Event support for Mail merge

18 Nov 201816 minutes to read

The MailMerge class provides event support to customize the document contents and merging image data during the Mail merge process. The following events are supported by Essential® DocIO during Mail merge process:

  • MergeField- occurs when a Mail merge field except image Mail merge field is encountered.

  • MergeImageField- occurs when an image Mail merge field is encountered.

  • BeforeClearGroupField- occurs when an unmerged group field is encountered.

MergeField Event

You can apply formatting to the merged text or customize the merged text during mail merge process using the MergeField Event.

The following code example shows how to use the MergeField event during Mail merge process.

//Opens the template document.
WordDocument document = new WordDocument("Template.docx", FormatType.Docx);
//Uses the mail merge events to perform the conditional formatting during runtime.
document.getMailMerge().MergeField.add("applyAlternateRecordsTextColor", new MergeFieldEventHandler() {
ListSupport<MergeFieldEventHandler> delegateList = new ListSupport<MergeFieldEventHandler>(
// Represents event handling for MergeFieldEventHandlerCollection.
public void invoke(Object sender, MergeFieldEventArgs args) throws Exception 
	applyAlternateRecordsTextColor(sender, args);
// Represents the method that handles MergeField event.
public void dynamicInvoke(Object... args) throws Exception 
	applyAlternateRecordsTextColor((Object) args[0], (MergeFieldEventArgs) args[1]);
// Represents the method that handles MergeField event to add collection item.
public void add(MergeFieldEventHandler delegate) throws Exception 
	if (delegate != null)
// Represents the method that handles MergeField event to remove collection item.
public void remove(MergeFieldEventHandler delegate) throws Exception 
	if (delegate != null)
//Executes Mail Merge with groups.
//Saves the Word document.
document.save("Sample.docx", FormatType.Docx);
//Closes the Word document.

The following code example shows how to set text color to the alternate Mail merge record by using MergeFieldEventHandler.

private void applyAlternateRecordsTextColor (Object sender, MergeFieldEventArgs args) throws Exception
    //Sets text color to the alternate mail merge record.
	if (Integer.compare((args.getRowIndex() % 2),0)==0)
		args.getTextRange().getCharacterFormat().setTextColor(ColorSupport.fromArgb(255, 102, 0));

The following code example shows getDataTable method which are is to get data for mail merge.

private static DataTableSupport getDataTable() throws Exception
	DataTableSupport dataTable = new DataTableSupport("Employee");
	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
		DataRowSupport datarow = dataTable.newRow();
		datarow.set(0 , "Employee" + Integer.toString(i));
		datarow.set(1 , "EMP" + Integer.toString(i));
	return dataTable;

MergeImageField Event

You can format the merged image like resizing the image and more during mail merge process using the MergeImageField Event.

The following code example shows how to use the MergeImageField event during Mail merge process.

WordDocument document = new WordDocument("Template.docx", FormatType.Docx);
//Uses the mail merge events handler for image fields.
document.getMailMerge().MergeImageField.add("mergeField_ProductImage", new MergeImageFieldEventHandler() {
ListSupport<MergeImageFieldEventHandler> delegateList = new ListSupport<MergeImageFieldEventHandler>(
//Represents event handling for MergeImageFieldEventHandlerCollection.
public void invoke(Object sender, MergeImageFieldEventArgs args) throws Exception
	mergeField_ProductImage(sender, args);
//Represents the method that handles MergeImageField event.
public void dynamicInvoke(Object... args) throws Exception 
	mergeField_ProductImage((Object) args[0], (MergeImageFieldEventArgs) args[1]);
//Represents the method that handles MergeImageField event to add collection item.
public void add(MergeImageFieldEventHandler delegate) throws Exception 
	if (delegate != null)
//Represents the method that handles MergeImageField event to remove collection item.
public void remove(MergeImageFieldEventHandler delegate) throws Exception 
	if (delegate != null)
//Specifies the field names and field values.
String[] fieldNames = new String[] { "Logo"};
String[] fieldValues = new String[] { "Logo.png"};
//Executes the mail merge with groups.
document.getMailMerge().execute(fieldNames, fieldValues);
//Saves the Word document.
document.save("Samples.docx", FormatType.Docx);
//Closes the Word document.

The following code example shows how to bind the image from file system during Mail merge process by using MergeImageFieldEventHandler.

private void mergeField_ProductImage(Object sender, MergeImageFieldEventArgs args) throws Exception
	//Binds image from file system during mail merge.
	if ((args.getFieldName()).equals("Logo"))
		String ProductFileName = args.getFieldValue().toString();
		//Gets the image from file system.
		FileStreamSupport imageStream = new FileStreamSupport(ProductFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
		ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageStream.toArray());
		//Gets the picture, to be merged for image merge field.
		WPicture picture = args.getPicture();
		//Resizes the picture.

BeforeClearGroupField Event

You can get the unmerged group fields in a Word document during mail merge process using the BeforeClearGroupField event.

The following code example shows how to use the BeforeClearGroupField event during Mail merge process.

// Opens the template document.
WordDocument document = new WordDocument("Template.docx",FormatType.Docx);
// Sets “ClearFields” to true to remove empty mail merge fields from document.
// Uses the mail merge event to clear the unmerged group field while perform mail merge execution.
document.getMailMerge().BeforeClearGroupField.add("beforeClearFields", new BeforeClearGroupFieldEventHandler() {
ListSupport<BeforeClearGroupFieldEventHandler> delegateList = new ListSupport<BeforeClearGroupFieldEventHandler>(
// Represents event handling for BeforeClearGroupFieldEvent.
public void invoke(Object sender, BeforeClearGroupFieldEventArgs args) throws Exception 
	beforeClearFields(sender, args);
// Represents the method that handles BeforeClearGroupField event.
public void dynamicInvoke(Object... args) throws Exception 
	beforeClearFields((Object) args[0], (BeforeClearGroupFieldEventArgs) args[1]);
// Represents the method that handles BeforeClearGroupField event to add collection item.
public void add(BeforeClearGroupFieldEventHandler delegate) throws Exception 
	if (delegate != null)
// Represents the method that handles BeforeClearGroupField event to remove collection item.
public void remove(BeforeClearGroupFieldEventHandler delegate) throws Exception 
	if (delegate != null)
// Gets the employee details as “IEnumerable” collection.
ListSupport<Employees> employeeList = getEmployees();
// Creates an instance of “MailMergeDataTable” by specifying mail merge group
// name and “IEnumerable” collection.
MailMergeDataTable dataTable = new MailMergeDataTable("Employees", employeeList);
// Performs Mail merge.
// Saves the Word document.
document.save("Sample.docx", FormatType.Docx);
// Closes the Word document.

The following code example shows how to bind the data to unmerged group fields during Mail merge process by using BeforeClearGroupFieldEventHandler.

private static void beforeClearFields(Object sender, BeforeClearGroupFieldEventArgs args) throws Exception 
	if (!args.getHasMappedGroupInDataSource()) 
		// Gets the Current unmerged group name from the event argument.
		String[] groupName = args.getGroupName().split(":");
		if ((groupName[groupName.length - 1]).equals("Orders")) 
			String[] fields = args.getFieldNames();
			ListSupport<OrderDetails> orderList = getOrders();
			// Binds the data to the unmerged fields in group as alternative values.
			// If group value is empty, you can set whether the unmerged merge group field can be clear or not.

The following code example shows getOrders and getEmployees methods which are used to get data for mail merge.

//Gets order list.
private static ListSupport<OrderDetails> getOrders() throws Exception 
	ListSupport<OrderDetails> orders = new ListSupport<OrderDetails>();
	orders.add(new OrderDetails("10952", LocalDateTime.of(2015, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0),
	LocalDateTime.of(2015, 2, 12, 0, 0, 0), LocalDateTime.of(2015, 2, 21, 0, 0, 0)));
	return orders;
//Gets employee list.
public static ListSupport<Employees> getEmployees() throws Exception 
	// Gets the OrderDetails as “IEnumerable” collection.
	ListSupport<OrderDetails> orders = new ListSupport<OrderDetails>();
	orders.add(new OrderDetails("10835", LocalDateTime.of(2015, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0),
	LocalDateTime.of(2015, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0), LocalDateTime.of(2015, 1, 21, 0, 0, 0)));
	// Gets the CustomerDetails as “IEnumerable” collection.
	ListSupport<CustomerDetails> customerDetails = new ListSupport<CustomerDetails>();
	customerDetails.add(new CustomerDetails("Maria Anders", "Maria Anders", "Berlin", "Germany", orders));
	customerDetails.add(new CustomerDetails("Andy", "Bernard", "Berlin", "Germany", null));
	// Gets the Employees details as “IEnumerable” collection.
	ListSupport<Employees> employees = new ListSupport<Employees>();
	employees.add(new Employees("Nancy", "Smith", "1", "505 - 20th Ave. E. Apt. 2A,", "Seattle", "USA", customerDetails));
	return employees;

The following code example shows Employees, CustomerDetails, and OrderDetails classes.

public class Employees 
	private String _firstName;
	private String _lastName;
	private String _employeeID;
	private String _address;
	private String _city;
	private String _country;
	private ListSupport<CustomerDetails> _customers;
	public String getFirstName() throws Exception 
		return _firstName;
	public String setFirstName(String value) throws Exception 
		_firstName = value;
		return value;
	public String getLastName() throws Exception 
		return _lastName;
	public String setLastName(String value) throws Exception 
		_lastName = value;
		return value;
	public String getEmployeeID() throws Exception 
		return _employeeID;
	public String setEmployeeID(String value) throws Exception 
		_employeeID = value;
		return value;
	public String getAddress() throws Exception 
		return _address;
	public String setAddress(String value) throws Exception 
		_address = value;
		return value;
	public String getCity() throws Exception 
		return _city;
	public String setCity(String value) throws Exception 
		_city = value;
		return value;
	public String getCountry() throws Exception 
		return _country;
	public String setCountry(String value) throws Exception 
		_country = value;
		return value;
	public ListSupport<CustomerDetails> getCustomers() throws Exception 
		return _customers;
	public ListSupport<CustomerDetails> setCustomers(ListSupport<CustomerDetails> value) throws Exception 
		_customers = value;
		return value;

	public Employees(String firstName, String lastName, String employeeId, String address, String city, String country,ListSupport<CustomerDetails> customers) throws Exception 

public class CustomerDetails 
	private String _contactName;
	private String _companyName;
	private String _city;
	private String _country;
	private ListSupport<OrderDetails> _orders;
	public String getContactName() throws Exception 
		return _contactName;
	public String setContactName(String value) throws Exception 
		_contactName = value;
		return value;
	public String getCompanyName() throws Exception
		return _companyName;
	public String setCompanyName(String value) throws Exception 
		_companyName = value;
		return value;
	public String getCity() throws Exception 
		return _city;
	public String setCity(String value) throws Exception 
		_city = value;
		return value;
	public String getCountry() throws Exception 
		return _country;
	public String setCountry(String value) throws Exception 
		_country = value;
		return value;
	public ListSupport<OrderDetails> getOrders() throws Exception 
		return _orders;
	public ListSupport<OrderDetails> setOrders(ListSupport<OrderDetails> value) throws Exception 
		_orders = value;
		return value;
	public CustomerDetails(String contactName, String companyName, String city, String country,ListSupport<OrderDetails> orders) throws Exception 

public class OrderDetails 
	private String _orderID;
	private LocalDateTime _orderDate;
	private LocalDateTime _shippedDate;
	private LocalDateTime _requiredDate;
	public String getOrderID() throws Exception 
		return _orderID;
	public String setOrderID(String value) throws Exception 
		_orderID = value;
		return value;
	public LocalDateTime getOrderDate() throws Exception 
		return _orderDate;
	public LocalDateTime setOrderDate(LocalDateTime value) throws Exception 
		_orderDate = value;
		return value;
	public LocalDateTime getShippedDate() throws Exception 
		return _shippedDate;
	public LocalDateTime setShippedDate(LocalDateTime value) throws Exception 
		_shippedDate = value;
		return value;
	public LocalDateTime getRequiredDate() throws Exception 
		return _requiredDate;
	public LocalDateTime setRequiredDate(LocalDateTime value) throws Exception 
		_requiredDate = value;
		return value;
	public OrderDetails(String orderId, LocalDateTime orderDate, LocalDateTime shippedDate, LocalDateTime requiredDate) throws Exception 