Customization in Xamarin SignaturePad (SfSignaturePad)

29 Jul 20221 minute to read

The Signature Pad control supports to customize the stroke color and stroke width using the following API.

Stroke color

The color of the stroke drawn can be customized using the StrokeColor API.

<signature:SfSignaturePad HeightRequest="250" StrokeColor="Red"/>
SfSignaturePad signature = new SfSignaturePad();
    signature.StrokeColor = Color.Red;
    signature.HeightRequest = 250;
    this.Content = signature;

stroke color

Stroke width

The width of the stroke drawn can be customized by setting the MinimumStrokeWidth and MaximumStrokeWidth API. The MinimumStrokeWidth defines the minimum thickness of the stroke that can be drawn and the MaximumStrokeWidth defines the maximum thickness the stroke can draw based on the speed and impression we provide through gesture.


The default value of MinimumStrokeWidth is 0.08 and MaximumStrokeWidth is 5.

<signature:SfSignaturePad HeightRequest="250" 
SfSignaturePad signature = new SfSignaturePad();
    signature.MinimumStrokeWidth = 1;
    signature.MaximumStrokeWidth = 4;
    signature.HeightRequest = 250;
    this.Content = signature;

Stroke width


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