Header Configuration in .NET MAUI Backdrop Page (SfBackdropPage)

Add a backdrop page as a child of the NavigationPage in the App.xaml.cs class. Also, the BarBackgroundColor, BarTextColor, and other properties of the NavigationPage can be set to customize the default appearance of the header.

  • C#
  • // In App.xaml.cs 
    #region Constructor
    public App()
      MainPage = new NavigationPage(new BackdropSamplePage());


    The page header for the backdrop will appear only when adding backdrop as a child of the NavigationPage.

    Icon customization

    The default icons in the navigation header can be customized using the following ways:

    Default icons in NavigationPage

    When the backdrop page contained within the NavigationPage, the hamburger icon and close icon (X mark ) will be used by default.

    .NET MAUI Backdrop in navigation page

    Default icons in FlyoutPage

    When the backdrop page is placed in the FlyoutPage, the down arrow icon and up arrow icon will be used by default.

    .NET MAUI Backdrop in navigation page

    Custom icons

    Customize the default icons in the navigation header by setting the OpenIconImageSource and CloseIconImageSource properties in the SfBackdropPage. It accepts following inputs:

    • FileImageSource
    • UriImageSource
    • StreamImageSource
    • FromResource
    <backdrop:SfBackdropPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
    using Syncfusion.Maui.Backdrop;
    namespace BackdropGettingStarted;
    public partial class BackdropSamplePage : SfBackdropPage
        public BackdropSamplePage()
            this.OpenIconImageSource = "open.png";
            this.CloseIconImageSource = "close.png";

    .NET MAUI Backdrop Custom icons

    Icon text customization

    Customize the icon text in the navigation header by setting the OpenText and CloseText properties in the SfBackdropPage.

    <backdrop:SfBackdropPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
                             OpenText="Show Menu"
                             CloseText="Hide Menu">
    using Syncfusion.Maui.Backdrop;
    namespace BackdropGettingStarted;
    public partial class BackdropSamplePage : SfBackdropPage
        public BackdropSamplePage()
            this.OpenText = "Show Menu";
            this.CloseText = "Hide Menu";

    .NET MAUI Backdrop open and close icon custom text