WebAPI reference for ej Controls
30 Aug 201824 minutes to read
The details of WebAPI has been shown in the below table.
WebAPI |
Description |
Export |
It is used to export the Chart control to the specified format. |
SvgExport |
It is used to export the Chart control as an SVG image. |
ExcelExport |
It is used to export the Chart control as an Excel document. |
WordExport |
It is used to export the Chart control as a Word document. |
PdfExport |
It is used to export the Chart control as a PDF document. |
ImageExport |
It is used to export the chart control as an image (PNG/JPG). |
WebAPI |
Description |
GetNodes |
It fetches the collection of records from database and further it will be used to generate the shapes. |
GetConnectors |
It fetches the collection of records from database and also it will be used to generate the connectors. |
AddNodes |
It is used to send one or more shapes which needs to be inserted into database. |
UpdateNodes |
It sends one or more shapes which needs to be modified into database. |
DeleteNodes |
It sends one or more shapes which needs to be deleted from database. |
AddConnectors |
It sends one or more connectors which needs to be inserted into database. |
UpdateConnectors |
It sends one or more connectors which needs to be modified into database. |
DeleteConnectors |
It sends one or more connectors which needs to be deleted from database. |
WebAPI |
Description |
GenerateWordDocument |
It is used to create a simple Word document with text, image and tables. |
ConvertToPDF |
It is used to generate the PDF document. |
ApplyTextFormat |
It is used to generate Word Document with various text formats such as character/text level formatting, paragraph level formatting and list level formatting. |
GetInvoiceTemplate |
It is used to get invoice template Word document. |
GenerateInvoice |
It is used to generate sales invoice report using Mail merge functionality. |
GetMailmergeTemplate |
It is used to get Mail merge template Word Document. |
ExecuteNestedMailmerge |
It is used to perform Mail merge for nested groups in Word Document. |
WebAPI |
Description |
Import |
It loads the document from specified path in DocumentEditor. |
LoadDefault |
It loads the default document in DocumentEditor. |
WebAPI |
Description |
FileOperations |
It helps to handle the FileExplorer operations like Read, Upload, Download, GetDetails, Rename, Remove etc. |
FileOperationsCors |
It helps to handle the FileExplorer operations in cross origin. |
WebAPI |
Description |
ExcelExport |
It is used to export the Gantt data to PDF file. |
WebAPI |
Description |
PdfExport |
It is used to export the Grid data in PDF. |
ExcelExport |
It is used to export the Grid data in Excel. |
WordExport |
It is used to export the Grid data in Word. |
Get |
It is used to get the dataSource from Northwind dataSource. |
Post |
It is used to add the data to the grid column. |
Put |
It is used to update the Grid data. |
Delete |
It is used to delete the data which is present in Grid column. |
WebAPI |
Description |
Load |
It loads the PDF document in the PDF viewer control and process the PDF document for each request. |
FileUpload |
It uploads and loads the PDF document to the PDF viewer control. |
Download |
It downloads the PDF document that is in view of the PDF viewer control. |
PivotChart (Relational)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the Relational data required to initialize the PivotChart from server-end. |
Drill |
It fetches the drilled Relational data required to render the PivotChart control from server-end. |
Export |
It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to the specified format. |
PivotChart (OLAP)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the OLAP data required to initialize the PivotChart from server-end. |
Drill |
It fetches the drilled OLAP data required to render the PivotChart control from server-end. |
Export |
It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to the specified format. |
ExcelExport |
It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to an Excel document. |
WordExport |
It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to a Word document. |
PdfExport |
It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to a PDF document. |
ImageExport |
It exports the PivotChart control at the instant as an Image in specified format. |
PivotClient (Relational)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the data required to initialize the control. |
FetchMembers |
It fetches the details of the members in the selected field on opening member editor. |
DrillChart |
It fetches the drilled data required to render the control on performing drilldown in PivotChart. |
Filtering |
It fetches the data required to render the control on performing filtering. |
DropNode |
It fetches the data required to render the control on performing node drop action. |
ToolbarOperations |
It fetches the data required to render the control on performing toolbar operations. |
SaveReportToDB |
It saves the current report to database with the specified name. |
Export |
It exports the PivotGrid or PivotChart or both to the selected format. |
FetchReportListFromDB |
It fetches the list of names of reports stored in database. |
LoadReportFromDB |
It loads the report with specified name from the database to the control. |
PivotClient (OLAP)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the data required to render the PivotClient control initially. |
InitializeGrid |
It fetches the data required to render the PivotGrid control inside PivotClient. |
InitializeChart |
It fetches the data required to render the PivotChart control inside PivotClient. |
InitializeTreeMap |
It fetches the data required to render the PivotTreeMap control inside PivotClient. |
DrillChart |
It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotChart on drilling. |
DrillTreeMap |
It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotTreeMap on drilling. |
DrillGrid |
It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotGrid on drilling. |
FilterElement |
It fetches the filtered data required to render the control after performing filtering. |
RemoveSplitButton |
It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotChart on removing an item from report. |
FetchMemberTreeNodes |
It fetches the details of the members to render the member editor dialog. |
DropNode |
It fetches the data required to render the control after drag and drop action. |
CubeChange |
It fetches the data required to render the control on changing the cube. |
MeasureGroup |
It fetches the data required to render the control on changing the measure group. |
ToolbarOperations |
It fetches the data required to render the control on performing toolbar operations. |
ExpandMember |
It fetches the children nodes on expanding a node in Member Editor. |
UpdateReport |
It updates the report in server side. |
SaveReportToDB |
It saves the current report to database with the specified name. |
FetchReportListFromDB |
It fetches the list of names of reports stored in database. |
LoadReportFromDB |
It loads the report with specified name from the database to the control. |
Export |
It exports the PivotGrid or PivotChart or both to the selected format. |
ExportOlapClient |
It exports the PivotGrid or PivotChart or both with OLAP data to the selected format. |
GetMDXQuery |
It retrieves the MDX query formed to fetch the data at that instant. |
ToggleAxis |
It fetches the data after interchanging the elements in row and column axes. |
Paging |
It fetches the data on navigating between pages in PivotClient with OLAP data. |
PivotGauge (Relational)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the Relational data required to render the PivotGauge control from server-end. |
PivotGauge (OLAP)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGauge control from server-end. |
PivotGrid (Relational)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the data required to render the PivotGrid initially. |
FetchMembers |
It fetches the members of the selected field to render the member editor tree. |
Filtering |
It fetches the data required to render the PivotGrid control on performing filtering action. |
ModifyNodeState |
It fetches the relational data required to render the PivotGrid control on selecting/unselecting fields in Field list. |
DropNode |
It fetches the relational data required to render the PivotGrid control on node drop action. |
Sorting |
It fetches the sorted data to render the PivotGrid control on performing sorting. |
CalculatedField |
It forms a calculated field in values area and fetches the data along with it to render the PivotGrid control. |
Export |
It is used to export the PivotGrid data to specified format. |
SaveReport |
It saves the current report to database with the specified name. |
LoadReportFromDB |
It loads a report from the database and refreshes the control with it. |
DeferUpdate |
It fetches the data with respect to the report available at that instant (i.e) updates the control with current report. |
CellEditing |
It rewrites the content of database on editing a cell. |
PivotGrid (OLAP)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGrid initially from server-end. |
Drill |
It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGrid control after drilling it. |
DropNode |
It fetches the data required to render the control after performing node drop operation. |
Filtering |
It fetches the OLAP data required to render the control after performing filtering. |
FetchMembers |
It fetches the members of the selected hierarchy to render the member editor. |
Paging |
It fetches the OLAP data required to render the specific page of PivotGrid with paging enabled. |
RemoveButton |
It fetches the data required to render the control after removing a button. |
ExpandMember |
It fetches the data to render children nodes of a member in Member Editor Tree. |
Export |
It is used to export the PivotGrid data to specified format. |
SaveReport |
It saves the current report to database with the specified name. |
LoadReportFromDB |
It loads a report from the database and refreshes the control with it. |
DeferUpdate |
It fetches the data with respect to the report available at that instant (i.e) updates the control with current report. |
ExcelExport |
It exports the PivotGrid control at that instant to Excel document. |
PdfExport |
It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to PDF document. |
WordExport |
It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to Word document. |
CsvExport |
It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to CSV document. |
PivotTreeMap (OLAP)
WebAPI |
Description |
Initialize |
It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotTreeMap control from server-end. |
Drill |
It fetches the OLAP data required to render the drilled PivotTreeMap. |
WebAPI |
Description |
CreatePresentation |
It is used to generate a simple PowerPoint presentation. |
ManipulateSmartArt |
It is used to manipulate SmartArt in PowerPoint slides. |
MergePresentations |
It is used to merge two PowerPoint presentations. |
CreateNotes |
It is used to add notes page in PowerPoint slides and converts the notes page to PDF document. |
ConvertToPDF |
It is used to convert the PowerPoint presentation to PDF. |
Predictive Analytics
WebAPI |
Description |
Load |
It is used to the load the data. |
WebAPI |
Description |
Import |
It is used to Import a Word document into RTE. |
WordExport |
It is used for exporting the contents of RTE into a Word document. |
PdfExport |
It is used for exporting the contents of RTE into a PDF document. |
WebAPI |
Description |
LoadData |
It fetches the records from Default Schedule table and binding it to the Scheduler. |
PdfExport |
It exports the entire Scheduler content into a PDF file format. |
IcsExport |
It exports the complete appointment data from Scheduler into an ICS file format. |
Save |
It imports the appointment data generated from external calendar into Scheduler. |
WebAPI |
Description |
CheckWords |
It is used for splitting the input string into separate words and checking whether it is an erroneous word or not. Also, it forms a list of error words and its corresponding suggestions as a collection. |
AddToDictionary |
It is used to add the custom word into the custom dictionary file. |
WebAPI |
Description |
ExcelExport |
It is used to export the Spreadsheet data as an Excel document. |
CsvExport |
It is used to export the Spreadsheet data to Csv file. |
PdfExport |
It is used to export the Spreadsheet data as a PDF document. |
Import |
It loads the document from specified path in Spreadsheet. |
WebAPI |
Description |
PdfExport |
It is used to export the TreeGrid data to PDF file. |
ExcelExport |
It is used to export the TreeGrid data to Excel file. |
WebAPI |
Description |
Save |
It is used for storing the uploaded file. |
Remove |
It is used for removing the stored files from server. |
WebAPI |
Description |
CreateDocument |
To generate an Excel document format like XLS, XLSX, CSV, Excel Template, Excel Macro Enabled Template. |
WriteFormula |
This method will generate an Excel document with different formulae. |
ReadFormula |
To read the formula string as well as value from the Excel document. |
CreateChart |
To create an embedded chart in Excel document. |
ImportDataObject |
To import data directly from various objects like DataTable, Business Objects, etc to an Excel document. |
ApplyTemplateMarker |
Import data to an Excel document using template marker. |
InputTemplate |
To get an Excel template document used for various template marker types. |