No Results Found

28 Jun 20191 minute to read

When the entered item is not in the suggestion list, SfAutoComplete displays a text indicating there is no search results found. We can set the desire text to be displayed for indicating no results found with the NoResultsFoundText property.

countryAutoComplete.NoResultsFoundText="No Results Found";


Customizing NoResultsFoundText

The NoResultsFoundTextColor, NoResultsFoundFontSize and NoResultsFoundTypeface properties are used to customize the foreground color, font size and typeface of NoResultsFoundText.

countryAutoComplete.NoResultsFoundText = "No Results Found";
countryAutoComplete.NoResultsFoundFontSize = 20;
countryAutoComplete.NoResultsFoundTextColor = Android.Graphics.Color.DarkGreen;
countryAutoComplete.NoResultsFoundTypeface = Typeface.CreateFromAsset(this.Assets, "Pacifico.ttf");
