Essential Studio for WinUI Release Notes

March 30, 2021



Known Issues

Syncfusion WinUI Desktop Controls are compatible with Project Reunion 0.5 which is production ready and Syncfusion WinUI UWP Controls are compatible with Project Reunion 0.5 Preview version. Since Project Reunion 0.5 is a stable release which doesn’t includes preview feature UWP support. So, Use Project Reunion 0.5 preview for developing WinUI UWP Apps.

For complete Limitations and known issues, Microsoft’s docs


Bug Fixes


  • Provided support to select date range.

  • Provided support to select month, year and decade.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed JapaneseCalendar in CalendarIdentifier property.

  • Updated the property values to ‘Outline’ and ‘Filled’ in SelectionHighlightMode property.

  • SelectionShape property replaces the TodayHighlightMode property to change the shape of selected and today date appearance.

  • Dates outside minimum and maximum date range will now be shown as blackout dates.



  • Provided DateChanging event support to cancel a date that is being changed.

  • Provided support to update selected date value in editor with selected calendar type.

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the appearance of dates out of minimum and maximum dates to have blackout date appearance.

CalendarDateRangePicker Preview

The Syncfusion WinUI SfCalendarDateRangePicker is a dropdown control that allows user to select date range from the calendar that can navigate between month, year, decade or century views. It also supports features such as data binding, showing preset items and formatting etc..

Key Features

  • Selection Restriction - Provides support to limit the selection within a specified range and blackout specific dates.

  • Preset items - Provides option to show predefined range like ‘This Month’, ‘Last Month’, ‘This year’, etc..

  • Calendar option - Provides set of properties and events to customize calendar that appears in drop-down.

  • Watermark - Provides support to customize the watermark text, which is shown when no date range is selected.



  • The following new chart types have been added to the WinUI Charts control:
    • FastLineSeries
    • FastLineBitmapSeries
    • FastColumnBitmapSeries
    • FastBarBitmapSeries
    • FastStepLineBitmapSeries
    • FastScatterBitmapSeries

Breaking Changes

  • The default appearance of the chart tooltip has been changed for better UI, including the tooltip arrowhead and animation.
  • The default value of the tooltip EnableAnimation property has been changed to true.
  • The default tooltip position has been changed as datapoint position instead of the mouse position.

SfDataGrid Preview


  • Provided the support to set the visibility of the grid lines by using SfDataGrid.GridLinesVisibility and SfDataGrid.HeaderLinesVisibility properties.



  • Provided support to show calendar fields in different calendar types.

  • Provided DateChanging event support to cancel a date that is being changed.

  • Now date value entered in editor when EditMode is Mask, is updated only when focus is lost or Enter key press.

LinearGauge Preview

Syncfusion WinUI Linear Gauge is a data visualization control that can be used to display data on a linear scale horizontally or vertically.

Key Features

  • Orientation: The Linear Gauge can be oriented vertically or horizontally.

  • Axis: The Linear Gauge axis is a scale where a set of values is plotted. Axis elements, such as labels, major ticks, and minor ticks, can be customized.

  • Ranges: The Linear Gauge range is a visual element that helps you quickly visualize where a range falls on the axis track. Multiple ranges with different styles can be added to a gauge.

  • Pointers: The Linear Gauge pointer is used to indicate a specific value on the axis. The control has three types of pointers: shape marker pointer, content marker pointer, and bar pointer. All the pointers can be customized as needed. You can add multiple pointers in a single gauge.

  • Pointer animation: The Linear Gauge can animate the pointer in a visually appealing way when the pointer moves from one value to another.

  • Pointer interaction: The Linear Gauge provides an option to drag a pointer from one value to another to change the value at runtime.


Key Features

  • Simplified layout - Provided a compact and simplified layout for the Ribbon by arranging the most-used commands in a single line and in less space..
  • Ribbon gallery - A simple and flexible ribbon gallery feature has been provided which displays a collection of related commands similar to the gallery feature used in Microsoft Office.

Scheduler Preview

The Syncfusion Scheduler for WinUI is used to schedule and manage the appointments like the Windows calendar.

Key Features

  • Multiple Views - The Syncfusion WinUI scheduler provides eight different types of views such as Day, WorkWeek, Week, TimelineDay, TimelineWeek, TimelineWorkWeek, TimelineMonth, and Month.

  • Appointments/Events - Renders recurring, all-day, and spanned appointments to visualize your schedules and appointments easily and it contains information on appointments scheduled at specific times.

  • Recurring Events - Provided the support to schedule recurring appointments to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

  • Data mapping - Allows users to bind any business object to the scheduler appointment. This can be done by mapping data object fields to the scheduler appointment fields such as start time, end time, subject, notes, recurrence,and so on.

  • Load on demand - Load appointments on demand for the visible date range with the loading indicator. Loading appointments on-demand improve the loading performance ranging from multiple years.

  • Appointment Editor - Provided the support to easily create, edit, or delete appointments using the built-in appointment editor.

  • Context menu - Provided the support to define a context flyout to add,edit, and delete appointments in the scheduler.

  • Resources - Provided the support to define resources and group appointments based on the resources associated with them in the day, week, workweek, timeline day, timeline week, timeline workweek, and timeline month views.

  • Special time regions - Create special time regions to highlight time slots in a day, week, workweek, timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek views. Merge the adjacent special time regions and display them as a single region instead of displaying them separately for each day in a week and workweek views.

  • Date restriction - Prevent navigation before the minimum date and beyond the maximum date. This restricts users from selecting certain dates outside of a range of time.

  • Time zone - Regardless of the time zone in your system, the scheduler supports setting the required time zone for the control itself as well as the events.

  • Localization - Provided the support to change the built-in content of the user interface according to culture.

  • Appearance customization - Flexible enough to customize the scheduler appearance and formats to provide uniform and consistent look.



  • Provided support to show time fields in twelve hour or twenty four hour types.

  • Provided TimeChanging event support to cancel time that is being changed.

  • Now time value entered in editor when EditMode is Mask, is updated only when focus is lost or Enter key press.

SfTreeGrid Preview


  • Provided the support to set the visibility of the grid lines by using SfTreeGrid.GridLinesVisibility and SfTreeGrid.HeaderLinesVisibility properties.



  • Provided the support to expand or collapse the nodes on loading or at run time by binding the HierarchyPropertyDescriptor.IsExpandedPropertyName property to ViewModel.
  • Provided the support to revert the changes when pressing ESC key while editing a node if underlying data object is implemented with IEditableObject.