Print in ASP.NET Core Kanban

24 Sep 20218 minutes to read

Set allow-printing as true, to enable Print icon in the Kanban toolbar. You can use print() method from Kanban instance to print the Kanban.

The following code example describes the above behavior.

<ej-kanban id="KanbanBoard" key-field="Status" dataSource="ViewBag.datasource" allow-title="true" allow-printing="true">
        <e-kanbancolumn header-text="Backlog" key=@(new List<string>(){"Open"})  >
        <e-kanbancolumn header-text="In Progress" key=@(new List<string>() {"InProgress"}) ></e-kanbancolumn>
        <e-kanbancolumn header-text="Done" key=@(new List<string>() {"Close"}) ></e-kanbancolumn>
     <e-kanbanfield content="Summary" primary-key="Id">
namespace samplebrowser.Controllers
    public partial class KanbanBoardController : Controller
        List<Tasks> Task = new List<Tasks>();

        public ActionResult Default()
            Task.Add(new Tasks(1, "Open", "Analyze the new requirements gathered from the customer.", "Story", "Low", "Analyze,Customer", 3.5, "Nancy Davloio", "../content/images/kanban/1.png", 1));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(2, "InProgress", "Improve application performance", "Improvement", "Normal", "Improvement", 6, "Andrew Fuller", "../content/images/kanban/2.png", 1));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(3, "Open", "Arrange a web meeting with the customer to get new requirements.", "Others", "Critical", "Meeting", 5.5, "Janet Leverling", "../content/images/kanban/3.png", 2));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(4, "InProgress", "Fix the issues reported in the IE browser.", "Bug", "Release Breaker", "IE", 2.5, "Janet Leverling", "../content/images/kanban/3.png", 2));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(5, "Testing", "Fix the issues reported by the customer.", "Bug", "Low", "Customer", 3.5, "Steven walker", "../content/images/kanban/5.png", 1));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(6, "Close", "Arrange a web meeting with the customer to get the login page requirements.", "Others", "Low", "Meeting", 2, "Michael Suyama", "../content/images/kanban/6.png", 1));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(7, "Validate", "Validate new requirements", "Improvement", "Low", "Validation", 1.5, "Robert King", "../content/images/kanban/7.png", 4));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(8, "Close", "Login page validation", "Story", "Release Breaker", "Validation,Fix", 2.5, "Laura Callahan", "../content/images/kanban/8.png", 2));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(9, "Testing", "Fix the issues reported in Safari browser.", "Bug", "Release Breaker", "Fix,Safari", 1.5, "Nancy Davloio", "../content/images/kanban/1.png", 2));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(10, "Close", "Test the application in the IE browser.", "Story", "Low", "Testing,IE", 5.5, "Margaret hamilt", "../content/images/kanban/4.png", 3));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(11, "Validate", "Validate the issues reported by the customer.", "Story", "High", "Validation,Fix", 1, "Steven walker", "../content/images/kanban/5.png", 5));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(12, "Testing", "Check Login page validation.", "Story", "Release Breaker", "Testing", 0.5, "Michael Suyama", "../content/images/kanban/6.png", 3));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(13, "Open", "API improvements.", "Improvement", "High", "Grid,API", 3.5, "Robert King", "../content/images/kanban/7.png", 3));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(14, "InProgress", "Add responsive support to application", "Epic", "Critical", "Responsive", 6, "Laura Callahan", "../content/images/kanban/8.png", 3));
            Task.Add(new Tasks(15, "Open", "Show the retrieved data from the server in grid control.", "Story", "High", "Database,SQL", 5.5, "Margaret hamilt", "../content/images/kanban/4.png", 4));
            ViewBag.datasource = Task;
            return View();
    public class Tasks
        public Tasks()
        public Tasks(int Id, string Status, string Summary, string Type, string Priority, string Tags, double Estimate, string Assignee, string ImgUrl, int RankId)
            this.Id = Id;
            this.Status = Status;
            this.Summary = Summary;
            this.Type = Type;
            this.Priority = Priority;
            this.Tags = Tags;
            this.Estimate = Estimate;
            this.Assignee = Assignee;
            this.ImgUrl = ImgUrl;
            this.RankId = RankId;
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Status { get; set; }
        public string Summary { get; set; }
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public string Priority { get; set; }
        public string Tags { get; set; }
        public double Estimate { get; set; }
        public string Assignee { get; set; }
        public string ImgUrl { get; set; }
        public int RankId { get; set; }

The following output is displayed as a result of the above code example.

kanban printing1