Description in .NET MAUI StepProgressBar (Step Progress Bar)

Each step in a multi-step process has a different operation. To display information about a step’s status can be shown on either side. A primary description will be on the right or bottom of the step, and a secondary description will be on the left or top of the step.


The primary and secondary descriptions for a step view can be set using the PrimaryText and SecondaryText properties, as demonstrated in the following code example.

  • Create a simple Observable Collection that contain the PrimaryText and SecondaryText by using the StepProgressBarItem collection, which is bound to the ItemSource property.
                    ItemsSource="{Binding StepProgressItem}">

    <local:ViewModel />
ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel();
SfStepProgressBar stepProgressBar = new SfStepProgressBar()
    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    Orientation = StepProgressBarOrientation.Vertical,
    LabelSpacing = 12,
    ActiveStepIndex = 3,
    ActiveStepProgressValue = 50,
    ItemsSource = viewModel.StepProgressItem,

this.Content = stepProgressBar;
public class ViewModel
    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    private ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> stepProgressItem;

    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    public ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> StepProgressItem
            return stepProgressItem;
            stepProgressItem = value;

    public ViewModel()
        stepProgressItem = new ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem>();
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryText = "Requirement Gathering", SecondaryText = "Jan 10, 2024" });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryText = "Design Phase", SecondaryText = "Jan 20, 2024" });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryText = "Development", SecondaryText = "Feb 5, 2024" });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryText = "Testing", SecondaryText = "Feb 20, 2024" });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryText = "Deployment", SecondaryText = "Mar 5, 2024" });

Text in .NET MAUI SfStepProgressBar.

Formatted text

PrimaryFormattedText and SecondaryFormattedText can be used to customize the description with different formatting style. The following code example explains how to set PrimaryFormattedText and SecondaryFormattedText to a step view.

  • Create a simple Observable Collection that contain the PrimaryFormattedText and SecondaryFormattedText by using the StepProgressBarItem collection, which is bound to the ItemSource property.
                    ItemsSource="{Binding StepProgressItem}">

    <local:ViewModel />
ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel();
SfStepProgressBar stepProgressBar = new SfStepProgressBar()
    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    Orientation = StepProgressBarOrientation.Vertical,
    LabelSpacing = 12,
    ActiveStepIndex = 1,
    ActiveStepProgressValue = 50,
    ItemsSource = viewModel.StepProgressItem,

this.Content = stepProgressBar;
public class ViewModel
    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    private ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> stepProgressItem;

    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    public ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> StepProgressItem
            return stepProgressItem;
            stepProgressItem = value;

    public ViewModel()
        FormattedString primaryFormattedText1 = new FormattedString();
        primaryFormattedText1.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "Step 1: Introduction", FontSize = 14, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold });
        primaryFormattedText1.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "\nWelcome to our", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });
        primaryFormattedText1.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "\nplatform!", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });

        FormattedString primaryFormattedText2 = new FormattedString();
        primaryFormattedText2.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "Step 2: Registration", FontSize = 14, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold });
        primaryFormattedText2.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "\nCreate your account", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });
        primaryFormattedText2.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "\nto access exclusive features", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });

        FormattedString primaryFormattedText3 = new FormattedString();
        primaryFormattedText3.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "Step 3: Profile Setup", FontSize = 14, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold });
        primaryFormattedText3.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "\nComplete your profile", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });
        primaryFormattedText3.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "\nto personalize your experience", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });

        FormattedString secondaryFormattedText1 = new FormattedString();
        secondaryFormattedText1.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "Join us and explore!", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });

        FormattedString secondaryFormattedText2 = new FormattedString();
        secondaryFormattedText2.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "Unlock all features", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });

        FormattedString secondaryFormattedText3 = new FormattedString();
        secondaryFormattedText3.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = "Personalize your journey", FontSize = 12, TextColor = Colors.Gray });

        stepProgressItem = new ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem>();
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryFormattedText = primaryFormattedText1, SecondaryFormattedText = secondaryFormattedText1 });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryFormattedText = primaryFormattedText2, SecondaryFormattedText = secondaryFormattedText2 });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { PrimaryFormattedText = primaryFormattedText3, SecondaryFormattedText = secondaryFormattedText3 });

Formatted text in .NET MAUI SfStepProgressBar.


If both PrimaryText and PrimaryFormattedText are provided, then PrimaryFormattedText will be displayed. This precedence is same as for the SecondaryText and SecondaryFormattedText.

Customize label spacing

You can customize the space between the step and primary or secondary text of the step progress bar by using the LabelSpacing property in SfStepProgressBar. The default value of LabelSpacing property is 5.

SfStepProgressBar stepProgressBar = new SfStepProgressBar()
    LabelSpacing = 28,

this.Content = stepProgressBar;

Label spacing in .NET MAUI SfStepProgressBar.

Customize label position

You can customize the position of primary or secondary text of the step progress bar by using the LabelPosition property in SfStepProgressBar. It can be positioned at the Start, End, Bottom or Top.

The default value of the LabelPosition property in the horizontal direction is Bottom, and in the vertical direction, it is End.

SfStepProgressBar stepProgressBar = new SfStepProgressBar()
    LabelPosition = LabelPosition.Bottom,

this.Content = stepProgressBar;

Label position in .NET MAUI SfStepProgressBar.


The LabelPosition property will be considered only if either PrimaryText or SecondaryText, and either PrimaryFormattedText or SecondaryFormattedText, is provided.

StepProgressBar Image Customization

The StepProgressBar control provides support for adding images as the content of the step. You can add the images by giving an image path and font icons.

Customization using Image

You can add the images by giving image path to the ImageSource property in SfStepProgressBar. The following code example explains how to set an image in step view.

  • Create a simple Observable Collection that contain the provided images by using the StepProgressBarItem collection, which is bound to the ItemSource property.
                    ItemsSource="{Binding StepProgressItem}">

    <local:ViewModel />
ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel();
SfStepProgressBar stepProgressBar = new SfStepProgressBar()
    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    Orientation = StepProgressBarOrientation.Horizontal,
    LabelSpacing = 12,
    LabelPosition = LabelPosition.Bottom,
    ActiveStepIndex = 2,
    ActiveStepProgressValue = 50,
    ItemsSource = viewModel.StepProgressItem,

this.Content = stepProgressBar;
public class ViewModel
    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    private ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> stepProgressItem;

    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    public ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> StepProgressItem
            return stepProgressItem;
            stepProgressItem = value;

    public ViewModel()
        stepProgressItem = new ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem>();
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { ImageSource = "ordered.png" });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { ImageSource = "transport.png" });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { ImageSource = "payment.png" });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { ImageSource = "delivered.png" });

Customization using image in .NET MAUI SfStepProgressBar.

Customization using Font icon

You can add the images with font icons to the ImageSource property in SfStepProgressBar. The following code example explains how to set an image in step view.

  • Create a simple Observable Collection that contain the provided images by using the StepProgressBarItem collection, which is bound to the ItemSource property.
                    ItemsSource="{Binding StepProgressItem}">

    <local:ViewModel />
ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel();
SfStepProgressBar stepProgressBar = new SfStepProgressBar()
    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
    Orientation = StepProgressBarOrientation.Horizontal,
    ActiveStepIndex = 2,
    ActiveStepProgressValue = 50,
    ItemsSource = viewModel.StepProgressItem,

this.Content = stepProgressBar;
public class ViewModel
    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    private ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> stepProgressItem;

    /// <summary>
    /// The Step progress bar item collection.
    /// </summary>
    public ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem> StepProgressItem
            return stepProgressItem;
            stepProgressItem = value;

    public ViewModel()
        stepProgressItem = new ObservableCollection<StepProgressBarItem>();
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { ImageSource = new FontImageSource() { Glyph = "\ue760", Size = 32, FontFamily = "IconFont", Color = Colors.White } });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { ImageSource = new FontImageSource() { Glyph = "\ue77f", Size = 32, FontFamily = "IconFont", Color = Colors.White } });
        stepProgressItem.Add(new StepProgressBarItem() { ImageSource = new FontImageSource() { Glyph = "\ue786", Size = 32, FontFamily = "IconFont", Color = Colors.White } });

Customization using font in .NET MAUI SfStepProgressBar.