
18 Apr 20171 minute to read

Keyboard Interaction

Autocomplete widget is completely compatible to work with Keyboard asKeyboard as an alternative for mouse. The keyboard interaction will be enabled by default in the Autocomplete widget. Press Alt+J to focus the Autocomplete element.

Please refer the below table for details about short cut keys and its corresponding usage.

Shortcut Key Usage
Down Moves to next item in the suggestion list
Up Moves to previous item in the suggestion list
Enter Selects the focused item
Ctrl + Down Opens the suggestion list
ESC Closes the suggestion list
Page Down Moves to the item in next page (i.e.,) scrolls down to next set of items when the popup is opened/closed
Page Up Moves to the item in previous page (i.e.,) scrolls up to previous set of items when the popup is opened/closed
Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Home, End, Number lock No actions
Tab Close the popup if it is opened and focuses to next DOM element
Shift + Tab Focuses the previous DOM element