
[POST] /Api/Schedule/LoadData

It fetches the records from Default Schedule table and binding it to the Scheduler.

URL parameters

Parameter Description
CurrentAction It is used to load the data
CurrentView It contains the current week
CurrentDate It contains the current date

Response information

Code: 200

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Response (JSON):

  • JS
  • {
    "Id":100,"Subject":"Bering Sea Gold","Location":"chn","StartTime":"2014-05-02T09:00:00","EndTime":"2014-05-02T10 :30:00","Description":null,"Owner":1,"Priority":null,"Recurrence":1,"RecurrenceType":null,"RecurrenceTypeCount" :null,"Reminder":null,"Categorize":"1,2","CustomStyle":null,"AllDay":false,"RecurrenceStartDate":null ,"RecurrenceEndDate":null,"RecurrenceRule":"FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2;COUNT=10","StartTimeZone":null,"EndTimeZone" :null}, {"Id":101,"Subject":"Bering Sea Gold","Location":"mum","StartTime":"2014-05-02T04:00:00","EndTime" :"2014-05-02T05:00:00","Description":null,"Owner":1,"Priority":null,"Recurrence":0,"RecurrenceType":null ,"RecurrenceTypeCount":null,"Reminder":null,"Categorize":"2","CustomStyle":null,"AllDay":false,"RecurrenceStartDate" :null,"RecurrenceEndDate":null,"RecurrenceRule":null,"StartTimeZone":null,"EndTimeZone":null
    }, //... 14 more records

    Code example

  • JS
  • $(function() {
        var dataManager = ej.DataManager({
            url: "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Schedule/LoadData",
            adaptor: new ej.ODataV4Adaptor()
            currentDate: new Date(1997, 2, 23),
            appointmentSettings: {
                dataSource: dataManager,
                subject: "ShipName",
                startTime: "OrderDate",
                endTime: "RequiredDate",
                description: "ShipAddress"


    [POST] /Api/Schedule/PdfExport

    It exports the entire Scheduler content into a PDF file format.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description  
    ScheduleApps It is the appointment field which holds the appropriate column names from the schedule dataSource.  
    ScheduleProcessedApps It contains appointment collection of the schedule.  
    ScheduleModel It has the model values of schedule.  
    ScheduleProcessedIntervalsApps Block intervals collection of schedule.  
    ScheduleBlockedApps Block intervals fields which holds the appropriate column names from the block intervals dataSource.  

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/pdf

    Code example

  • JS
  • $("#btnExport").ejButton({
        width: "80px",
        height: "30px",
        click: "onExportClick"
    function onExportClick(e) {
        var obj = $("#Schedule1").data("ejSchedule");
        obj.exportSchedule("http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Schedule/PDFExport", null, null);
        e.cancel = true;

    Add the above code along with the load data sample and the result of this code is used to save the Scheduler in a PDF file format.


    [POST] /Api/Schedule/IcsExport

    It exports the complete appointment data from Scheduler into an ICS file format.

    URL parameters

    Parameter Description  
    ScheduleApps It is the appointment field which holds the appropriate column names from the schedule dataSource.  
    ScheduleProcessedApps It contains appointments collection of the schedule.  
    ScheduleModel It has the model values of schedule.  
    ScheduleProcessedIntervalsApps Block intervals collection of schedule.  
    ScheduleBlockedApps Block intervals fields which holds the appropriate column names from the block intervals dataSource.  

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: text/Calendar

    Code example

  • JS
  • $("#btnExport").ejButton({
        width: "80px",
        height: "30px",
        click: "onExportClick"
    function onExportClick(e) {
        var obj = $("#Schedule1").data("ejSchedule");
        obj.exportSchedule("http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Schedule/ICSExport", null, null);
        e.cancel = true;

    Add the above code along with the load data sample and the result of this code is used to save the Scheduler in a ICS file format.


    [POST] /Api/Schedule/Save

    It imports the appointment data generated from external calendar into Scheduler.

    Response information

    Code: 200

    Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8

    Response (JSON):

  • JS
  • {
    "Id":100,"Subject":"Bering Sea Gold","Location":"chn","StartTime":"2014-05-02T09:00:00",
    "EndTime":"2014-05-02T10 :30:00","Description":null,"Owner":1,
    "RecurrenceTypeCount" :null,"Reminder":null,"Categorize":"1,2","CustomStyle":null,
    "AllDay":false,"RecurrenceStartDate":null ,"RecurrenceEndDate":null,
    "EndTimeZone" :null}, {"Id":101,"Subject":"Bering Sea Gold",
    "Location":"mum","StartTime":"2014-05-02T04:00:00","EndTime" :"2014-05-02T05:00:00","Description":null,"Owner":1,"Priority":null,
    "Recurrence":0,"RecurrenceType":null ,"RecurrenceTypeCount":null,"Reminder":null,
    "RecurrenceStartDate" :null,"RecurrenceEndDate":null,"RecurrenceRule":null,
    }, //... 29 more records

    Code example

  • JS
  • $("#UploadDefault").ejUploadbox({
    		saveUrl: "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Schedule/Save",
    		extensionsAllow: ".ics",
    		height: "31px", autoUpload: true,
    		width: "80px",
    		buttonText: {
    			browse: "Import",
    		showFileDetails: false,
    		success: "onComplete",
    		dialogAction: {
    			closeOnComplete: true,

    Add the above code along with the load data sample and the result of this code is used to import the appointment data generated from external calendar into Scheduler.