WebAPI reference for ej Controls

30 Aug 201824 minutes to read

The details of WebAPI has been shown in the below table.


WebAPI Description
Export It is used to export the Chart control to the specified format.
SvgExport It is used to export the Chart control as an SVG image.
ExcelExport It is used to export the Chart control as an Excel document.
WordExport It is used to export the Chart control as a Word document.
PdfExport It is used to export the Chart control as a PDF document.
ImageExport It is used to export the chart control as an image (PNG/JPG).


WebAPI Description
GetNodes It fetches the collection of records from database and further it will be used to generate the shapes.
GetConnectors It fetches the collection of records from database and also it will be used to generate the connectors.
AddNodes It is used to send one or more shapes which needs to be inserted into database.
UpdateNodes It sends one or more shapes which needs to be modified into database.
DeleteNodes It sends one or more shapes which needs to be deleted from database.
AddConnectors It sends one or more connectors which needs to be inserted into database.
UpdateConnectors It sends one or more connectors which needs to be modified into database.
DeleteConnectors It sends one or more connectors which needs to be deleted from database.


WebAPI Description
GenerateWordDocument It is used to create a simple Word document with text, image and tables.
ConvertToPDF It is used to generate the PDF document.
ApplyTextFormat It is used to generate Word Document with various text formats such as character/text level formatting, paragraph level formatting and list level formatting.
GetInvoiceTemplate It is used to get invoice template Word document.
GenerateInvoice It is used to generate sales invoice report using Mail merge functionality.
GetMailmergeTemplate It is used to get Mail merge template Word Document.
ExecuteNestedMailmerge It is used to perform Mail merge for nested groups in Word Document.


WebAPI Description
Import It loads the document from specified path in DocumentEditor.
LoadDefault It loads the default document in DocumentEditor.


WebAPI Description
FileOperations It helps to handle the FileExplorer operations like Read, Upload, Download, GetDetails, Rename, Remove etc.
FileOperationsCors It helps to handle the FileExplorer operations in cross origin.


WebAPI Description
ExcelExport It is used to export the Gantt data to PDF file.


WebAPI Description
PdfExport It is used to export the Grid data in PDF.
ExcelExport It is used to export the Grid data in Excel.
WordExport It is used to export the Grid data in Word.
Get It is used to get the dataSource from Northwind dataSource.
Post It is used to add the data to the grid column.
Put It is used to update the Grid data.
Delete It is used to delete the data which is present in Grid column.


WebAPI Description


WebAPI Description
Load It loads the PDF document in the PDF viewer control and process the PDF document for each request.
FileUpload It uploads and loads the PDF document to the PDF viewer control.
Download It downloads the PDF document that is in view of the PDF viewer control.

PivotChart (Relational)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the Relational data required to initialize the PivotChart from server-end.
Drill It fetches the drilled Relational data required to render the PivotChart control from server-end.
Export It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to the specified format.

PivotChart (OLAP)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the OLAP data required to initialize the PivotChart from server-end.
Drill It fetches the drilled OLAP data required to render the PivotChart control from server-end.
Export It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to the specified format.
ExcelExport It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to an Excel document.
WordExport It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to a Word document.
PdfExport It exports the PivotChart control at the instant to a PDF document.
ImageExport It exports the PivotChart control at the instant as an Image in specified format.

PivotClient (Relational)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the data required to initialize the control.
FetchMembers It fetches the details of the members in the selected field on opening member editor.
DrillChart It fetches the drilled data required to render the control on performing drilldown in PivotChart.
Filtering It fetches the data required to render the control on performing filtering.
DropNode It fetches the data required to render the control on performing node drop action.
ToolbarOperations It fetches the data required to render the control on performing toolbar operations.
SaveReportToDB It saves the current report to database with the specified name.
Export It exports the PivotGrid or PivotChart or both to the selected format.
FetchReportListFromDB It fetches the list of names of reports stored in database.
LoadReportFromDB It loads the report with specified name from the database to the control.

PivotClient (OLAP)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the data required to render the PivotClient control initially.
InitializeGrid It fetches the data required to render the PivotGrid control inside PivotClient.
InitializeChart It fetches the data required to render the PivotChart control inside PivotClient.
InitializeTreeMap It fetches the data required to render the PivotTreeMap control inside PivotClient.
DrillChart It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotChart on drilling.
DrillTreeMap It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotTreeMap on drilling.
DrillGrid It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotGrid on drilling.
FilterElement It fetches the filtered data required to render the control after performing filtering.
RemoveSplitButton It fetches the drilled data required to render the PivotChart on removing an item from report.
FetchMemberTreeNodes It fetches the details of the members to render the member editor dialog.
DropNode It fetches the data required to render the control after drag and drop action.
CubeChange It fetches the data required to render the control on changing the cube.
MeasureGroup It fetches the data required to render the control on changing the measure group.
ToolbarOperations It fetches the data required to render the control on performing toolbar operations.
ExpandMember It fetches the children nodes on expanding a node in Member Editor.
UpdateReport It updates the report in server side.
SaveReportToDB It saves the current report to database with the specified name.
FetchReportListFromDB It fetches the list of names of reports stored in database.
LoadReportFromDB It loads the report with specified name from the database to the control.
Export It exports the PivotGrid or PivotChart or both to the selected format.
ExportOlapClient It exports the PivotGrid or PivotChart or both with OLAP data to the selected format.
GetMDXQuery It retrieves the MDX query formed to fetch the data at that instant.
ToggleAxis It fetches the data after interchanging the elements in row and column axes.
Paging It fetches the data on navigating between pages in PivotClient with OLAP data.

PivotGauge (Relational)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the Relational data required to render the PivotGauge control from server-end.

PivotGauge (OLAP)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGauge control from server-end.

PivotGrid (Relational)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the data required to render the PivotGrid initially.
FetchMembers It fetches the members of the selected field to render the member editor tree.
Filtering It fetches the data required to render the PivotGrid control on performing filtering action.
ModifyNodeState It fetches the relational data required to render the PivotGrid control on selecting/unselecting fields in Field list.
DropNode It fetches the relational data required to render the PivotGrid control on node drop action.
Sorting It fetches the sorted data to render the PivotGrid control on performing sorting.
CalculatedField It forms a calculated field in values area and fetches the data along with it to render the PivotGrid control.
Export It is used to export the PivotGrid data to specified format.
SaveReport It saves the current report to database with the specified name.
LoadReportFromDB It loads a report from the database and refreshes the control with it.
DeferUpdate It fetches the data with respect to the report available at that instant (i.e) updates the control with current report.
CellEditing It rewrites the content of database on editing a cell.

PivotGrid (OLAP)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGrid initially from server-end.
Drill It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGrid control after drilling it.
DropNode It fetches the data required to render the control after performing node drop operation.
Filtering It fetches the OLAP data required to render the control after performing filtering.
FetchMembers It fetches the members of the selected hierarchy to render the member editor.
Paging It fetches the OLAP data required to render the specific page of PivotGrid with paging enabled.
RemoveButton It fetches the data required to render the control after removing a button.
ExpandMember It fetches the data to render children nodes of a member in Member Editor Tree.
Export It is used to export the PivotGrid data to specified format.
SaveReport It saves the current report to database with the specified name.
LoadReportFromDB It loads a report from the database and refreshes the control with it.
DeferUpdate It fetches the data with respect to the report available at that instant (i.e) updates the control with current report.
ExcelExport It exports the PivotGrid control at that instant to Excel document.
PdfExport It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to PDF document.
WordExport It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to Word document.
CsvExport It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to CSV document.

PivotTreeMap (OLAP)

WebAPI Description
Initialize It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotTreeMap control from server-end.
Drill It fetches the OLAP data required to render the drilled PivotTreeMap.


WebAPI Description
CreatePresentation It is used to generate a simple PowerPoint presentation.
ManipulateSmartArt It is used to manipulate SmartArt in PowerPoint slides.
MergePresentations It is used to merge two PowerPoint presentations.
CreateNotes It is used to add notes page in PowerPoint slides and converts the notes page to PDF document.
ConvertToPDF It is used to convert the PowerPoint presentation to PDF.

Predictive Analytics

WebAPI Description
Load It is used to the load the data.


WebAPI Description
Import It is used to Import a Word document into RTE.
WordExport It is used for exporting the contents of RTE into a Word document.
PdfExport It is used for exporting the contents of RTE into a PDF document.


WebAPI Description
LoadData It fetches the records from Default Schedule table and binding it to the Scheduler.
PdfExport It exports the entire Scheduler content into a PDF file format.
IcsExport It exports the complete appointment data from Scheduler into an ICS file format.
Save It imports the appointment data generated from external calendar into Scheduler.


WebAPI Description
CheckWords It is used for splitting the input string into separate words and checking whether it is an erroneous word or not. Also, it forms a list of error words and its corresponding suggestions as a collection.
AddToDictionary It is used to add the custom word into the custom dictionary file.


WebAPI Description
ExcelExport It is used to export the Spreadsheet data as an Excel document.
CsvExport It is used to export the Spreadsheet data to Csv file.
PdfExport It is used to export the Spreadsheet data as a PDF document.
Import It loads the document from specified path in Spreadsheet.


WebAPI Description
PdfExport It is used to export the TreeGrid data to PDF file.
ExcelExport It is used to export the TreeGrid data to Excel file.


WebAPI Description
Save It is used for storing the uploaded file.
Remove It is used for removing the stored files from server.


WebAPI Description
CreateDocument To generate an Excel document format like XLS, XLSX, CSV, Excel Template, Excel Macro Enabled Template.
WriteFormula This method will generate an Excel document with different formulae.
ReadFormula To read the formula string as well as value from the Excel document.
CreateChart To create an embedded chart in Excel document.
ImportDataObject To import data directly from various objects like DataTable, Business Objects, etc to an Excel document.
ApplyTemplateMarker Import data to an Excel document using template marker.
InputTemplate To get an Excel template document used for various template marker types.