Essential Studio for Flutter Release Notes

June 30, 2022



  • The Flutter PDF Library has been developed to meet industry standards and is now marked as a production-ready.



  • #FB34547 - Now, we have improved the behavior of the month header of ScheduleView with a minimum date in the Flutter event calendar.



  • #FB29504 - Provided the support to customize the date-time axis labels based on the interval type.
  • Now, the scrollbar can be displayed always or on-demand when the legend overflowMode is set to scroll.
  • Provided the support to trim the intersecting axis labels when the labelIntersectAction property is set to AxisLabelIntersectAction.trim.



  • #FB35048 - Provided an option to enable or disable the mouse wheel zoom functionality.



  • Provided the asynchronous save support for the PDF documents.

Breaking Changes

  • The save method has been changed to an asynchronous type in the PdfDocument and the saveSync method has been added for the synchronous.

Bug Fixes

  • #I373233 - The layout issue will no longer occur when extracting text from a specific PDF document.
  • #I372722 - The Arabic texts are properly drawn when using the TrueType font.

PDF Viewer Beta

Bug fixes

  • #G704 - The application will no longer crash while loading a high-quality document in the SfPdfViewer widget.
  • #G784 - Now, the PDF pages will be rendered properly while switching the device orientation from portrait to landscape or vice versa.


  • #I330260, G94, G265, G586 - Open URLs or website links in the default browser just by clicking them. Also, hide or customize the built-in hyperlink navigation dialog.
  • #I329682, G255 - Now, the SfPdfViewer supports changing the user interface and functionalities like text search and copying text to suit the RTL languages.
  • #I348270 - Enhanced the performance of the scroll fling animation to provide smoother and fluid scrolling. That is, the time taken by scroll fling action has been reduced up to 60%.

Radial Gauge


  • #FB32916 - Now, the pointer focus will not get lost until the user interaction ends.

Range Selector


  • #FB33239 - Now, the edge labels in the axis can be shifted inside the axis bounds if their position exceeds the axis bounds using the edgeLabelPlacement property.

Range Slider


  • #FB33239 - Now, the edge labels in the axis can be shifted inside the axis bounds if their position exceeds the axis bounds using the edgeLabelPlacement property.



  • #FB33239 - Now, the edge labels in the axis can be shifted inside the axis bounds if their position exceeds the axis bounds using the edgeLabelPlacement property.

XlsIO Beta


  • Provided support for adding filters in Excel documents. It supports text, date, custom, dynamic, and color filters.