
[POST] /Api/UploadBox/Save

It is used for storing the uploaded file.

URL parameters

Parameter Description
FileName Name of the files to be stored.

Response information

Code: 204 No Content

Content-Type: multipart/form-data;

Code example

  • JS
  • $(function () {
    		saveUrl: ""

    In the above example we have used webAPI named as Save in order to save the uploaded file.


    [POST] /Api/UploadBox/Remove

    It is used for removing the stored files from server.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    FileName Name of the files to be removed from the server.

    Response information

    Code: 204 No Content

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8

    Code example

  • JS
  • $(function () {
    		saveUrl: "",
    		removeUrl: "",

    In the above example we have used webAPI named as Remove in order to remove the saved file.