
[POST] /Api/OlapGrid/Initialize

It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGrid initially from server-end.

URL parameters

Parameter Description
action It holds the current action name as string
gridLayout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control
enablePivotFieldList Boolean property tells whether the field list is enabled or not
customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side

Response information

Code: 200

Content-Type: application/json

Response: serialized JSON string

Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> Initialize(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), DataManager, jsonResult.ContainsKey("gridLayout") ? jsonResult["gridLayout"].ToString() : null, Convert.ToBoolean(jsonResult["enablePivotFieldList"].ToString()));


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/Drill

    It fetches the OLAP data required to render the PivotGrid control after drilling it.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    cellPosition It contains the cell position of the drilled cell.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.
    headerInfo It contains the information about the drilled member.
    layout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control.
    customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> Drill(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), connectionString, DataManager, jsonResult["cellPosition"].ToString(), jsonResult["headerInfo"].ToString(), jsonResult["layout"].ToString());


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/DropNode

    It fetches the data required to render the control after performing node drop operation.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    dropType It tells whether the dropped item is a node or pivot button.
    nodeInfo It contains the information about the hierarchy dropped.
    filterParams It contains the filter information applied to the hierarchy.
    gridLayout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> DropNode(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
    	OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
    	return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), DataManager, jsonResult["dropType"].ToString(), jsonResult["nodeInfo"].ToString(), jsonResult.ContainsKey("filterParams") ? jsonResult["filterParams"].ToString() : null, jsonResult["gridLayout"].ToString(), true);


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/Filtering

    It fetches the OLAP data required to render the control after performing filtering.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    filterParams It contains the filter information applied to the hierarchy.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.
    gridLayout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> Filtering(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
    	OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
    	return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), connectionString, DataManager, null, jsonResult["filterParams"].ToString(), jsonResult["gridLayout"].ToString());


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/FetchMembers

    It fetches the members of the selected hierarchy to render the member editor.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    headerTag It contains the information about the selected hierarchy.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> FetchMembers(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
    	OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
    	return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), DataManager, null, jsonResult["headerTag"].ToString());


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/Paging

    It fetches the OLAP data required to render the specific page of PivotGrid with paging enabled.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    pagingInfo It contains the pagination parameters.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.
    gridLayout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control.
    customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> Paging(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
    	OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
    	DataManager.SetCurrentReport(htmlHelper.SetPaging(jsonResult["currentReport"].ToString(), jsonResult["pagingInfo"].ToString()));
    	return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), DataManager, jsonResult["layout"].ToString());


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/RemoveButton

    It fetches the data required to render the control after removing a button.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    headerInfo It contains the information about the drilled member.
    gridLayout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> RemoveButton(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
    	OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
    	return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), connectionString, DataManager, null, jsonResult["headerInfo"].ToString(), jsonResult["gridLayout"].ToString());


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/ExpandMember

    It fetches the data to render children nodes of a member in Member Editor Tree.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    checkedStatus It contains checked status of the member in member editor tree.
    parentNode It contains the information about the expanded member.
    tag It contains the unique name of the expanded member.
    cubeName It contains the current cube name.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> ExpandMember(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
    	OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
    	return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), DataManager, Convert.ToBoolean(jsonResult["checkedStatus"].ToString()), jsonResult["parentNode"].ToString(), jsonResult["tag"].ToString(), jsonResult["cubeName"].ToString());


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/Export

    It is used to export the PivotGrid data to specified format.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    args It holds the current report as compressed string

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: file

    Code example

  • C#
  • public void Export()
        string args = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues(0)[0];
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        string fileName = "Sample";
        htmlHelper.ExportPivotGrid(DataManager, args, fileName, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response);


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/SaveReport

    It saves the current report to database with the specified name.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    reportName It holds the name with which the report to be saved
    operationalMode It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string
    clientReports It contains the report collection as compressed string

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: None

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> SaveReport(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
        string mode = jsonResult["operationalMode"].ToString();
        bool isDuplicate = true;
        SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection() { ConnectionString = conStringforDB };
        SqlCeCommand cmd1 = null;
        foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
            if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(jsonResult["reportName"].ToString()))
                isDuplicate = false;
                cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("update ReportsTable set Report=@Reports where ReportName like @ReportName", con);
        if (isDuplicate)
            cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("insert into ReportsTable Values(@ReportName,@Reports)", con);
        cmd1.Parameters.Add("@ReportName", jsonResult["reportName"].ToString());
        if (mode == "clientMode")
            cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonResult["clientReports"].ToString()).ToArray());
        else if (mode == "serverMode")
            cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", Utils.GetReportStream(jsonResult["clientReports"].ToString()).ToArray());
        return null;


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/LoadReportFromDB

    It loads a report from the database and refreshes the control with it.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    layout It contains the layout of PivotGrid control.
    enablePivotFieldList Boolean property tells whether the field list is enabled or not.
    customObject It contains the custom object passed from client side.
    reportName It holds the name of the report to be loaded.
    operationalMode It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side.
    olapReport It contains the current report as compressed string.
    clientReports It contains the report collection as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> LoadReportFromDB(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
        string mode = jsonResult["operationalMode"].ToString();
        byte[] reportString = new byte[4 * 1024];
        Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
            if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(jsonResult["reportName"].ToString()))
                if (mode == "clientMode")
                    reportString = row.ItemArray[1] as byte[];
                    dictionary.Add("report", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reportString));
                else if (mode == "serverMode")
                    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                    var reports = "";
                    dynamic customData = serializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(jsonResult["customObject"].ToString());
                    var cultureIDInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(("en-US")).LCID;
                    if (customData is Dictionary<string, object> && customData.ContainsKey("Language"))
                        cultureIDInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((customData["Language"])).LCID;
                    connectionString = connectionString.Replace("" + cultureIDInfoval + "", "" + cultureIDInfo + "");
                    cultureIDInfoval = cultureIDInfo;
                    if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(jsonResult["reportName"].ToString()))
                        reports = Utils.CompressData(row.ItemArray[1] as byte[]);
                    DataManager.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((cultureIDInfo));
                    DataManager.OverrideDefaultFormatStrings = true;
                    dictionary = htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), DataManager, jsonResult["gridLayout"].ToString(), Convert.ToBoolean(jsonResult["enablePivotFieldList"].ToString()));
        return dictionary;


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/DeferUpdate

    It fetches the data with respect to the report available at that instant (i.e) updates the control with current report.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    action It holds the current action name as string.
    filterParams It contains the filter information applied to the hierarchy.
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: serialized JSON string

    Code example

  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> DeferUpdate(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
        OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
        return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), DataManager, null, jsonResult["filterParams"].ToString());


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/ExcelExport

    It exports the PivotGrid control at that instant to the Excel format.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: Excel document

    Code example

  • C#
  • public void ExcelExport()
    	PivotGridExcelExport pGrid = new PivotGridExcelExport();
    	string args = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues(0)[0];
    	pGrid.ExportToExcel(string.Empty, args, HttpContext.Current.Response);


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/PdfExport

    It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to PDF document.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: PDF document

    Code example

  • C#
  • public void PdfExport()
    	PivotGridPDFExport pGrid = new PivotGridPDFExport();
    	string args = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues(0)[0];
    	pGrid.ExportToPDF(string.Empty, args, HttpContext.Current.Response);


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/WordExport

    It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to Word document.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: Word document

    Code example

  • C#
  • public void WordExport()
    	PivotGridWordExport pGrid = new PivotGridWordExport();
    	string args = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues(0)[0];
    	pGrid.ExportToWord(string.Empty, args, HttpContext.Current.Response);


    [POST] /Api/OlapGrid/CsvExport

    It exports the PivotGrid control at the instant to CSV document.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description
    currentReport It contains the current report as compressed string.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/json

    Response: CSV document

    Code example

  • C#
  • public void CsvExport()
    	PivotGridCSVExport pGrid = new PivotGridCSVExport();
    	string args = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues(0)[0];
    	pGrid.ExportToCSV(string.Empty, args, HttpContext.Current.Response);