[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/Initialize
It fetches the data required to initialize the control.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
action | It holds the current action name as string |
customObject | It contains the custom object passed from client side |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> Initialize(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
return pivotClient.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), ProductSales.GetSalesData(), null);
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/FetchMembers
It fetches the details of the members in the selected field on opening member editor.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
action | It holds the current action name as string |
currentReport | It contains the current report as compressed string |
customObject | It contains the custom object passed from client side |
headerTag | It contains the information about the selected field |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> FetchMembers(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
return pivotClient.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), ProductSales.GetSalesData(), jsonResult["headerTag"].ToString());
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/DrillChart
It fetches the drilled data required to render the control on performing drilldown in PivotChart.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
action | It holds the current action name as string |
drilledSeries | It contains the name of the drilled member |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> DrillChart(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
this.pivotChart.PivotEngine.PivotRows = this.pivotClient.PivotReport.PivotRows;
this.pivotChart.PivotEngine.PivotColumns = this.pivotClient.PivotReport.PivotColumns;
this.pivotChart.PivotEngine.PivotCalculations = this.pivotClient.PivotReport.PivotCalculations;
this.pivotChart.PivotEngine.Filters = this.pivotClient.PivotReport.Filters;
return pivotChart.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), ProductSales.GetSalesData(), jsonResult["drilledSeries"].ToString());
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/Filtering
It fetches the data required to render the control on performing filtering.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
action | It holds the current action name as string |
filterParams | It contains the filter information applied to the field |
currentReport | It contains the current report as compressed string |
customObject | It contains the custom object passed from client side |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> Filtering(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
return pivotClient.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), ProductSales.GetSalesData(), jsonResult["filterParams"].ToString());
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/DropNode
It fetches the data required to render the control on performing node drop action.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
action | It holds the current action name as string |
args | It contains the information about the dropped item |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> DropNode(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
Dictionary<string, object> dict = pivotClient.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), ProductSales.GetSalesData(), jsonResult["args"].ToString());
return dict;
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/ToolbarOperations
It fetches the data required to render the control on performing toolbar operations.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
action | It holds the current action name as string |
args | It contains the details about the operation performed |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> ToolbarOperations(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
Dictionary<string, object> dict = pivotClient.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), ProductSales.GetSalesData(), jsonResult["args"].ToString());
return dict;
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/SaveReportToDB
It saves the current report to database with the specified name.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
reportName | It contains the name with which the report to be stored |
operationalMode | It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side |
analysisMode | It contains the analysis mode to indicate whether the bound data source is OLAP or Relational |
olapReport | It contains the current report as compressed string |
clientReports | It contains the report collection at that instant |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: None
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> SaveReportToDB(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
string operationalMode = jsonResult["operationalMode"].ToString(), analysisMode = jsonResult["analysisMode"].ToString(), reportName = string.Empty;
bool isDuplicate = true;
SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection() { ConnectionString = conStringforDB };
reportName = jsonResult["reportName"].ToString() + "##" + operationalMode.ToLower() + "#>>#" + analysisMode.ToLower();
SqlCeCommand cmd1 = null;
foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(reportName))
isDuplicate = false;
cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("update ReportsTable set Report=@Reports where ReportName like @ReportName", con);
if (isDuplicate)
cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("insert into ReportsTable Values(@ReportName,@Reports)", con);
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@ReportName", reportName);
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonResult["clientReports"].ToString()).ToArray());
return null;
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/Export
It exports the PivotGrid or PivotChart or both to the selected format.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
args | It contains the current report as serialized string |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: file
Code example
public void Export()
string args = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.GetValues(0)[0];
Dictionary<string, string> gridParams = serializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(args);
string fileName = "Sample";
pivotClient.ExportPivotClient(ProductSales.GetSalesData(), args, fileName, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response);
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/FetchReportListFromDB
It fetches the list of names of reports stored in database.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
operationalMode | It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side |
analysisMode | It contains the analysis mode to indicate whether the bound data source is OLAP or Relational |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> FetchReportListFromDB(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
string reportNames = string.Empty, currentRptName = string.Empty, operationalMode = jsonResult["operationalMode"].ToString(), analysisMode = jsonResult["analysisMode"].ToString();
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
currentRptName = (row.ItemArray[0] as string);
if (currentRptName.IndexOf("##" + operationalMode + "#>>#" + analysisMode) >= 0)
currentRptName = currentRptName.Replace("##" + operationalMode + "#>>#" + analysisMode, "");
reportNames = reportNames == "" ? currentRptName : reportNames + "__" + currentRptName;
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dictionary.Add("ReportNameList", reportNames);
return dictionary;
[POST] /Api/RelationalClient/LoadReportFromDB
It loads the report with specified name from the database to the control.
URL parameters
Parameter | Description |
reportName | It contains the name of the report to be loaded |
operationalMode | It contains the mode of operation of control whether from client side or server side |
analysisMode | It contains the analysis mode to indicate whether the bound data source is OLAP or Relational |
olapReport | It contains the current report as compressed string |
clientReports | It contains the report collection at that instant |
Response information
Code: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Response: serialized JSON string
Code example
public Dictionary<string, object> LoadReportFromDB(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
PivotReport report = new PivotReport();
string operationalMode = jsonResult["operationalMode"].ToString(), analysisMode = jsonResult["analysisMode"].ToString();
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
string currentRptName = string.Empty;
foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
currentRptName = (row.ItemArray[0] as string).Replace("##" + operationalMode.ToLower() + "#>>#" + analysisMode.ToLower(), "");
if (currentRptName.Equals(jsonResult["reportName"].ToString()))
byte[] reportString = new byte[2 * 1024];
reportString = (row.ItemArray[1] as byte[]);
if (analysisMode.ToLower() == "pivot" && operationalMode.ToLower() == "servermode")
dictionary = pivotClient.GetJsonData("LoadReport", ProductSales.GetSalesData(), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reportString));
dictionary.Add("report", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reportString));
return dictionary;