Format Strings in ASP.NET MVC PivotGrid

18 Apr 20231 minute to read


This feature is applicable only for Relational data source at Client Mode.

Formatted numeric values like n (number with decimal points), c (currency or accounting) and p (percentage) can be displayed with desired decimal places using FormatString option.

Note: This is applicable only when the Format option is set.

  • @Html.EJ().Pivot().PivotGrid("PivotGrid1").ClientSideEvents(clientSideEvents => clientSideEvents.Load("onLoad")).DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Rows(rows => { rows.FieldName("Country").FieldCaption("Country").Add(); rows.FieldName("State").FieldCaption("State").Add(); }).Columns(columns => { columns.FieldName("Product").FieldCaption("Product").Add(); }).Values(values => { values.FieldName("Amount").Format("currency").Add().FormatString("{0:c0}"); }))

    Format string support in ASP NET MVC pivot grid contrtol

    The following table describes the result of applying some commonly used format strings on numeric values.

    Label Value Label Format property value Result Description
    1000 n1 1000.0 The Number is rounded to 1 decimal place
    1000 n2 1000.00 The Number is rounded to 2 decimal place
    1000 n3 1000.000 The Number is rounded to 3 decimal place
    0.01 p1 1.0% The Number is converted to percentage with 1 decimal place
    0.01 p2 1.00% The Number is converted to percentage with 2 decimal place
    0.01 p3 1.000% The Number is converted to percentage with 3 decimal place
    1000 c1 $1,000.0 The Currency symbol is appended to number and number is rounded to 1 decimal place
    1000 c2 $1,000.00 The Currency symbol is appended to number and number is rounded to 2 decimal place
    1.0 d2 01 The number is rounded with 2 whole number place
    1.0 d3 001 The number is rounded with 3 whole number place

    The following table describes some common results on applying standard format sets to date format using FormatString option.

    Format Pattern Description Result

    The day of the month between 1 and 31.  

    "1"  to "31"


    The day of the month with leading zero if required.

    "01" to "31"


    Abbreviated day name.

    "Mon" to "Sun"


    The full day name

    "Monday" to "Sunday"


    The month of the year between 1 - 12

    "1" to "12"


    The month of the year with leading zero if required

    "01" to "12"


    Abbreviated month name

    "Jan" to "Dec"


    The full month name

    "January" to "December"


    The year as a two-digit number

    "99" or "08"


    The full four digit year

    "1999" or "2008"


    The Date is displayed in "month/date/year" format


    d M, y

    The Date is displayed in "date month, year" format

    "7 9, 0"

    d MM, y

    The Date is displayed in "date month, year" format

    "7 09, 0"

    dddd, d MMMM, yy

    The Date is displayed in "day, date month, year" format

    "Tuesday, 7 September, 00"


    The Date is displayed in "year-month-date"(UTC) format
