Coded UI Testing in WPF

17 Jul 202413 minutes to read

Automated tests that drive your application through its user interface (UI) are known as Coded UI Tests (CUITs). These tests include functional testing of the UI controls. Our controls support CUITs Coded UI automation that helps you to create automated tests for inner elements and records the sequence of actions. When dragging the crosshair shown in Coded UI Test Builder on UI elements, it shows the properties of the respective UI elements. You can also add assertion for each of the properties.

Provided here are the three levels of support in Coded UI Test automation.



Level 1 Record and detect the UI elements when performing actions in the control.
Level 2 Provide custom properties for UI elements when dragging the crosshair to any UI element.
Level 3 Coded UI Test Builder generates code from the recorded session and custom class is implemented to access custom properties, so the generated code is simplified.

Prerequisites and compatibility


The prerequisites are tabulated in the following table.

.Net Framework 4.5,4.5.1,4.6
Other Requirement Extension dll and Syncfusion build installed dll should be referred as same version.


Visual Studio Coded UI provides support only in Visual Studio – Premium platforms for Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 supported only in Enterprise platform. For more information about the platforms and configurations supported by Coded UI tests, refer to this 



Create, record, and run the tests

Creating Coded UI Project

CUIT contains the Coded UI test project. When application does not contain the CUIT project, create a new project. In the Solutions Explorer, on the shortcut menu of the solution is as follows:

  • Choose Add New Project.
  • Select either Visual Basic or Visual C#.
  • Right-click the test project, choose Add, and select Coded UI Test.

Coded UI test project does not appear on Visual Studio, if Visual Studio Enterprise edition does not installed in the system. To create CUIT, install Visual Studio Enterprise edition in system.

WPF Coded UI create project

Adding Coded UI Test file

To add the CUIT file, follow the steps:

1.Create the CUIT project, the CUIT file will be automatically generated. To add another test file, right-click the test project, choose Add, and select Coded UI Test.

WPF Coded UI adding test file

2.Generate Code for Coded UI Test dialog box will be shown after selecting the Coded UI test file. Choose Record to record the test actions.

WPF Coded UI showing Record option

3.Then, right-click the body of the Coded UI Test file.

WPF Coded UI showing test file content

4.Choose Coded UI Test Builder (UI Map) at the bottom right side of the window.

WPF Coded UI showing UI Map

5.Start the recording option from UI Map to record the test actions and recording option can be paused when testing the project.

6.Run the application, on which you will be performing UI testing.

7.Drag the crosshairs on to the UI elements of your WPF grid control application. It shows the available properties of the inner UI elements in the grid controls.

8.The actions made on UI elements can be recorded by clicking Record on the Coded UI Test builder. For example, you can record the action of changing the cell value in SfDataGrid. Click Pause to finish the record.

WPF Coded UI showing pause option

  1. Then, click the Generate Code icon in Coded UI Test Builder to generate a test method. Close the Coded UI Test Builder. You can see the generated code for the cell value changed action.

    public void RecordedMethod1()
       #region Variable Declarations
       WpfText uIMEREPText = this.UIWpfWindow.UISfDataGridCustom.UIGridCellCustom4.UIMEREPText;
       WpfEdit uIGridCellEdit = this.UIWpfWindow.UISfDataGridCustom.UIGridCellEdit;
       WpfSfGridCell uIGridCellCustom11 = this.UIWpfWindow.UISfDataGridCustom.UIGridCellCustom11;
       WpfSfGridCell uIGridCellCustom12 = this.UIWpfWindow.UISfDataGridCustom.UIGridCellCustom12;

10.An assertion can also be created to check the modified cell value. Drag the crosshair to the modified cell, the Assertion window appears. The properties for the control (Cell) will be listed in the Assertion dialog box. You can add assertion by clicking Generate Code in Coded UI Test Builder.
WPF Coded UI showing Add Assertion

Testing recorded steps

Application can be tested with the generated CUIT method. Follow the procedure to test the recorded steps:

  1. Add a test method called CodedUITestProject1.

    public void CodedUITestMethod1()
    // Generates code for this test. Select "Generate Code for Coded UI Test" from the shortcut menu and select one of the menu items.
    Public Sub CodedUITestMethod1()
    ' Generates code for this test. Select "Generate Code for Coded UI Test" from the shortcut menu and select one of the menu items.
    End Sub

2.Build and run the application that has already been configured. CUIT builder can be opened with the following steps.

3.Right-click the body of the CodedUITestMethod and select Run Tests.

WPF Coded UI showing Run Tests

4.Before running tests, ensure that the test application is launched and the initial states of controls are same as at the beginning of the test recording.

Supported controls

The following controls are featured in Coded UI testing support.

Supported Controls



3 Levels


3 Levels


3 Levels


3 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


2 Levels


The three level supported control can only have Coded UI Test extension project.

Coded UI Test extension support

The Coded UI Test(CUIT) extension is a technology manager that tells Coded UI Test to use UI automation for Syncfusion WPF controls.

The following controls have extension project.

  • SfDataGrid
  • SfTreeGrid
  • GridControl

To test the Coded UI supported controls with CUITs, build the Extension project and place in the following mentioned location.

Controls Compile assemblies Adding Extension assembly Extension Project
SfDataGrid SfGrid.WPF Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.SfGridExtension.dll Get the Extension project from


SfTreeGrid SfGrid.WPF Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.SfGridExtension.dll Get the Extension project from


GridControl Grid.WPF Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.GridExtension.dll Get the Extension project from



To run the CUITs, follow the steps:

  1. Run the Extension project and build it.
  2. You can get the following tabulated assembly from the bin folder.

The above assembly must be placed in the following directory based on your Visual Studio version.

Visual Studio Version Relative Path
2010 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSTT\10.0\UITestExtensionPackages
2015 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSTT\14.0\UITestExtensionPackages
2017 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSTT\15.0\UITestExtensionPackages


The Extension package should be installed(For example, Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.SfGridExtension.dll) in GAC location. Refer to the MSDN link for GAC installation.

UI Elements for supported controls

The following UI Elements for Coded UI supported controls,

Controls Name UI Elements
ComboBoxAdv ComboBoxAdv and ComboBoxItemAdv
TreeViewAdv TreeViewAdv and TreeViewItemAdv
PropertyGrid PropertyGrid, ClearButton, DescriptionBorder, DescriptionDetailsTextBlock, DescriptionNameTextBlock, PropertyCategoryViewItem, PropertyGridScrollViewer, PropertyGridSplitter, PropertyItemTextBlock, PropertyView, PropertyViewItem, SearchTextBox, ToggleSortButton, and ToggleGroupButton
Ribbon Ribbon, RibbonTab, RibbonBar, RibbonButton, RibbonCheckBox, RibbonComboBox, RibbonComboBoxItem, RibbonGallery, RibbonGalleryPopup, RibbonGalleryItem, RibbonMenuGroup, RibbonMenuGroupItem, RibbonMenuItem, DropDownButton, SplitButton, ApplicationMenu, MenuButton, SimpleMenuButton, SplitMenuButton, BackStage, BackStageCommandButton, BackStageTabItem, RibbonToggleButton, QATListBox, QuickAccessToolBar, and QuickAccessToolBarDropDown
SfMultiColumnDropDown SfMultiColumnDropDownControl
SfDataPager SfDataPager
SfDataGrid GridStackedHeaderCellControl, GridTableSummaryCell, GridGroupSummaryCell, GridCaptionSummaryCell, GridDetailsViewExpanderCellControl, and GridIndentCell
SfTreeGrid TreeGridStackedHeaderCell and TreeGridExpanderCell
PivotGrid PivotGrid

UI Elements and Properties

The following Coded UI supported controls have UI Elements and other supported properties apart from default properties are listed below.

Control Name UI Elements Properties
DataGrid RowCount, ColumnCount, SelectionMode, SelectionUnit, SelectedIndex, and SelectedItemCount.
GridCell CellValue, FormattedValue, RowIndex, ColumnIndex, and ColumnName.
GridHeaderCellControl MappingName, IsFilterApplied, FilterIconVisibility, SortDirection, and SortNumberVisibility.
GridRowHeaderCell RowErrorMessage and RowIndexState
GroupDropArea IsExpanded and GroupDropAreaText
DetailsViewDataGrid RowCount, ColumnCount, SelectionMode, SelectionUnit, SelectedIndex, and SelectedItemCount.
GroupDropAreaItem GroupNameSortDirection
TreeGrid RowCount, ColumnCount, SelectionMode, SelectionUnit, SelectionIndex, and SelectedItemCount.
TreeGridCell CellValue, FormattedValue, RowIndex, ColumnIndex, and ColumnName.
TreeGridHeaderCell MappingName, SortDirection, and SortNumberVisibility.
TreeGridRowHeaderCell RowErrorMessage, RowIndex, and State.
GridCell Text, CellValue, ColumnHeader, Format, Description, FormulaTag, CellWidth, CellHeight, FormattedText.
Grid SelectedRanges, GridName, RowCount, ColumnCount.
SfMultiColumnDropDown AllowAutoComplete, AllowNullInput, AllowImmediatePopup, AllowIncrementalFiltering, AllowCaseSensitiveFiltering, AllowSpinOnMouseWheel, DisplayMember, IsDropDownOpenSelectedIndex, ValueMember.
SfDataPager AccentBackground, AccentForeground, AutoEllipsisMode, AutoEllipsisText, DisplayMode, EnableGridPaging, NumericButtonCount, Orientation, PageCount, PageSize, UseOnDemandPaging.

Steps to work with Coded UI


Follow the steps to create a Coded UI Test project and test the SfDataGrid application.

  1. Create a new WPF application or open an existing WPF application with SfDataGrid. Enable the Coded UI Test by setting AutomationPeerHelper.EnableCodedUI to true and access the AutomationPeerHelper class from Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid namespace.

    using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid;
    public MainWindow()
     AutomationPeerHelper.EnableCodedUI = true;

2.Build the application and launch the .exe file from bin folder.

3.Create, record, and run the tests for Coded UI Test project by referring Create, Record, and Run the tests section.

Hand code for CUIT operation

This session demonstrates the example codes to perform the operation with hand code.

Hand code for changing the cell value

//Change Cell Value
public void CodedUITestMethod1()
    var cell = this.UIMap.UIMainWindowWindow.UISfDataGridCustom.UIVirtualizingCellsConCustom.UIGridCellCustom;

Hand code for find GridCell

public void FindGridCell()
    WpfSfDataGrid dataGrid = this.UIMap.UIMainWindowWindow.UISfDataGridCustom;
    WpfSfGridCell cell = new WpfSfGridCell(dataGrid);
    cell.SearchProperties[WpfSfGridCell.PropertyNames.RowIndex] = "1";
    cell.SearchProperties[WpfSfGridCell.PropertyNames.ColumnIndex] = "1";


In the previous code snippet, at least two unique properties of GridCell (row index and column index / row index and cell value / column index and cell value) should be provided to search in SfDataGrid.

Hand code for sort click operation

public void Mouse_Click_on_GridHeaderCell()
    WpfSfDataGrid dataGrid = this.UIMap.UIMainWindowWindow.UISfDataGridCustom;
    WpfSfHeaderCellControl cell = new WpfSfHeaderCellControl(dataGrid);
    cell.SearchProperties[WpfSfHeaderCellControl.PropertyNames.ColumnName] = "OrderID";
    if (cell.TryFind())


Follow the steps to create a Coded UI Test project and test the tree grid application.

  1. Create a new WPF application or open an existing WPF application with tree grid. Enable Coded UI Test in tree grid by setting AutomationPeerHelper.EnableCodedUI to true and access the AutomationPeerHelper class from Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid namespace.

    using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Grid;
    public MainWindow()
     AutomationPeerHelper.EnableCodedUI = true;

2.Build the application and launch the .exe file from the bin folder.

3.Create, record and run the tests for Coded UI Test project by referring Create, Record, and Run the tests section.

Automation peer class name Control name in code generation Property provider class name
SfTreeGridAutomationPeer WpfSfTreeGrid SfTreeGridPropertyProvider
TreeGridCellAutomationPeer WpfSfTreeGridCell SfTreeGridCellPropertyProvider
TreeGridHeaderCellAutomationPeer WpfSfTreeGridHeaderCell SfTreeGridHeaderCellPropertyProvider
TreeGridRowHeaderCellAutomationPeer WpfSfTreeGridRowHeaderCell SfTreeGridRowHeaderCellPropertyProvider
TreeGridStackedHeaderCellAutomationPeer WpfSfTreeGridStackedHeaderCell SfTreeGridStackedHeaderCellPropertyProvider
TreeGridExpanderCellAutomationPeer WpfTreeGridExpanderCell SfTreeGridExpanderCellPropertyProvider


Follow the steps to prepare the grid application.

1.Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.GridExtensions.dll contains implementation to easily change an existing application to the test application, plugin is required. Add a reference to this assembly. 

  1. Open App.xaml file. 

    <Application x:Class="WpfApplication3.App"
  2. Change the application to Syncfusion:GridControlTestApplication.

    <syncfusion:GridControlTestApplication x:Class="WpfApplication3.App"
  3. For the code behind file (App.xaml.cs), make sure to inherit from GridControlTestApplication.

    namespace WpfApplication3 
    	/// <summary>
    	/// Interaction logic for App.xaml 
    	/// </summary>
    	public partial class App : GridControlTestApplication 

5.Build the application for testing.

  1. Add the following reference in your sample.
  • Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.GridCommunication.dll

  • Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.GridExtension.dll

7.To create, record and run the tests for Coded UI Test project, you can refer this section Create, Record, and Run the tests.

Hand code for CUIT operation

This session demonstrates the example codes to perform the operation with hand code.

Hand code to find GridCell

public void FindGridCell()
    var datagrid = this.UIMap.UISyncfusionGridDataCoWindow.UISyncfusionGridDataCoWindow1;
    UITestControl cell = new UITestControl(datagrid);
    cell.SearchProperties["ControlType"] = "Cell";
    cell.SearchProperties["RowIndex"] = "16";
    cell.SearchProperties["ColumnIndex"] = "3";

Hand code for changing the cell value

public void CodedUITestMethod1()
    var datagrid = this.UIMap.UISyncfusionGridDataCoWindow.UISyncfusionGridDataCoWindow1;
    var cell = this.UIMap.UISyncfusionGridDataCoWindow.UISyncfusionGridDataCoWindow1.UIItem24Grid1Cell;
    var rowindex = Convert.ToInt16(cell.GetProperty("RowIndex").ToString());
    var columnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(cell.GetProperty("ColumnIndex").ToString());
    GridCellInfo info = new GridCellInfo(rowindex, columnIndex, "Grid1");  
    //click the cell for enter into edit mode.
    Keyboard.SendKeys("^(A)"); //select all the text
    Keyboard.SendKeys("{DELETE}"); //Delete the previous value
    Keyboard.SendKeys("23"); //insert new value
    Keyboard.SendKeys("{TAB}"); //Commit value using tab key navigation
    var value = cell.GetProperty("CellValue");
    if (value.ToString() == "23")