- Installing with UI
- Installing in silent mode
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Installing Syncfusion WPF offline installer
29 Sep 20236 minutes to read
Installing with UI
The steps below show how to install the Essential Studio WPF installer.
Open the Syncfusion WPF offline installer file from downloaded location by double-clicking it. The Installer Wizard automatically opens and extracts the package.
The Installer wizard extracts the syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe dialog, which displays the package’s unzip operation.
To unlock the Syncfusion offline installer, you have two options:
Login To Install
Use Unlock Key
Login To Install
You must enter your Syncfusion email address and password. If you don’t already have a Syncfusion account, you can sign up for one by clicking “Create an account”. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot Password” to create a new one. Once you’ve entered your Syncfusion email and password, click Next.
Use Unlock Key
Unlock keys are used to unlock the Syncfusion offline installer, and they are platform and version specific. You should use either Syncfusion licensed or trial Unlock key to unlock Syncfusion WPF installer.
The trial unlock key is only valid for 30 days, and the installer will not accept an expired trial key.
To learn how to generate an unlock key for both trial and licensed products, see this Knowledge Base article.
After reading the License Terms and Privacy Policy, check the “I agree to the License Terms and Privacy Policy” check box. Click the Next button.
Change the install and sample locations here. You can also change the Additional settings. Click Next\Install to install with the default settings.
Additional Settings
- Select the Install Demos check box to install Syncfusion samples, or leave the check box unchecked, if you do not want to install Syncfusion samples
- Select the Register Syncfusion Assemblies in GAC check box to install the latest Syncfusion assemblies in GAC, or clear this check box when you do not want to install the latest assemblies in GAC.
- Select the Configure Syncfusion controls in Visual Studio check box to configure the Syncfusion controls in the Visual Studio toolbox, or clear this check box when you do not want to configure the Syncfusion controls in the Visual Studio toolbox during installation. Note that you must also select the Register Syncfusion assemblies in GAC check box when you select this check box.
- Select the Configure Syncfusion Extensions controls in Visual Studio checkbox to configure the Syncfusion Extensions in Visual Studio or clear this check box when you do not want to configure the Syncfusion Extensions in Visual Studio.
- Check the Create Desktop Shortcut checkbox to add a desktop shortcut for Syncfusion Control Panel
- Check the Create Start Menu Shortcut checkbox to add a shortcut to the start menu for Syncfusion Control Panel
If any previous versions of the current product is installed, the Uninstall Previous Version(s) wizard will be opened. Select Uninstall checkbox to uninstall the previous versions and then click the Proceed button.
From the 2021 Volume 1 release, Syncfusion has added the option to uninstall previous versions from 18.1 while installing the new version.
If any version is selected to uninstall, a confirmation screen will appear; if continue is selected, the Progress screen will display the uninstall and install progress, respectively. If none of the versions are chosen to be uninstalled, only the installation progress will be displayed.
Confirmation Alert
Uninstall Progress:
Install Progress
The Completed screen is displayed once the WPF product is installed. If any version is selected to uninstall, The completed screen will display both install and uninstall status.
After installing, click the Launch Control Panel link to open the Syncfusion Control Panel.
Click the Finish button. Your system has been installed with the Syncfusion Essential Studio WPF product.
Installing in silent mode
The Syncfusion Essential Studio WPF Installer supports installation and uninstallation via the command line.
Command Line Installation
To install through the Command Line in Silent mode, follow the steps below.
- Run the Syncfusion WPF installer by double-clicking it. The Installer Wizard automatically opens and extracts the package.
- The file syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe file will be extracted into the Temp directory.
- Run %temp%. The Temp folder will be opened. The syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe file will be located in one of the folders.
- Copy the extracted syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe file in local drive.
- Exit the Wizard.
Run Command Prompt in administrator mode and enter the following arguments.
Arguments: “installer file path\SyncfusionEssentialStudio(platform)_(version).exe” /Install silent /UNLOCKKEY:“(product unlock key)” [/log “{Log file path}”] [/InstallPath:{Location to install}] [/InstallSamples:{true/false}] [/InstallAssemblies:{true/false}] [/UninstallExistAssemblies:{true/false}] [/InstallToolbox:{true/false}]
[..] – Arguments inside the square brackets are optional.
Example: “D:\Temp\syncfusionessentialwpf_x.x.x.x.exe” /Install silent /UNLOCKKEY:“product unlock key” /log “C:\Temp\EssentialStudio_Platform.log” /InstallPath:C:\Syncfusion\x.x.x.x /InstallSamples:true /InstallAssemblies:true /UninstallExistAssemblies:true /InstallToolbox:true
Essential Studio for WPF is installed.
x.x.x.x should be replaced with the Essential Studio version and the Product Unlock Key needs to be replaced with the Unlock Key for that version.
Command Line Uninstallation
Syncfusion Essential WPF can be uninstalled silently using the Command Line.
- Run the Syncfusion WPF installer by double-clicking it. The Installer Wizard automatically opens and extracts the package.
- The file syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe file will be extracted into the Temp directory.
- Run %temp%. The Temp folder will be opened. The syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe file will be located in one of the folders.
- Copy the extracted syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe file in local drive.
- Exit the Wizard.
Run Command Prompt in administrator mode and enter the following arguments.
Arguments: “Copied installer file path\syncfusionessentialwpf_(version).exe” /uninstall silent
Example: “D:\Temp\syncfusionessentialwpf_x.x.x.x.exe” /uninstall silent
- Essential Studio for WPF is uninstalled.