Essential Studio for WinUI Release Notes

June 30, 2022


  • WinUI controls have been upgraded to Windows App SDK 1.1.
  • Now, our WinUI controls only support .NET 6 and later versions.



  • #I193695, #I204886, #I206463, #I206930, #I207625, #I208400, #I219802, #I223333, #I224205, #I224532, #I230524, #I286086, #I288430, #I304956, #I310217, #I135185, #I135243, #I156004, #F119389, #I157231, #F125603, #I163232, #I164076, #I164410, #I164724, #I167776, #I170758, #F129910, #F129911, #I177323, #I156820, #I182239, #I189834, #I197733, #I158678, #I161942, #I175960, #I178173, #I169491, #I180412, #I181509, #I183143, #I183750, #F131672, #I185703, #I185793, #I185927, #I186314, #I173965, #I187805, #I188727, #I193069, #I193695, #I184554, #I195475, #I195671, #F127227, #I197345, #I197187, #F132419, #I197374, #I198721 – Convert Word document to images.
  • #FB28877- Insert text wrapping break in a Word document.
  • #I61189, #I244076 – Customize the mail merge execution to start a new page for each group of records in a Word document.
  • #I343315 – Access or set the internal margins for shapes in the Word document.
  • #I315632 – Create a Waterfall chart in the DOCX format document.
  • DotDotDashHeavy, DottedHeavy, and Thick underline styles render as they are in the input Word document during Word to PDF conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #I380680, #I381402 - Bookmark content is now deleted properly while calling DeleteBookmarkContent API.
  • #I379675 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while deleting the bookmark content.
  • #I379146 - Map chart is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I378787 - Shape border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I376761 - Table is now preserved properly while resaving a DOC format document.
  • #I375541 - TextBox line join type is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX document to PDF.
  • #I376003 - Words and characters counts are now updated properly while calling UpdateWordCount API.
  • WPicture.IsMetaFile property is now updated properly for metafile image.



  • Added a PDF/A-4 conformance creation and conversion support.
  • #I381316 - Added support to create, edit, and remove watermark annotations.
  • Added a high-level API to convert images to PDF documents.
  • Added support to create, edit, and remove the rich media annotations.
  • #F174432 - Added support to get the timestamp certificate from the signature validation result.
  • #I364032 - Added support to flatten annotations without calling the save method.
  • #I360243, F174432 - Added support to get the detail of the signature’s validity from the PdfSignatureValidationResult.
  • Added the property changed event support for the annotations.
  • Added support to split a PDF document by fixed and custom ranges.

Bug Fixes

  • #I380779 - The PDF form field visibility is not working properly from an existing PDF document.
  • #I384734 - The Preservation issue no longer occurs while adding Unicode characters to the PDF form fields.
  • #I385168 - The orientation is properly preserved while trying to import the rotated PDF pages to a new pdf document.
  • #I382887 - The invalid cross-reference table exception will no longer occur while merging a PDF document.
  • #I381950 - The widget annotation properly shows in viewers after merging the cropped PDF documents.
  • #I382355 - A fatal error will no longer occur while opening a PDF document with open and repair mode.
  • #I381563 - An exception will no longer occur when reusing the input stream without closing a PDF document completely.
  • #I380561 - The dropdown field values are imported properly with the dynamic xml file.
  • #F175170 - The PDF signature validation passed when verifying digitally signed with the ECDSA-SHA256 algorithm.
  • #I379400, I380182 - The preservation issue will no longer occur while adding the image into the signature appearance and draw position.
  • #I380425 - The shape is preserved properly while converting the Presentation to a PDF document.
  • #I378529 - The preservation issue will no longer occur after rotating the document and adding a stamp to a PDF document.
  • #I369183 - The rotation is considered while creating a template from the rotated PDF document.
  • #I385801 - The document corruption issue will no longer occur while modifying a specific Pdf document.
  • #I380301 - The runtime and preservation issue will no longer occur when flattening the form field in a particular PDF document.
  • #F35262 - The PdfGrid is preserved properly at the bottom while adding the header and footer.
  • #I383513 - The acrobat reader recognized the required mark fields for the text box and list box created using the PDF library.
  • #I386166 - The incorrect field name exception will no longer occur when trying to receive the value from the newly added form field.
  • #I381517 - Now, the border width is set properly to the textbox field.
  • #I382945 - The invalid type cast exception will no longer occur while retrieving the newly added form fields.
  • #I381698 - The preservation issue will no longer occur after filing the back color to the combed text box field in a PDF document.
  • #I379204 - The preservation issue will no longer occur while filling the text box field on a particular PDF document.
  • #I379233 - Shapes are properly drawn with the transparent color using PdfPen.
  • #I372110 - The Pages are properly added when you collect the page record collection from the loaded PDF document.
  • #I374592 - The bookmark child is not exported multiple times while splitting a PDF document.
  • #I372759 - The numeric format is considered when filling a text form field in a PDF document.
  • #I371581 - The annotations will be active after flattening annotations in the specific PDF documents.
  • #I374556 - The PdfGrid borders are preserved properly while setting the pagination bounds.
  • #I375568 - Now, shapes are filled properly with transparent brush colors.


Bug Fixes

  • #I380434 - Line spacing is now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.

SfAutoComplete Preview


  • Leading and trailing views - The AutoComplete control now supports leading and trailing views. This feature allows users to add a template before and after the selection area.
  • Highlighting search text - Highlight the search text. Highlighting can be done for the first occurrence or all occurrences of the text. This feature makes it easy to select items from the dropdown list.

SfCartesianChart Preview

Breaking Changes

  • SfChart class has been removed, instead, directly use the SfCartesianChart to visualize the cartesian series.
  • The IsTransposed property has been removed from the CartesianSeries, instead, set the IsTransposed property in SfCartesianChart.
  • The FastBarBitmapSeries, BarSeries, StackedBarSeries, and StackedBar100Series classes have been removed from the chart. If you want display, the BarSeries use ColumnSeries and set IsTransposed as true in the SfCartesianChart.
  • The Axes, PrimaryAxis, and SecondaryAxis properties have been removed from the SfCartesianChart, instead, set the x and y axis in the XAxes and YAxes collections, respectively, in the SfCartesianChart.
  • The XAxis, YAxis properties have been removed from the CartesianSeries, instead, add the axis in the XAxes and YAxes collection in the SfCartesianChart with a unique name and use that axis name in the XAxisName and YAxisName properties in the CartesianSeries.
  • The Palette and ColorModel property has been removed from the SfCartesianChart and ChartSeries, instead, set brush collection to the PaletteBrushes property in classes.
  • The Behaviors property has been removed from the SfCartesianChart, instead of directly assigning the following properties TooltipBehavior, SelectionBehavior, CrosshairBehavior,
    TrackballBehavior, and ZoomPanBehavior in SfCartesianChart.
  • The selection feature revamped in a standard format. For current API details in the selection feature, refer this link.
  • The PlotOffset property has been removed from the ChartAxis, instead, set values to PlotOffsetStart and PlotOffsetEnd.
  • The SmallTicksPerInterval property name changed in to MinorTicksPerInterval and SmallTickLineSize property name changed in to MinorTickLineSize in RangeAxisBase.
  • The ActualMaximum and ActualMinimum properties have been changed to getter only in the ActualRangeChangedEventArgs.
  • The VisibleMaximum and VisibleMinimum properties have been removed from the ActualRangeChangedEventArgs, instead of that, use CalculateVisibleInterval and CalculateVisibleRange override methods in the axis and return your required values.
  • The TickLinePosition, SmallTickLinePosition, DesiredIntervalCount, LabelSource, LabelPosition, ContentPath, MaximumLabels, CustomLabels, VisibleLabels, VisibleLabels properties, and AxisBoundsChanged, LabelClicked events have been removed from the ChartAxis.
  • The StartRangeFromZero property has been removed from the NumericalAxis.
  • The WorkingDays, CloseTime, OpenTime, and EnableBusinessHours properties have been removed from the DateTimeAxis.
  • The DockPosition property name changed into Placement in ChartLegend.
  • The Orientation, Position, Series, OffsetX, OffsetY, and Floating enum option have been removed from the legend.
  • The Interior property name has been changed to Fill in the ChartSeries.
  • The ScatterHeight and ScatterWidth properties have been renamed as PointHeight and PointWidth, respectively, in the ScatterSeries, FastScatterBitmapSeries classes.
  • The SegmentColorPath property and CreateSegments, GetDataPointIndex methods have been removed from the ChartSeries.
  • The ShowZeroBubbles property has been removed from the BubbleSeries.
  • IsClosed property has been removed from the AreaSeries.
  • The GetDataPoints method has been removed from the CartesianSeries.
  • The EnableSelectionZooming, Fill, Stroke, StrokeThickness, MaximumZoomLevel, and ZoomRelativeToCursor properties and Zoom method have removed from the ChartZoomPanBehavior.
  • The PositionChanged and PositionChanging events have been removed from the ChartTrackballBehavior.

SfCircularChart Preview

Breaking Changes

  • SfChart class has been removed, instead, directly use the SfCircularChart to visualize the circular series.
  • The Palette and ColorModel property has been removed from the SfCircularChart and ChartSeries, instead, set brush collection to the PaletteBrushes property in series class.
  • The Behaviors property has been removed from the SfCircularChart, instead, directly assign TooltipBehavior in SfCircularChart.
  • The selection feature revamped in a standard format. For current API details in the selection feature, refer this link.
  • The DockPosition property name changed into Placement in ChartLegend.
  • The Orientation, Position, Series, OffsetX, OffsetY, and Floating enum option have been removed from the legend.
  • The Interior property name has been changed to Fill in the ChartSeries.
  • The CircularCoefficient property name has been changed to Radius in the circular series.
  • The DoughnutCoefficient property name has been changed to InnerRadius in the DoughnutSeries.
  • The SegmentColorPath property and CreateSegments, GetDataPointIndex methods have been removed from the ChartSeries.
  • The SegmentSpacing, CapStyle, TrackColor, MaximumValue, IsStackedDoughnut, TrackBorderColor, and TrackBorderWidth properties have been removed from the DoughnutSeries.

SfComboBox Preview


  • Leading and trailing views - The ComboBox control now supports leading and trailing views. This feature allows users to add a template before and after the selection area.
  • Highlighting search text - Highlight the search text. Highlighting can be done for the first occurrence or all occurrences of the search text. This feature makes it easy to select items from the dropdown list.

Bug fixes

  • #I376728 - Null reference exception will no longer occur while selecting the null content item in SfComboBox.
  • #I377330 - HorizontalContentAlignment property now works properly in SfNumberBox.
  • #I384912 - Selected items now updated properly after adding the item at runtime in SfCombobox.

SfDataGrid Preview


  • Date filter - Provided support to filter the values of date columns using filter popup.

Breaking Changes

  • Name of the FrozenColumnCount and FrozenFooterColumnCount properties have been renamed FrozenColumnsCount and FrozenFooterColumnsCount to freeze the columns.
  • Name of the AllowDraggingRows has been renamed as AllowRowDragDrop property to allow the row drag and drop for DataGrid.

SfFunnelChart Preview

Breaking Changes

  • SfChart class has been removed, instead, directly use the SfFunnelChart to visualize the funnel series.
  • The Palette and ColorModel property has been removed from the SfFunnelChart, instead, set brush collection to the PaletteBrushes property in SfFunnelChart.
  • The Behaviors property has been removed from the SfFunnelChart, instead of directly assigning the following properties TooltipBehavior, SelectionBehavior in SfFunnelChart.
  • The selection feature revamped in a standard format. For current API details in the selection feature, refer this link.
  • The DockPosition property name changed into Placement in ChartLegend.
  • The Orientation, Position, Series, OffsetX, OffsetY, and Floating enum option have been removed from the legend.
  • The ColorValuePath property has been removed from the SfFunnelChart.


Breaking Changes

SfPolarChart Preview

Breaking Changes

  • SfChart class has been removed, instead, directly use the SfPolarChart to visualize the polar and radar series.
  • The Palette and ColorModel property has been removed from the SfPolarChart and ChartSeries, instead, set brush collection to the PaletteBrushes property in classes.
  • The Behaviors property has been removed from the SfPolarChart, instead, directly assign theTooltipBehavior in SfPolarChart.
  • The PlotOffset property has been removed from the ChartAxis, instead, set values to PlotOffsetStart and PlotOffsetEnd.
  • The SmallTicksPerInterval property name changed in to MinorTicksPerInterval and SmallTickLineSize property name changed in to MinorTickLineSize in RangeAxisBase.
  • The ActualMaximum and ActualMinimum properties have been changed to getter only in the ActualRangeChangedEventArgs.
  • The VisibleMaximum and VisibleMinimum properties have been removed from the ActualRangeChangedEventArgs, instead of that, use CalculateVisibleInterval and CalculateVisibleRange override methods in the axis and return your required values.
  • The TickLinePosition, SmallTickLinePosition, DesiredIntervalCount, LabelSource, LabelPosition, ContentPath, MaximumLabels, CustomLabels, VisibleLabels, VisibleLabels properties, and AxisBoundsChanged, LabelClicked events have been removed from the ChartAxis.
  • The StartRangeFromZero property has been removed from the NumericalAxis.
  • The WorkingDays, CloseTime, OpenTime, and EnableBusinessHours properties have been removed from the DateTimeAxis.
  • The DockPosition property name changed into Placement in ChartLegend.
  • The Orientation, Position, Series, OffsetX, OffsetY, and Floating enum option have been removed from the legend.
  • The Interior property name has been changed to Fill in the ChartSeries.
  • The SegmentColorPath property and CreateSegments, GetDataPointIndex methods have been removed from the ChartSeries.

SfPyramidChart Preview

Breaking Changes

  • SfChart class has been removed, instead, directly use the SfPyramidChart to visualize the pyramid series.
  • The Palette and ColorModel property has been removed from the SfPyramidChart, instead, set brush collection to the PaletteBrushes property in SfPyramidChart.
  • The Behaviors property has been removed from the SfPyramidChart, instead of directly assigning the following properties TooltipBehavior, SelectionBehavior in SfPyramidChart.
  • The selection feature revamped in a standard format. For current API details in the selection feature, refer this link.
  • The DockPosition property name changed into Placement in ChartLegend.
  • The Orientation, Position, Series, OffsetX, OffsetY, and Floating enum option have been removed from the legend.
  • The ColorValuePath property has been removed from the SfPyramidChart.


Breaking Changes

SfScheduler Preview


Breaking Changes

Known Issues

  • The Syncfusion WinUI controls have been upgraded to Windows App SDK 1.1 release note, and there is a framework break with Drag and Drop functionality and the following framework issue in this report link, so appointment drag and drop will not work until the framework resolves this issue.

SfShadow New

The .NET WinUI Shadow control is used to apply shadow effects to framework elements to give them an appearance of depth, allowing users to easily differentiate overlapping elements and enjoy a beautiful and appealing user interface.

Key features

  • Color: Applies the user’s own color to the shadow.
  • BlurRadius: Applies the blur-level for the shadow.
  • CornerRadius: Applies the corner radius for the shadow.
  • Offset: Position the shadow relative to the position of the view.

SfTreeGrid Preview


  • Date filter - Provided support to filter the values of date columns using filter popup.

Breaking Changes

  • Name of the FrozenColumnCount and FrozenFooterColumnCount properties have been renamed FrozenColumnsCount and FrozenFooterColumnsCount to freeze the columns.
  • Name of the AllowDraggingRows property has been renamed AllowRowDragDrop to allow the row drag and drop for TreeGrid.


Breaking Changes

  • #I375327 - IsSerializePivotCache boolean property is added in IPivotCache interface to save pivot cache when required.
  • #I376580 - Changed the visibility of the CompoundFileException class from internal to public to catch the exception in the try-catch block.

Bug Fixes

  • #I382987 - The application hanging issue while opening the Excel document with whitespace in drawing XML element is fixed.