Thumb ToolTip in UWP Range Slider (SfRangeSlider)

10 May 20212 minutes to read

The Thumb tooltip shows the current value on which the Thumb stands.

RangeSlider Thumb ToolTip view

Thumb ToolTip Precision

ThumbToolTipPrecision property is used to define the precision of the value displayed in the tooltip.

<editors:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeSlider" Width="200" VerticalAlignment="Center" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Value="50" ThumbToolTipPrecision="2"/>
rangeSlider.ThumbToolTipPrecision = 2;
rangeSlider.ThumbToolTipPrecision = 2

RangeSlider ThumbToolTipPrecision view

Thumb ToolTip Position

The position of the Thumb tooltip in relation to the Thumb can be controlled by the ThumbToolTipPlacement property. It has the following options.

  1. BottomRight
  2. TopLeft
  3. None


Tooltip placed either below the Thumb in horizontal orientation or right of the Thumb in vertical orientation.

<editors:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeSlider" Width="200" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Value="50" ThumbToolTipPlacement="BottomRight" />
rangeSlider.ThumbToolTipPlacement = Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input.ThumbToolTipPlacement.BottomRight;
rangeSlider.ThumbToolTipPlacement = Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input.ThumbToolTipPlacement.BottomRight

RangeSlider ThumbToolTipPlacement BottomRight view


This option will show tooltip to right in vertical orientation.


Tooltip placed either above the Thumb in horizontal orientation or left of the Thumb in vertical orientation.

<editors:SfRangeSlider x:Name="rangeSlider" Width="200" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" Value="50" ThumbToolTipPlacement="TopLeft" />
rangeSlider.ThumbToolTipPlacement = Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input.ThumbToolTipPlacement.TopLeft;
rangeSlider.ThumbToolTipPlacement = Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input.ThumbToolTipPlacement.TopLeft

RangeSlider ThumbToolTipPlacement TopLeft view


This option will show tooltip to left in vertical orientation.


Tooltip will not appear.

RangeSlider Tooltip None view