrientation.Auto;
  • Dim line As New LineConnector()
    line.FirstSegmentOrientation = SegmentOrientation.Auto


    The following code illustrates how to set the FirstSegmentOrientation to Horizontal:

  • C#
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.FirstSegmentOrientation = SegmentOrientation.Horizontal;
  • Dim line As New LineConnector()
    line.FirstSegmentOrientation = SegmentOrientation.Horizontal


    The following code illustrates how to set the FirstSegmentOrientation to Vertical.

  • C#
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.FirstSegmentOrientation = SegmentOrientation.Vertical;
  • Dim line As New LineConnector()
    line.FirstSegmentOrientation = SegmentOrientation.Vertical



    This FirstSegmentOrientation property is only works as expected when the LineConnector satisfies the following things.

    • LineConnector is connected between Nodes through ConnectionPort.
    • When there is only one intermediate Point in Orthogonal LineConnector.

    Line Connector Label

    Label is a single line or multiline text that is displayed over the Node. This Label is used to textually represent a LineConnector with a string that can be edited in run time, there are many properties that can be used to change the alignment and appearance settings. Label can be represented as multiline text using the TextWrapping property.

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    IsLabelEditable Gets or sets a value indicating whether line’s label that can be edited or not. Default value is True. Dependency property Boolean (true/ false) No
    Label Gets or sets the line's label. Default value is Empty String. Dependency property String No
    LabelTemplate Gets or sets a template for the label. Default value is null. Dependency property DataTemplate No
    LabelVisibility Gets or sets the label visibility. Default value is Visibility.Visible Dependency property Visibility.HiddenVisibility.CollapsedVisibility.Visible No
    LabelHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the node’s label horizontal Alignment. Default value isHorizontalAlignment.Center Dependency property HorizontalAlignment.CenterHorizontalAlignment.LeftHorizontalAlignment.RightHorizontalAlignment.Stretch No
    LabelTextTrimming Gets or sets the text trimming style . Default value is CharacterEllipsis. Dependency property TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsisTextTrimming.NoneTextTrimming.WordEllipsis No
    LabelForeground Gets or sets the label foreground. Default value is Black. Dependency property Brush No
    LabelBackground Gets or sets the label background. Default value is White. Dependency property Brush No
    LabelFontStyle Gets or sets the label background. Default value is White. Dependency property FontStyle No
    LabelFontFamily Gets or sets the label font family. Default value is Arial. Dependency property FontFamily No
    LabelTextAlignment Gets or sets the label text alignment. Default value is Center. Dependency property TextAlignment.CenterTextAlignment.JustifyTextAlignment.LeftTextAlignment.Right No
    LabelFontSize Gets or sets the label font size. Default value is 11. Dependency property Double No
    LabelFontWeight Gets or sets the label font weight. Default value is SemiBold. Dependency property FontWeight No
    LabelTextWrapping Gets or sets the label text wrapping. Default value is NoWrap. Dependency property TextWrapping.NoWrapTextWrapping.WrapTextWrapping.WrapWithOverflow No
    LabelWidth Gets or sets the label width. Default value is line’s width. Dependency property Double No
    EnableMultilineLabel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the label line can be multiline or not. Default value is False. Dependency Property Boolean (True / False) No

    A connector can be specified with a label, similar to node, using the Label property. The default value is an empty string. By default, the label starts at the center point of the connector.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.HeadNode = n1;
    l1.TailNode = n2;
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier;
    l1.Label = "Connect";
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.HeadNode = n1
    l1.TailNode = n2
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Bezier
    l1.Label = "Connect"


    Label Template

    You can set a custom template for labels. The following code illustrates on how to set a label template.

    Create a DataTemplate and add the resource “text.png” to your application.

  • HTML
  • <DataTemplate x:Key="LabelCustomTemplate">
       <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
           <Image Source="text.png" Width="20" Height="20"/>
           <Border Background="AliceBlue">
             <TextBlock Text="Hello"/>

    Now, you can apply the template to the connector as follows.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.HeadNode = n1;
    l1.TailNode = n2;
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight;
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape= DecoratorShape.Arrow;
    l1.TailDecoratorShape= DecoratorShape.Arrow;
    l1.HeadDecoratorStyle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray); 
    l1.TailDecoratorStyle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);
    l1.LabelTemplate = this.Resources["LabelCustomTemplate"] as DataTemplate ;
    Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.HeadNode = n1
    l1.TailNode = n2
    l1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight
    l1.HeadDecoratorShape= DecoratorShape.Arrow
    l1.TailDecoratorShape= DecoratorShape.Arrow
    l1.HeadDecoratorStyle.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray)
    l1.TailDecoratorStyle.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray) 
    l1.LabelTemplate = CType(Me.Resources("LabelCustomTemplate"), DataTemplate)

    The following screenshot illustrates “Hello” text on an Alice Blue background with an image on the left.


    Multi line label

    Label text can be displayed in multiple lines using LabelTextWrapping property set to wrap. If there is no enough space for the text to get displayed within connector in a single line then text will get wrapped within connector boundaries or LabelWidth and starts to display the label in multiple lines.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l = new LineConnector();
    l.Label = "This is a Multiline Label for Connectors";
    l.LabelHeight = 110;
    l.LabelTextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
    l.IsLabelEditable = true;
  • Dim l As New LineConnector()
    l.Label = "This is a Multiline Label for Connectors"
    l.LabelHeight = 110
    l.LabelTextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap
    l.IsLabelEditable = True


    Label Editing

    A connector’s label can be edited at run time by setting IsLabelEditable to ‘True’. The following code shows how it can be done.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.Shape = Shapes.RoundedRectangle;
    l1.IsLabelEditable = true;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.Shape = Shapes.RoundedRectangle
    l1.IsLabelEditable = True

    You can specify a label at run time by following the below mentioned steps.

    • Double click the left mouse button on any part of the connector. A text box will appear with the cursor at the beginning.
    • Now type the label name and press ENTER. The label will be displayed on the connector. Press ESC key if you do not want to apply the new label value.


    Label Visibility

    A label’s visibility can be changed using the LabelVisibility property. The default value is visible.

  • C#
  • LineConnector l1 = new LineConnector();
    l1.LabelVisibility = Visibility.Hidden;
  • Dim l1 As New LineConnector()
    l1.LabelVisibility = Visibility.Hidden

    The label will not get displayed.

    Multiline Label Support for LabelEditor:

    LineConnector’s Label can be set as Multiline Label by setting the EnableMultiline property as ‘True’. The default Value is ‘False’.

  • HTML
  • <syncfusion:LineConnector ConnectorType="Straight"  Label="Line1" IsSelected="True"      StartPointPosition="100,400" EndPointPosition="100,500" EnableMultilineLabel="True"
  • C#
  • LineConnector line1 = new LineConnector();
    line1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Orthogonal;
    line1.StartPointPosition = new Point(100, 100);
    line1.EndPointPosition = new Point(200, 200);
    line1.EnableMultilineLabel = true;
  • Dim line1 As New LineConnector()
    line1.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Orthogonal
    line1.StartPointPosition = New Point(100, 100)
    line1.EndPointPosition = New Point(200, 200)
    line1.EnableMultilineLabel = True


    Custom Label Support for LineConnector

    This feature enables you to customize the Label Position of the LineConnector. The CustomLabelPosition property for LineConnector are Auto, Drag and Custom.

    • Drag: The label can be dragged
    • Auto: Label position and angle will be updated internally based on the position of the LineConnector. This is a default value.
    • Custom: You can customize the Label position

    We can also set the Label Position using LabelPosition property of the LineConnector.

    Property Description Type Value It Accepts Default Values Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    LabelPosition Gets or sets the Position of the LineConnector’s Label from the DiagramPage. Dependency property Point Point(0,0) No
    CustomLabelPosition Gets or sets the Label of the LineConnector to be Dragged or Not. Dependency property Enum.CustomLabelPositions.AutoCustomLabelPositions.CustomCustomLabelPositions.Drag CustomLabelPositions.Auto No
    LabelAngle Gets or sets the angle of the Label of LineConnector. Dependency property double 0 No

    Adding Custom Label Enhancements for LineConnector to an Application

    Label Dragging support for LineConnector

    The Label can be dragged from the Line Connector.

  • C#
  • (line as LineConnector).CustomLabelPosition = CustomLabelPositions.Drag;

    Set the LabelPosition for LineConnector

    When the values are given the position of the label will be exactly at the point of the specified values.

  • C#
  • (line as LineConnector).LabelPosition = new Point(100,100);

    Set the LabelAngle for LineConnector

    The labels rotate when values are given for the label angle.

  • C#
  • (line as LineConnector).LabelAngle = 45;

    Label Orientation

    Essential Diagram for WPF provides support to orient the LineConnector label as needed.

    Use Case Scenarios

    When the label overlaps with the nodes or connectors, it will not be legible. In such case you can use this feature to align the label to make it legible.

    Property Description Type Data Type Reference links
    LabelOrientation Gets or sets a value to orient the labelDefault Value is Auto. Dependency property LabelOrientation.AutoLabelOrientation.HorizontalLabelOrientation.Vertical NA

    Orienting the Label

    You can orient the label using the LabelOrientation__property_._ You__can set this to Horizontal, Vertical or Auto. By default this is set to auto.

    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelOrientation to Auto:

  • C#
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
      line.LabelOrientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Diagram.LabelOrientation.Auto;
  • Dim line As New LineConnector()
    line.LabelOrientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Diagram.LabelOrientation.Auto


    When this property is set to Auto, the label will be positioned along the angle of the line drawn.


    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelOrientation to Horizontal:

  • C#
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.LabelOrientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Diagram.LabelOrientation.Horizontal;
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.LabelOrientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Diagram.LabelOrientation.Horizontal;


    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelOrientation to Vertical:

  • C#
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.LabelOrientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Diagram.LabelOrientation.Vertical;
  • C#
  • Dim line As New LineConnector()
    line.LabelOrientation = Syncfusion.Windows.Diagram.LabelOrientation.Vertical


    Label Template Alignment

    You can set an Alignment for the label template. The following code shows how to set the label template’s alignment. Label template supports horizontal alignment.


    Property Description Type of property Value it Accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    LabelTemplateHorizontalAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment for the label template. The default value is Center. Dependency property HorizontalAlignment.CenterHorizontalAlignment.LeftHorizontalAlignment.RightHorizontalAlignment.Stretch No

    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelTemplateHorizontalAlignment to Auto:

  • C#
  • LineConnector Line = new DiagramView();
  • Dim Line As New LineConnector()


    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelTemplateHorizontalAlignment to Left:

  • C#
  • LineConnector Line = new DiagramView();
  • Dim Line As New LineConnector()


    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelTemplateHorizontalAlignment to Right:

  • C#
  • LineConnector Line = new DiagramView();
  • Dim Line As New LineConnector()


    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelTemplateHorizontalAlignment to Stretch:

  • C#
  • LineConnector Line = new DiagramView();
  • Dim Line As New LineConnector()


    Label Template Orientation

    You can set an orientation for the label template. The following property can be used to set the label template alignment.


    Property Description Type of property Value it Accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    LabelTemplateHorizontalAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment for label template. The default value is Center. Dependency property HorizontalAlignment.CenterHorizontalAlignment.LeftHorizontalAlignment.RightHorizontalAlignment.Stretch No

    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelTemplateOrientation to Auto:

  • C#
  • LineConnector Line = new DiagramView();
  • Dim Line As New LineConnector()


    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelTemplateOrientation to Horizontal:

  • C#
  • LineConnector Line = new DiagramView();
  • Dim Line As New LineConnector()
    Line.LabelTemplateHorizontalAlignment=Syncfusion.Windows.Diagram.LabelOrientation. Horizontal


    The following code illustrates how to set the LabelTemplateOrientation to Vertical:

  • C#
  • LineConnector Line = new DiagramView();
  • Dim Line As New LineConnector()


    Line Bridging

    Property Description Type of the property Value it accepts Any other dependencies/ sub properties associated
    LineBridgingEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether line bridging is enabled. Dependency property Boolean (true/ false) No

    Line Bridging creates a bridge for lines to smartly cross over other line at points of intersection.

    When two line connectors meets each other, line with higher z-order will draw an arc over the line with lower z-order.

    Only Straight and Orthogonal Connector type supports line bridging.


    Enabling Line Bridging for LineConnector

    LineBridging for a line connector can be enabled using the LineBridgingEnabled property.

    By default this property will be set to ‘False’.

  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight;
    lc.LineBridgingEnabled = true;
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Straight
    lc.LineBridgingEnabled = True

    The line bridge is enabled.

    Disable LineBridging from DiagramModel

    When LineBridging for DiagramModel is disabled, LineBridging for all the lines will be disabled. You can change this binding by specifying a value for an individual LineConnector.

  • C#
  • DiagramModel model = new DiagramModel();
    model.LineBridgingEnabled = false;
  • Dim model As New DiagramModel()
    model.LineBridgingEnabled = False

    The line bridge is disabled completely.

    LineBridging Style

    Default arc segment is customized by overriding CreateSegments method.

    Example1: Draw an invisible segment, by setting IsStroked to false.

  • C#
  •  protected override IEnumerable<PathSegment> CreateSegments(Point start, Point end, double angle)
      //InVisible ArcSegment
      var collection = new List<PathSegment>()
          new ArcSegment()
            Point = end,
            IsStroked = false,
            SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise,
            Size = new Size(1,1),
            RotationAngle = 0,
            IsLargeArc = false
      foreach (var line in collection)
          yield return line;


    Example2: Draw a rectangular bridge instead of arc.

  • C#
  • protected override IEnumerable<PathSegment> CreateSegments(Point start, Point end, double angle)
       Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
       m.RotateAt(angle, start.X, start.Y);
       MatrixTransform trans = new MatrixTransform(m);
       //List of LineSegements
       var coll = new List<PathSegment>()
             new LineSegment() {Point = trans.Transform(new Point(start.X, start.Y - 10))},
             new LineSegment() {Point = trans.Transform(new Point(start.X + 16, start.Y - 10))},
             new LineSegment() {Point = trans.Transform(new Point(start.X + 16, start.Y))},
             new LineSegment() {Point = end}
        foreach (var line in coll)
           yield return line;


    Line Bridging Direction

    Direction of the Line Bridge is customized using BridgeDirection property. This property decides which intersecting segment shows a bridge based path on the preferred direction. The Default value is BridgeDirection.Top.

    Properties Description Value
    BridgeDirection Gets or Sets the BridgeDirection for Horizontal and vertical lines. EnumBridgeDirection.LeftBridgeDirection.RightBridgeDirection.TopBridgeDirection.Bottom

    Example 1: Bridge for Horizontal Connector (with BridgeDirection.Top)
    The following code example explains how to enable the Bridging and to set Bridge Direction.

  • C#
  • //Initializing Bridging and setting Bridge Direction


    Example 2: Bridge for Vertical Connector (with BridgeDirection.Left)

  • C#
  • // setting Bridge Direction


    Line Routing

    When a link is drawn between two nodes, by enabling the LineRoutingEnabled property of that link and the diagram view, and if any other node is found in between them, the line will be automatically re-routed around those nodes.



    Property Description Type Data type Reference links
    LineRoutingEnabled Specifies whether the links must be re-routed when nodes are found in the path. Default value is True. Dependency Boolean NA

    Disable Line Routing for LineConnector

    Line Routing for a line connector can be disabled using the LineRoutingEnabled property.

    By default this property will be set to ‘True’.

  • C#
  • LineConnector lc = new LineConnector();
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Orthogonal;
    lc.LineBridgingEnabled = false;
  • Dim lc As New LineConnector()
    lc.ConnectorType = ConnectorType.Orthogonal
    lc.LineBridgingEnabled = False

    The Line Routing is disabled.

    Enable LineRouting from DiagramView

    When LineRouting for DiagramView is enabled, LineRouting for all the lines will be enabled. You can change this binding by specifying a value for an individual LineConnector.

  • C#
  • DiagramView view = new DiagramView ();
    view.LineRoutingEnabled = true
  • Dim view As New DiagramView ()
    view.LineRoutingEnabled = True

    The Line Routing is enabled completely.


    Only Orthogonal Connector type supports Line Routing.

    Node settings

    By default, TreatAsObstacle property of the Node is set to true to avoid the lines overlapping them. If not set for a Node, then it will not be considered as an obstacle and the line might overlap on them.


    Property Description Type Data type Reference links
    TreatAsObstacle Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node treats as Obstacle.Default value is True. Dependency Boolean NA

    Customization of LineRouting

    This feature defines when the connectors have to be routed, by setting the RoutingMode property of DiagramView. LineRouting can be executed after dragging the node by using this behavior.


    Property Description Type Data Type
    RoutingMode Decides when the connectors have to be routed. Dependency Property Enum

    Adding Customization of LineRouting into Application

    Enabling the LineRouting

    To enable LineRouting, use the following code example:

  • C#
  • LineConnector line = new LineConnector();
    line.LineRoutingEnabled = true;
  • Dim line As New LineConnector()
    line.LineRoutingEnabled = True


    The RoutingMode property defines when the connectors have to be routed.

    It can be set to:

    1. DragEnd
    2. Immediate

    If this property is set to DragEnd, the connectors are routed only when the DiagramPage is stable. If the elements in the DiagramPage are moving or being dragged, the connectors are not routed. Only after the completion of the change, the connectors are routed.

    To set the RoutingMode property to DragEnd, use the following code example.

  • C#
  • DiagramView View1 = new DiagramView();
    View1.RoutingMode = RoutingMode.DragEnd;
  • Dim view As New DiagramView()
    view.RoutingMode = RoutingMode.DragEnd

    If this property is set to Immediate, the connectors are routed, while the element in the DiagramPage is dragged.

    To set the RoutingMode property to Immediate, use the following the code example:

  • C#
  • DiagramView View1 = new DiagramView();
    View1.RoutingMode = RoutingMode.Immediate;
  • Dim view As New DiagramView()
    view.RoutingMode = RoutingMode.Immediate

    Select, Move, Delete LineConnector

    As this is a general topic to be share between Node and LineConnector, please refer general topic under Concepts and features using the following links.

    • Select Node and Connectors
    • Move Node and Connectors
    • Delete Command

    Customize the Label, Context Menu for LineConnector

    As this is a general topic to be shared between Node and LineConnector, please refer general topic under Concepts and features using the following links.

    • Customize Label
    • Customize ContextMenu