Localization and Formatting in WinUI Date Picker

19 Apr 20228 minutes to read

This section describes how to localize and format the WinUI Date Picker control using CalendarIdentifier and Language properties and to change the display formats.

Change the type of calendar

The Date Picker control supports different type of calendar such as Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew, etc. You can change the calendar type by using CalendarIdentifier property. The default value of CalendarIdentifier property is GregorianCalendar.

You can select the required CalendarIdentifier value from below types.

  • JulianCalendar
  • GregorianCalendar
  • HebrewCalendar
  • HijriCalendar
  • KoreanCalendar
  • TaiwanCalendar
  • ThaiCalendar
  • UmAlQuraCalendar
  • PersianCalendar
SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.CalendarIdentifier = "HebrewCalendar";



Date Picker control updates the flow direction visually based on the CalendarIdentifier property value.


When CalendarIdentifier and FlowDirection properties are set, FlowDirection property have higher precedence.


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Change flow direction

You can change the flow direction of the Date Picker layout from right to left by setting the FlowDirection property value as RightToLeft. The default value of FlowDirection property is LeftToRight.

                      FlowDirection="RightToLeft" />
SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft;



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Change the language

You can localize the Date Picker using the Language property. The default value of Language property is en-US.

SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.Language = "ar-SA";



Date Picker control updates the flow direction visually based on the Language property value.


When Language and FlowDirection properties are set, FlowDirection property have higher precedence.


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Change editor display format

You can edit and display the selected date with various formatting like date, month and year formats by using the DisplayDateFormat property. The default value of DisplayDateFormat property is d.

<editors:SfDatePicker x:Name="sfDatePicker" 
                      DisplayDateFormat="MM/dd" />
SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.DisplayDateFormat= "MM/dd";



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Change the field value format in Spinner

You can customize the format of the date, month and year fields in the spinner of the DatePicker control by using the DayFormat, MonthFormat and YearFormat properties. By default, the value of DayFormat property is {}{day.integer}, the value MonthFormat property is {}{month.abbreviated} and the value of YearFormat property is {}{year.full}.

<editor:SfDatePicker HorizontalAlignment="Center"
SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.DayFormat = "{day.integer}";
sfDatePicker.MonthFormat = "{month.full}";
sfDatePicker.YearFormat = "{year.abbreviated}";
sfDatePicker.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
sfDatePicker.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;


Edit date using mask mode

By default ‘Mask’ editing is enabled, which ensure that it contains only valid value. As soon as in input is given, the value is validated and correction is done immediately. Once input is completed for a field, cursor moves to next field automatically.

Based on the DisplayDateFormat and your input values, date, month and year field values are automatically corrected.

For example,

Default Masking Input Output
If you enter 29 into the date field and 2(Feb) in the month field, the year field value automatically changed to the upcoming leap year. 29 (in date field) WinUI DatePicker displays Corrects Year Field based on Date WinUI DatePicker displays Corrects Year Field based on Date
If you try to enter values between 13-19 the month field, it will add last input digit(3-9) in the month field and move the cursor to the next field. 18 (in month field) WinUI DatePicker displays Corrects Month Field based on InputWinUI DatePicker displays Corrects Month Field based on Input
If you try to enter input in month field that is greater than 19, it will add first digit in month field and last digit added into next field. 58 (in month field) WinUI DatePicker displays Corrects Month Field based on InputWinUI DatePicker displays Corrects Month Field based on Input
                      EditMode="Mask" />
SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.EditMode = DateTimeEditMode.Mask;



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Edit date using free form editing

If you want to perform the validation after the user completely entering their date inputs, use the EditMode property value as Normal. Then the entered date value is validated with the DisplayDateFormat property value by pressing the Enter key or lost focus. If entered value is not suit with DisplayDateFormat property, the previously selected date value sets to SelectedDate property.

                      EditMode="Normal" />
SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.EditMode = DateTimeEditMode.Normal;



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Hide clear button in the editor

By default, the clear button X will be displayed in the editor of the Date Picker control, which can be used to clear the entered input. You can hide the clear button in Date Picker control using the ShowClearButton property. The default value of ShowClearButton property value is true.

SfDatePicker sfDatePicker = new SfDatePicker();
sfDatePicker.ShowClearButton = false;

