Getting Started with Angular ReportViewer

17 Feb 202321 minutes to read

This section explains briefly about how to create a ReportViewer in your web application with Angular.

Create your first ReportViewer in Angular-2

In this tutorial, you can learn how to create a simple ReportViewer control, Load RDLC Report and Load SSRS Report in your web application with Angular.

Add Scripts, Styles and Control in HTML Page

Create a HTML page and add the scripts and CSS references in the order mentioned in the following code example.

  • HTML
  • <!DOCTYPE html>
            <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
            <script src="node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"></script>
            <script src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
            <script src="node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"></script>
            <script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
            <script src=""></script>
            <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src=""></script>
            <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src =""></script>
            <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script>

    In the above code, the ej.web.all.min.js script reference has been added for demonstration purpose. It is not recommended to use during deployment as it contains all the widgets, which result in deploying large script file. Instead, you can use the [CSG]( “”) utility to generate a custom script file with required widgets for deployment purpose.

    Initialize and configure the control

    Add necessary HTML elements and CSS style to render the ReportViewer and set the desired reportPath and reportServiceUrl properties to the ReportViewer.

    API Description
    reportServiceUrl Specifies the report Web API service URL.
    reportPath Gets or sets the path of a report file.

    The following code snippet defines the ReportViewer control in Angular.

  • HTML
  • <ej-reportviewer id="reportViewer_Control" [reportServiceUrl] = "serviceUrl" [processingMode] = "Remote" [reportPath] = "reportPath" >
  • CSS
  • ej-reportviewer {
        display: block;
        height: 550px;

    You can load the RDL/RDLC report in Angular by using the following options:

    • Online Web API service.
    • Local Web API service.

    Load report using online Web API service

    The ReportViewer uses online Web API services to process the report file, process the request from the control, and return the processed data from the control to client side.

  • TS
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.html',
    	styleUrls: ['src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.css']
    export class ReportViewerComponent {
        public serviceUrl: string;  
        public reportPath: string;
        constructor() {
            this.serviceUrl = '';        
            this.reportPath = 'GroupingAgg.rdl';

    Load report using local Web API service

    You can load the RDL/RDLC report with the help of local web service for .NET Platform and .NET core Platform.

    1 Local web service for .NET Platform

    How to load report using local Web API service for .NET Platform
    Describes how to configure the local Web API service URL for .NET platform in Angular ReportViewer.

    2 Local web service for .NET core Platform

    How to load report using local Web API service for .NET Core Platform
    Describes how to configure the local Web API service URL for .NET Core platform in Angular ReportViewer.

  • TS
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.html',
    	styleUrls: ['src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.css']
    export class ReportViewerComponent {
        public serviceUrl: string;  
        public reportPath: string;
        constructor() {
            this.serviceUrl = 'http://localhost/api/ReportApi/';        
            this.reportPath = 'GroupingAgg.rdl';


    Default RDL Report will be rendered, which is used in the online service. You can obtain the sample RDL/RDLC files from Syncfusion installed location (%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\28.1.33\Common\Data\ejReportTemplate).

    Run the Application

    Execute the below command in the command prompt.

    • npm start

    The application gets opened in the browser automatically and now, navigate to the ReportViewer tab to view the ReportViewer output on the page as displayed in the following screenshot.

    Grouping aggregate RDL report rendered in ReportViewer

    ReportViewer with Grouping Aggregate Report

    Load SSRS Server Reports

    Add necessary HTML elements and CSS style to render ReportViewer and Set the desired reportPath, reportServerUrl and reportServiceUrl to ReportViewer. The code example for defining ReportViewer control in Angular is as follows,

  • HTML
  • <ej-reportviewer id="reportViewer_Control" [reportServiceUrl] = "serviceUrl" [processingMode] = "Remote" [reportServerUrl] = "serverUrl" [reportPath] = "reportPath" >
  • CSS
  • ej-reportviewer {
        display: block;
        height: 550px;
  • TS
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'ej-app',
        templateUrl: 'src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.html',
    	styleUrls: ['src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.css']
    export class ReportViewerComponent {
        public serviceUrl: string; 
        public serverUrl: string;	
        public reportPath: string;
        constructor() {
            this.serviceUrl = '';
            this.serverUrl = '';
            this.reportPath = '/SSRSSamples2/Territory Sales new';


    The credential information for Report Server is provided in online service.

    Run the Application

    Execute the below command in the command prompt.

    • npm start

    The application gets opened in the browser automatically and now, navigate to the ReportViewer tab to view the ReportViewer output on the page as displayed in the following screenshot.

    Report Viewer showcases the report from SSRS with the help of external Reporting Server

    Report from SSRS

    Load RDLC Reports

    The ReportViewer has data binding support to visualize the RDLC reports and Set the desired reportPath, reportServerUrl, processingMode and reportServiceUrl to ReportViewer. The following code example helps you to bind data to ReportViewer.

    API Description
    reportServerUrl Specifies the URL for the Report Server.
    reportServiceUrl Specifies the report Web API service URL.
    processingMode Specifies the processing mode of the report.
    reportPath Gets or sets the path of the report file.
  • HTML
  • <ej-reportviewer id="reportViewer_Control" [reportServiceUrl] = "serviceUrl" [processingMode] = "Local"	 [reportServerUrl] = "serverUrl" [reportPath] = "reportPath" [dataSources]="reportData" >
  • CSS
  • ej-reportviewer {
        display: block;
        height: 550px;

    Pass data source from client side

  • TS
  • import { Component } from '@angular/core';
         selector: 'ej-app',
         templateUrl: 'src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.html',
     	 styleUrls: ['src/reportviewer/reportviewer.component.css']
     export class ReportViewerComponent {
         public serviceUrl: string;    
         public reportPath: string;
    	 public reportData: any;
         constructor() {
             this.serviceUrl = '';        
             this.reportPath = 'AreaCharts.rdlc"';
    	     this.reportData = [{
           value: [
             { SalesPersonID: 281, FullName: 'Ito', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'South West', Y2002: 0, Y2003: 28000, Y2004: 3018725 },
             { SalesPersonID: 282, FullName: 'Saraiva', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'Canada', Y2002: 25000, Y2003: 14000, Y2004: 3189356 },
             { SalesPersonID: 283, FullName: 'Cambell', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'North West', Y2002: 12000, Y2003: 13000, Y2004: 1930885 },
             { SalesPersonID: 275, FullName: 'Blythe', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'North East', Y2002: 19000, Y2003: 47000, Y2004: 4557045 },
             { SalesPersonID: 276, FullName: 'Mitchell', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'South West',Y2002: 28000, Y2003: 46000, Y2004: 5240075 },
             { SalesPersonID: 277, FullName: 'Carson', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'Central', Y2002: 33000, Y2003: 49000, Y2004: 3857163 },
             { SalesPersonID: 278, FullName: 'Vargas', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'Canada', Y2002: 11000, Y2003: 14000, Y2004: 1764938 },
             { SalesPersonID: 279, FullName: 'Reiter', Title: 'Sales Representative', SalesTerritory: 'South East', Y2002: 32000, Y2003: 26000, Y2004: 2811012 }
           name: 'AdventureWorksXMLDataSet'


    Default RDLC Report will be rendered, which is used in the online service.

    Pass data source from server side

    The ReportViewer has a data binding support from server side to visualize the RDLC reports. You can pass the data source from the WebAPI controller.

        using Syncfusion.EJ.ReportViewer;
        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Linq;
        using System.Net;
        using System.Net.Http;
        using System.Web.Http;
        namespace ReportViewerDemo.Api 
            public class ReportApiController: ApiController,IReportController 
                //Post action for processing the rdl/rdlc report 
                public object PostReportAction(Dictionary < string, object > jsonResult 
                    return ReportHelper.ProcessReport(jsonResult, this);
                //Get action for getting resources from the report
                public object GetResource(string key, string resourceType, bool isPrint) 
                    return ReportHelper.GetResource(key, resourceType, isPrint);
                //Method will be called when initialize the report options before start processing the report        
                public void OnInitReportOptions(ReportViewerOptions reportOption)
                    //You can update report options here
                //Method will be called when reported is loaded
                public void OnReportLoaded(ReportViewerOptions reportOption) 
                    reportOption.ReportModel.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource { Name = "AdventureWorksXMLDataSet", Value = AdventureWorksXMLDataSet.GetData() });
            public class AdventureWorksXMLDataSet
                public int SalesPersonID { get; set; }
                public string FullName { get; set; }
                public string Title { get; set; }
                public string SalesTerritory { get; set; }
                public double Y2002 { get; set; }
                public double Y2003 { get; set; }
                public double Y2004 { get; set; }
                public DateTime LastModifiedOn { get; set; }
                internal static IList GetData()
                    List<AdventureWorksXMLDataSet> AdventureWorksCollection = new List<AdventureWorksXMLDataSet>();
                    AdventureWorksXMLDataSet AdventureWork = null;
                    AdventureWork = new AdventureWorksXMLDataSet()
                        SalesPersonID= 281, FullName= "Ito", Title= "Sales Representative", SalesTerritory= "South West", Y2002= 0, Y2003= 28000, Y2004= 3018725, LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Today,
                    AdventureWork = new AdventureWorksXMLDataSet()
                        SalesPersonID= 282, FullName= "Saraiva", Title= "Sales Representative", SalesTerritory= "Canada", Y2002= 25000, Y2003= 14000, Y2004= 3189356,
                        LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Today,
                    AdventureWork = new AdventureWorksXMLDataSet()
                            SalesPersonID= 283, FullName= "Cambell", Title= "Sales Representative", SalesTerritory= "North West", Y2002= 12000, Y2003= 13000, Y2004= 1930885,
                        LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Today,
                    AdventureWork = new AdventureWorksXMLDataSet()
                        SalesPersonID= 275, FullName= "Blythe", Title= "Sales Representative", SalesTerritory= "North East", Y2002= 19000, Y2003= 47000, Y2004= 4557045,
                        LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Today,
                    AdventureWork = new AdventureWorksXMLDataSet()
                        SalesPersonID= 276, FullName= "Mitchell", Title= "Sales Representative", SalesTerritory= "South West", Y2002= 28000, Y2003= 46000, Y2004= 5240075,
                        LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Today,
                    AdventureWork = new AdventureWorksXMLDataSet()
                        SalesPersonID= 277, FullName= "Carson", Title= "Sales Representative", SalesTerritory= "Central", Y2002= 33000, Y2003= 49000, Y2004= 3857163,
                        LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Today,
                    return AdventureWorksCollection;

    Run the Application

    Execute the below command in the command prompt.

    • npm start

    The application gets opened in the browser automatically and now, navigate to the ReportViewer tab to view the ReportViewer output on the page as displayed in the following screenshot.

    Area chart RDLC report rendered in ReportViewer

    Area Chart RDLC Report